
Merchants "bottle to gas" safety is more powerful!

Merchants "bottle to gas" safety is more powerful!
Merchants "bottle to gas" safety is more powerful!

Recently, the "bottle to gas" work in Shizhong District is being carried out in an orderly manner, and the reporter walked into a number of businesses to visit the progress of the "bottle to gas" work. As an important livelihood project, the implementation of "bottle to gas" has been widely praised by merchants and has brought a lot of convenience to residents.

Merchants "bottle to gas" safety is more powerful!
Merchants "bottle to gas" safety is more powerful!
Merchants "bottle to gas" safety is more powerful!

The "bottle-to-gas" work is an important energy reform project in Shizhong District, which improves the stability of gas supply, reduces user costs and reduces potential safety hazards by modifying the original merchants who used bottled liquefied petroleum gas to connect them to pipeline natural gas. It is understood that under the guidance of the District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the city gas company has signed 508 contracts and completed the construction of 128 households from February to the present.

Merchants "bottle to gas" safety is more powerful!
Merchants "bottle to gas" safety is more powerful!

According to the person in charge of the "bottle to gas" work in Shizhong District, in the process of promotion, the needs and interests of merchants were fully considered, and flexible and diverse modification plans were adopted to ensure that the modification process did not affect the normal operation of merchants. At the same time, the government also provides certain subsidy policies to reduce the cost of modification for merchants.

"In order to actively respond to the call of the society, the gas company adopts the 'lump sum price' to reduce the burden on users. According to the current price, for example, the hexagonal meter (except for the hot pot restaurant) is 6900 yuan, and the user only needs to pay 2070 yuan for gas installation and 2200 yuan for alarm, with a total price of 4270 yuan. Chen Jia, director of the technical department of the installation engineering branch of Leshan Gas Company, said.

Merchants "bottle to gas" safety is more powerful!
Merchants "bottle to gas" safety is more powerful!

The reporter walked into a noodle restaurant that was being renovated and found that the masters were stepping up the construction of "bottle to gas".

"I've always wanted to use natural gas, but recently the government is implementing 'bottle to gas', and we have enjoyed this preferential policy at a very good price, so we are very happy. Lu Pingdong, the owner of the noodle restaurant, told reporters.

Another merchant who has already completed the installation said that replacing LPG cylinders was cumbersome and unsafe in the past, but now after connecting to pipeline natural gas, it is not only worry-free and labor-saving, but also more safe and reliable.

"This 'bottle to gas' is a very safe and reassuring thing for our people, and it is also very affordable. Malatang clerk Pan Erxian said.

The successful promotion of the "bottle to gas" work in Shizhong District is a concrete embodiment of the people's government of Shizhong District actively responding to the national energy structure adjustment strategy, paying attention to people's livelihood and improving people's livelihood. With the completion of the renovation of more merchants, it is believed that the quality of life of local residents will be further improved and new vitality will be injected into the development of Shizhong District.

Source: Rong Media Center, Shizhong District, Leshan City

Reporter: Cai Yuhong

Editor: Chen Sijie

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Dayang

Editor-in-chief: Wang Zhuoran

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