
Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

author:Xingwen wants to say


The "old smoking gun" and "upstart" in the e-sports circle

E-sports, once a marginal field, is now like a wild weed, occupying a place in the savannah of sports.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

I remember the early e-sports players, their lives can be described as hard, and some even pick up cigarette butts to satisfy their hunger in order to save money. These cigarette butts bear witness to their heart-wrenching journey from unknown to becoming world champions.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

When they were young, they had no bonuses, no salaries, not even the slightest recognition.

But such a group of people, with their love for e-sports and unremitting efforts, finally broke a bloody path in this industry.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

When the e-sports industry gradually grows bigger and capital pours in, some male gamers also flock to it, hoping to get a piece of this "cake".

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

At the same time, gender issues in esports are becoming more and more intense, with some voices even questioning whether the industry is too tolerant of women.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

But who is setting the threshold within the boundaries, and who is provoking confrontation on the gender front?

A duo of mockery and irony


And in this war where gender and interests are intertwined, Dionysus's words are undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire. This being, who is supposed to be a symbol of wisdom and culture, seems to be a little less mellow in this discussion.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

Leaving aside the female players who have worked hard in the esports circle, this remark has implicated even those players who just want to enjoy the game purely for fun, and has been backlashed by many netizens.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

What kind of threshold do esports players need? Is there a gender confrontation between them? Netizens have said that all they want is to enjoy the fun of the game in a fair and just environment.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

In their view, gender should not be the criterion for judging a player's ability. And for those who were once in the e-sports circle "legal love", it seems that they are not immune, and even today, many years later, it may still become a topic of ridicule and discussion.

Interpret the laughter and laughter in response to the turmoil


Let's take a look at Xiaoxiao, this once glorious e-sports hero, when facing the accusations and questions of netizens, his response seems to reveal a trace of helplessness and self-deprecation.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

He said that in the shy days of his pockets, he could only maintain his position by "relying on his face". This is not only a humorous self-deprecation of one's own image, but also a subtle expression of the irony of the appearance of today's e-sports circle, that is, the phenomenon of justice.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

And as this turmoil heats up, some old things have been revealed, and people can't help but ask: Is the past love also going to become some kind of crime on the stage of e-sports? What kind of complex world is hidden under this seemingly calm water?

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

Sun Yalong's unexpected encounter

Things don't seem to be confined to the individual laughing and laughing. Even bystanders like Sun Yalong were unfortunately caught up in this whirlpool because of some intersections in history.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

Sun Yalong, perhaps in the eyes of many people, he is just a passerby in the e-sports circle, but now, his name has frequently appeared in the hot searches of major social platforms because of this turmoil.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

His image is like an unwilling but inevitable "melon field and plum", in this "scandal feast" in the e-sports circle, although he is far from the center of the incident, he still can't escape an arrow.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

Netizens joked that Sun Yalong's "sending melons for thousands of miles" is really unintentionally inserted into the willows. In this seemingly unrelated story, his name unexpectedly becomes a beating note, adding more unpredictable variations to the movement.

09's hardcore ried back

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

09, as one of the founders of the FTD team, she has a deep understanding and cognition of this circle. In the face of Xiao Lou's accusations and questions, her response was firm and powerful.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

She clarified the rumors of cheating, insisting that it was just an old story from years ago, and that at the time, she and her ex had broken up. She also gave her own opinion on those voices who questioned her disrespect for women.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

In 09's view, ability is the only criterion for measuring a person's worth. She said that in her company, even female employees who are pregnant are treated fairly, there is no shadow of sexism.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

Her words can't help but remind people of the old saying: true equality should not be about granting privileges, but about providing equal opportunities.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

As for Xiaolou's provocation, 09 responded with his own e-sports experience, showing that even a woman can also stand firm in this field with her strength.

The esports circle after the storm

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

In this turmoil, everyone seems to have their own position and story. From the laughing self-deprecating response, to Sun Yalong's unexpected involvement, to 09's firm justification, these stories are intertwined and constitute a scene in the big family of the e-sports circle.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

Their stories may reflect some of the realities of the esports world, or they may just be their personal moments. But one thing is for sure, no matter how the years change, the world of esports always has a lot of unexpected stories and surprises.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

This turmoil may be just a small wave in the long history of esports, but it certainly provides us with an opportunity to think deeply about gender equality, work ethic, and personal conduct in esports culture.

Let's see how Sun Yalong and Xiao Lou Xin 09 define their sweet life

So, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of this?

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