
Ma Ying-jeou went to shout that the two sides of the strait should be peaceful and stable! Without talking about reunification, the DPP retorted: "A fool's itinerary."

author:Beacon front station

Ma Ying-jeou, a former leader of the Kuomintang, arrived in Shenzhen on April 1 to begin his 2024 trip to the mainland, an 11-day trip that Ma declared a "peace trip," but Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) "attacked him en masse." After the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation made Ma Ying-jeou's itinerary public, the DPP openly insulted Ma Ying-jeou and demanded that Ma Ying-jeou declare Taiwan's "sovereignty" in front of the mainland. Regarding the DPP's vexatious troubles, the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation publicly stated that Ma Ying-jeou would not endorse the DPP's "Taiwan independence" proposal, thus refuting the DPP's remarks. As a matter of fact, the DPP still does not give up, criticizing and smearing Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland, which is the DPP's consistent routine.

Ma Ying-jeou went to shout that the two sides of the strait should be peaceful and stable! Without talking about reunification, the DPP retorted: "A fool's itinerary."

After Ma Ying-jeou arrived in Shenzhen, he had a meeting with the head of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, during which Ma Ying-jeou publicly emphasized the important role of the "92 Consensus", and Ma Ying-jeou declared that during the eight years from 2008 to 2016, no one in the world would think that there was a war between the two sides of the strait, and this was because of the role of the "92 Consensus". During the meeting, Ma Ying-jeou openly stated that the two sides of the strait must be peaceful and stable in order to ensure the well-being of the people on both sides of the strait. From another point of view, there are still wars and conflicts in the world, including those in Europe and the Middle East, so peace and stability between the two sides of the strait is not only for the benefit of both sides of the strait, but also of great significance to the world.

Ma Ying-jeou went to shout that the two sides of the strait should be peaceful and stable! Without talking about reunification, the DPP retorted: "A fool's itinerary."

With regard to the "92 Consensus," Ma Ying-jeou said that opposing "Taiwan independence" is a common political foundation and a key factor for the two sides of the strait to move forward hand in hand, so it is necessary to adhere to the "92 Consensus" and will not change it because of changes in the situation and environment. However, although Ma Ying-jeou mentioned upholding the "consensus of '92" and calling for peace and stability between the two sides of the strait, he did not mention any topic of cross-strait reunification, thus once again exposing Ma Ying-jeou's strategic vision.

Ma Ying-jeou went to shout that the two sides of the strait should be peaceful and stable! Without talking about reunification, the DPP retorted: "A fool's itinerary."

In fact, the Democratic Progressive Party caucus on Taiwan Island has openly retorted about Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland, and the most prominent one is Wu Siyao's remarks. At the same time, since Ma Ying-jeou is going to the mainland on April Fool's Day, he advises Ma Ying-jeou to be cautious in his words and deeds, to speak on behalf of Taiwan Island, and to do the right thing, otherwise it will be a "fool's trip." It is not difficult to see from Wu Siyao's remarks that the DPP was unceremonious towards Ma Ying-jeou and directly adopted an abusive posture, which is actually the DPP's normal remarks, and it began to criticize and smear all kinds of people as soon as they disagreed.

Ma Ying-jeou went to shout that the two sides of the strait should be peaceful and stable! Without talking about reunification, the DPP retorted: "A fool's itinerary."

When Ma Ying-jeou was on his trip to the mainland, Laura Rosenberg, head of the US "Institute in Taiwan," was visiting Taiwan, during which she once again gave Taiwan "confidence," declaring that the United States would assist Taiwan in acquiring the capability of "self-defense," and at the same time stressed that the United States would fulfill its commitments to Taiwan in accordance with the "Taiwan Relations Act." It is also because Laura Rosenberg's public statement has made the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan Island fluttering, and for this reason, there are criticisms and smears for Ma Ying-jeou's trip to the mainland. In this way, it seems that the DPP has great illusions about the United States.

Ma Ying-jeou went to shout that the two sides of the strait should be peaceful and stable! Without talking about reunification, the DPP retorted: "A fool's itinerary."