
Focus on the feeling of the flesh, how

author:Say goodnight to Haiyun
Focus on the feeling of the flesh, how

It's the end of the month, the last day, look at the balance in the mobile phone, the heart is cold, and then look at the balance of the bank card, only to remember that it has been a long time since I have deposited money in the bank card, and then look for the cash in my hand, there are dozens of dollars in a small coin purse, and now, the heart is completely cold.

I worked hard for two days on the weekend, and I didn't do anything, I just washed the children's clothes, cleaned up by myself, and I didn't want to get up when I was lying on the sofa, and I was tired and paralyzed.

The child is washed, the clothes are dried, the ground is swept and mopped, the short-sleeved and long-sleeved sweaters and cotton pants are washed.

Tomorrow will be April, and then May Day, June 1st, and half of the year will be gone, but they are busy coming and going, and the money is not to be mentioned, and people are still tired.

The key is that I didn't buy anything for myself, and the children didn't wear any famous brands, used any high-end goods, and ate ordinary fruits, vegetables grown in the vegetable garden, and bought some greens or something.

Usually take out to have a breakfast on vacation, and the items you play are stadiums, small parks and other places that don't cost money, bring table tennis rackets, badminton rackets, basketball and football, skateboards or something, and the children play by themselves.

Focus on the feeling of the flesh, how

But at this level, there is still not enough money, and when I look at this month's consumption, I feel that the price is a bit high.

I bought apples a few times, but they were more than ten or twenty yuan, and I didn't get a few; Liangbao went to the doctor once, and two boxes of medicine were gone; I took my three children to eat hamburgers, and I spent nearly 100 yuan, and I didn't eat much, and I didn't dare to eat them, saying that I wanted to lose weight; I bought goat milk powder twice, and I used it for four or five hundred......

Alas, this account really can't be calculated, forget it, if you spend it, you will spend it, and your children will spoil themselves, what else can you do.

Now, it is the greatest blessing to pursue health and safety.

In a limited time, accompany children to grow up little by little, teach them how to deal with all kinds of problems calmly, and by the way, often reflect on their own problems, and strive to see through the essence as soon as possible, so that they can live in the present without pain and entanglement.

Mr. Qian Zhongshu once wrote: Take a bath, look at a flower, eat a meal, if you feel happy, it is not all because the bath is clean, the flowers bloom well, or the food meets your taste, mainly because there is no obstacle in your heart, and the relaxed soul can focus on the feeling of the flesh, so as to appreciate and judge.

Focus on the feeling of the flesh, how