
Are the children of the poor fit to be civil servants?

Are the children of the poor fit to be civil servants?

I saw a question on Zhihu before, a young man from a poor family asked such a question:

Recently, I chatted with my classmates and found that some civil servants who went ashore may not have a particularly ideal salary level, but in the eyes of my family, civil servants may be a job with a relatively high social status, and I also hope that I can engage in this aspect, but my family may not allow it, I have such a big cycle to change, how should I choose? Is it to enter the private enterprise, the private enterprise or enter the state system?''

In fact, children from poor families are suitable for being civil servants, but they can't choose too prosperous places for employment, such as first- and second-tier cities, really don't think about it.

Are the children of the poor fit to be civil servants?

For children from poor families, it is the most fragrant to choose a unit within the system of their hometown, or a position in the system of a third- or fourth-tier city close to their home, and the most cost-effective choice is to take the civil servant in the county or township of their hometown. Even if you grew up in the city, try not to choose a position in the city, because it is difficult to gain a foothold in the city because of your poor family, it is better to go directly to the civil service examination in the county seat and township near your hometown, and your future life will be very good. Only children from relatively wealthy families can choose any city or region.

Girls try to choose civil service positions in third-tier cities, because this society does not need girls to buy houses by default, girls can marry directly, move in with their bags, and if they go to the county towns and towns, even the locals are difficult to choose a mate. But boys, the family conditions are not good, please be sure to stay away from the new first-tier cities, because your blind date, buying a house, the two ultimate problems in life, are difficult to solve. It is the best choice to be a township civil servant, the house in the township is not expensive, and the civil servant has a high income and a decent life in the local area. It's easy to find a female teacher in a township or county. The more county towns and towns there are, the easier it is for men in the system to choose a mate. The only way to change the fate of a proper poor family!

At present, the poor are mainly concentrated in groups such as ordinary workers, peasants, and low-income people in urban areas.

The portrait of such a group is about: the average monthly salary of the parents is less than 3,000 yuan, there is no stable income, and the family's savings may not be tens of thousands of yuan. The house is either a self-built house in the countryside, and if it is an urban population, the family may live in a small old and dilapidated house. The tuition fee for a child to go to college is a student loan and a grant for poor students.

Children from such families have no social resources in the first place, and the family is unlikely to provide them with much help. Moreover, such children are generally rarely admitted to top schools, and most of them are ordinary colleges, even if they study in a 211 university, they are studying unpopular majors, and it is difficult to obtain the blessing of the school's resources. After graduating from college four years later, I couldn't find any good jobs. For ordinary double-non-undergraduate students, after graduating from their senior year, they can easily have an enterprise that pays five insurances and one housing fund, receives more than 6,000 yuan per month (no arrears of wages, and the contract is signed at least five years), and 965 work and rest is not PUA. The heat of the public examination will not be as hot as it is today. Even if they are white-collar workers in big cities, even if their salaries are a little higher, the high prices and housing prices make them at a loss, relatively speaking, it is really the best choice to go home and take the grassroots civil service exam.

Are the children of the poor fit to be civil servants?

An ordinary civil servant in a third- or fourth-tier city, on average, has a total annual salary income of about 8-120,000, which does not seem to be much, but don't forget, the monthly salary of more than 5,000 yuan has exceeded 90% of Chinese, and he still has the highest proportion of medical insurance, pension, provident fund, and can also enjoy some invisible benefits in the system:

1. Nearly free canteens, non-free units will be given a certain canteen meal card subsidy. If you eat in the canteen every day on weekdays and cook by yourself on rest days, your own expenses will not exceed 500 yuan a month;

2. Accommodation, some units provide dormitories, a symbolic charge of 200 yuan a month, and those who do not have dormitories can also enjoy the priority lottery of local low-rent housing, and there is not much money a month;

3. Civil servants have a daily routine of 955, which is not like the 996 model of many enterprises;

4. Civil servants have a high social status, and they are a big killer in the blind date market, and one of the favorite occupations of the mother-in-law.

Food and housing for ordinary workers is the biggest expense, but the government agencies and units have solved it. Therefore, for ordinary people, the best civil servant position must be to choose the city where their home is located, because in this way you can take care of your family and get the help of your family's connections, so as to obtain a virtuous circle.

The civil servants who are tested in different places are nothing more than aiming for two points, one is better economic treatment, and the other is the development future.

For example, candidates in their hometowns of Shandong and Henan are generally willing to take the civil service examination in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Tianjin and other places, not because these places have a high economic level and good treatment, and they are not far from their hometowns. Among the new civil servants who come ashore in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Tianjin every year, many of them are from Shanxi, Hebei, Luyu, and Henan. The reason for choosing Tianjin is that Tianjin's income is high in the northern region, and the pressure for children to go to school in the future is much lower than that of the four provinces. It can be said that it is one of the most cost-effective areas for civil servants in the north.

For example, candidates who take the national ministries and commissions, generally no one goes for the salary, and those who take the national ministries and commissions are all going for the political future, and they are being promoted from the following to the point, and they can get a vacant position above the deputy hall when they retire, if they are lucky, when they are 50 years old, they will get a real position above the deputy hall, and a release is a prince, which can be regarded as a glorious lintel. Only such a unit can be called a career and have development.

In addition to national ministries and commissions, friends whose hometowns are generally in ordinary third-tier and below areas are willing to go to provincial capitals or sub-provincial cities. The reason is that it is both economic and developmental.

For example, Brother Xiang Zhang's life in Dalian City, every year the civil service examination attracts friends from the three eastern provinces, Inner Mongolia, and Shanhe provinces, who leave their hometowns for thousands of miles to stay in the city without relatives. The most important reason is that Dalian's wages and economic development level are much better than their family. Dalian City is a sub-provincial city with a separate plan, which means that the municipal organs here are at least the structure of the deputy department level, if you can take the examination of a department directly under the municipal level or above, you can retire at least a second-level researcher, that is, you can retire at the department level, and in their hometown, the number one leader of the municipal organ is the right place, and it is good to retire to a deputy department. Even if Dalian takes the civil service examination in a street, this street is a department-level unit, and it is an effect on the municipal organs in his hometown. Not to mention that if you are admitted to the district organ, the speed and possibility of promotion in the future are very large.

Although the income in economically developed areas is high and the development is rapid, if people from poor families go to these places to become civil servants, it will be very difficult for them to develop and survive. Brother Xiang Zhang, for so many years, I have seen a lot of scholars in his hometown Henan, Henan, and Shandong villages, and they were admitted to the civil servants in Dalian, and their family conditions are not very good. These hometowns are out-of-town, and the family conditions are still average, and the general house is small, the burden is heavy, the marriage is late, and the progress in the workplace is slow. Under the same conditions, if you take the examination for your hometown unit, the ordinary house is big, the wife is beautiful, and the small life is comfortable.

When it comes to getting by, it's better to get as close to home as possible.

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