
Ma Ying-jeou's "detailed" eyes on the mainland make people feel a lot of emotion!

author:Fish Flower Dance

Ma Ying-jeou landed again, and his popularity soared rapidly, judging from the itinerary in the past few days, it was full of itineraries, and everywhere he went, Ma Ying-jeou was in a hurry, and he tried to see as much as he could.

In the process of "asking," Ma Ying-jeou always seems to keep an eye on the details, not letting go of any "clues." In the depths of nothingness, he has the word "fine" in mind, sees the big from the small, and enjoys the development and changes of the mainland.

In the hurry, Ma Ying-jeou did not let go of every detail, and the two-day itinerary left most people with the impression that there is a kind of charm and courage of "breaking the casserole and asking the end" and advocating "seeing the sun in a drop of water".

According to public information, on April 2, Ma Ying-jeou came to Cuiheng Village in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province with great interest and happily visited the former residence of Sun Yat-sen.

In Ma Ying-jeou's words, in his heart, Sun Yat-sen will always be his idol, from childhood to adulthood, and even now, although he has entered his old age, Ma Ying-jeou's admiration and admiration for Sun Yat-sen has never diminished or diluted.

On the contrary, as he grew older and time passed, Ma Ying-jeou's feelings for Sun Yat-sen became deeper and stronger.

Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, Ma Ying-jeou especially loves and admires Sun Yat-sen, especially knows a lot about Sun Yat-sen's life, and can be ripe and memorized.

According to the information, Ma Ying-jeou has been in high spirits during his visit to the former residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and has focused on the process of drawing the portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

During the visit, he followed the same path, frequently asking about the painting time of each portrait, and the background and experience of Sun Yat-sen.

It seems that we want to trace back to the roots, understand every story behind each portrait of Mr. Sun Yat-sen, and trace the disturbances related to Mr. Sun Yat-sen in the story.

While listening carefully to the explanations of the on-site commentators, Ma Ying-jeou also "asked questions on the spot" with great interest, conducted an on-site "interview" with the commentators, and asked about Mr. Sun Yat-sen's height.

Then, he changed his words and asked the commentator on the spot: "What size shoes does Mr. Sun Yat-sen wear?"

When he saw the commentator's dazed and ignorant face, and it was difficult to answer for a while, Ma Ying-jeou was in a hurry and hurriedly helped the commentator to relieve the siege: "No. 8 (42 yards)!"

And that morning, before visiting the former residence of Mr. Sun Yat-sen, Ma Ying-jeou went to BYD's headquarters.

During the visit to BYD's headquarters, Ma Ying-jeou asked questions about BYD's market share and technological development.

Ma Ying-jeou asked several questions in a row, and one of them, in the words of some, was a bit "sharp."

To a certain extent, it is simply a direct hit on BYD's "pain point", and it is also a problem that many people are particularly concerned about.

That is, how many years can BYD lead the world's electric cars? Can other car companies catch up or will they never catch up?

It is said that after this question was raised by Ma Ying-jeou with great interest, Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, who accompanied him throughout the process, answered on the spot: BYD technology others "will never be able to catch up"!

What's even more interesting is that on the evening of April 1, Ma Ying-jeou happily came to Shenzhen Bay to watch the night view.

At that time, many tourists and Shenzhen residents who were watching the night scene together saw Ma Ying-jeou and quickly gathered around him.

Seeing the hospitable Shenzhen citizens and tourists, Ma Ying-jeou also smiled and greeted the citizens at the scene very warmly, and praised from time to time: Shenzhen's night view is very beautiful, and the air is also very fresh!

What is impressive is that at the Shenzhen Talent Park, Ma Ying-jeou also enthusiastically interacts with the tourists around him from time to time while watching the drone show.

At that time, Ma Ying-jeou said enthusiastically in a mocking tone to tourists and Shenzhen residents: "If there are not so many people here, it is a good place for young people to talk about love!"

Tourists and citizens next to him interacted with Ma Ying-jeou from time to time: "Welcome Mr. Ma Ying-jeou!"

Seeing this scene, Ma Ying-jeou hurriedly waved politely and warmly expressed his gratitude to the citizens and tourists.

Judging from the situation at that time, the whole on-site interaction was full of warmth and warmth, and the strong atmosphere of a family on both sides of the strait warmed everyone on the scene.

In this regard, some people said that Ma Ying-jeou has always been known for being careful and cautious, and he is well aware that his words and deeds in public are closely watched.

Therefore, whether it is speaking or speaking, he is thoughtful and cautious, even if it is a familiar topic and a proficient content, he will think again and again, and only then will the words come out of his mouth, and he does not dare to have the slightest carelessness.

This time, during the visit, many people fully felt that Ma Ying-jeou's "fine" word, thoughtful, and cautious style were reflected in Ma Ying-jeou.

In this regard, Ma Ying-jeou's demeanor, words, and deeds of looking at the mainland from a "detailed" point of view, and carefully considering his words and feelings, once again left a deep impression on people and made people feel a lot of emotion!

Ma Ying-jeou's "detailed" eyes on the mainland make people feel a lot of emotion!
Ma Ying-jeou's "detailed" eyes on the mainland make people feel a lot of emotion!
Ma Ying-jeou's "detailed" eyes on the mainland make people feel a lot of emotion!