
New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

author:Western Community Online
New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

Some people say that young people nowadays can't do big things and don't love agriculture, but in fact, this statement is not entirely true. You see, Shu Xingyu, the professional manager of Chongzhou Wanmao Land Cooperative, led the agricultural service team to serve the local agriculture with an area of tens of thousands of acres, and became famous for his agricultural work and became a typical new farmer in Sichuan.

New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

Shu Xingyu graduated from Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology. In fact, he majored in computer science, but he worked in agriculture. Why did he love agriculture? We have to start from the beginning

New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

In 2019, Shu Xingyu returned to his hometown to start a business. At that time, his family had already established a land cooperative. He is very soberly aware that "the fundamental way out for farmers lies in mechanization", but he also found that there is no unified standard for the current agricultural machinery and equipment used in agricultural prices, and there are problems such as difficulty in unified allocation. So, he bought a drone himself and studied the use of drones to fertilize and spray, and a drone can complete the work of fertilizing and spraying 300 to 500 acres of fields in one day.

New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

At that time, the outside agricultural machinery and equipment leasing company, the price varied, the service level was also uneven, the villagers every busy season, need to contact tractors, rice transplanters, drones and other agricultural machinery equipment separately, because the communication channels are not smooth, and even the equipment of the agricultural machinery company is idle and there is no order, and the growers can not find the cultivation machinery everywhere. So, he set up his own professional cooperative to solve these problems.

New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

In 2019, Wanmao Xinxin Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative was officially established. With the efforts of Shu Xingyu, at present, the professional cooperative has a planting area of more than 5,000 acres, 10 plant protection drones, which can complete more than 100,000 acres of plant protection operations throughout the year, 20 sets of grain dryers, with an annual drying capacity of more than 30,000 tons, serving 40,000 acres of farmland, purchasing 2 seedling raising production lines, which can complete the seedling raising service area of more than 20,000 mu, and 16 high-speed rice transplanting machines, which can complete 15,000 acres of rice transplanting operations.

New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

When it comes to grain drying, it is very important for farmers. In May, there are more rainy days. As a large grain grower, don't worry, directly transport the harvested grain to the drying center for more than 10 hours, and the grain can be put into the warehouse.

New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

There is a Dong Lang who is a native of Xinjin and has contracted more than 1,000 acres of land in Chongzhou. He joined the Wanmao Cooperative. The cooperative provided him with one-stop services such as grain drying and sales.

It is reported that in order to effectively solve the problem of difficult grain drying and storage, he jointly built 42 drying and storage centers to meet the centralized drying needs of wheat, rape and rice in the city, with 30 professional agricultural machinery cooperatives, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of major crops in the city in 2022 will be 92.95%.

New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

Let's talk about rice transplanting. After the rice is harvested, the fields are ploughed and leveled, flooded, and the rice transplanter can be operated. All the fields contracted by the cooperative have been mechanized throughout the process of sowing, planting and harvesting.

New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

Take a look at the cooperative's seedling center. Workers take the tray out of the field and place it on a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt rotates, and the workers take the seedlings out of the tray, roll them up and put them in the seedling transport truck, cover them with shade nets and transport them away. In the seedling field, there is a small sign next to each row of seedling trays, which records the date, brand, and quantity of the seedlings. The staff was holding a notebook and recording it constantly.

There is a seedling field with more than 200 acres, which can supply more than 20,000 acres of seedlings in the field, and there are eight or nine varieties of seedlings involved.

New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

To realize agricultural modernization, we must change from experience-based and extensive agriculture to knowledge-based and refined management, and agricultural machinery is the carrier of agricultural science and technology, and fine classification management is the premise of high-quality agricultural development.

New farmers use wisdom to write youth answer sheets

After a certain period of accumulation, Wanmao Cooperative's customers have grown to 107, serving more than 40,000 acres of farmland, mainly covering the three streets of Sanjiang, Dahua and Jiangyuan;

Now, Chongzhou is building the core demonstration area of "Tianfu Granary", which is more confident for Shu Xingyu to engage in agricultural production. He said that being a new type of farmer in Chongzhou is a promising career.