
"A price reduction of 70,000 yuan, who can stand this?" Merchant: I dare not accept it

"A price reduction of 70,000 yuan, who can stand this?" Merchant: I dare not accept it

"A price reduction of 70,000 yuan, who can stand this?" According to Zhongxin Jingwei, Li Hao (pseudonym), a car dealer who works in the second-hand car market in Huaxiang, Beijing, has recently stopped accepting new energy vehicles, the reason is that "the price fluctuates too much", and this uncertainty makes second-hand car dealers feel a headache.

Since the beginning of this year, as new energy vehicle companies have announced price cuts, the new car market has gradually become hot. According to data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to February, the production and sales of new energy vehicles totaled 1.252 million and 1.207 million units, an increase of 28.2% and 29.4% year-on-year, respectively, and the market share reached 30%. However, compared with the increasingly hot new energy vehicle market, the second-hand new energy vehicle market is relatively "deserted".

"A price reduction of 70,000 yuan, who can stand this?" Merchant: I dare not accept it

Source: Visual China

Second-hand car dealers: no longer accept new energy vehicles

According to Zhongxin Jingwei, the price reduction model that Li Hao said was more than 140,000 last year. "This year, it has dropped by more than 70,000 yuan, and our second-hand car dealers have lost money with this car. And because of the price reduction of this model, other brands of cars are also affected. Li Hao said that this magnitude of price reduction has caused many consumers and car dealers who bought the car early to suffer a lot of losses, and now he has stopped collecting new energy vehicles.

Wang Zhi (pseudonym), a second-hand car dealer in Chengdu, Sichuan, still accepts new energy vehicles, but he also bluntly said that it is not easy to sell. "We are all resold to other peers, who have a target customer to come to see the car, but if the car is taken back and vacant for a long time, the price is very low, and we have to bear the risk of the price reduction of the car. ”

Wang Zhi said that a few days ago, he sold a new energy vehicle of a certain brand in 2022 for a month, and the final transaction price of this car was 100,000 yuan lower than that of the new car. "I usually advise car owners to continue driving without much problem, because new energy vehicles cannot be sold at a high price, and if the kilometers are larger, or there has been a collision, the market price is almost half off. ”

According to Xinhua Daily, Dong Bing, the owner of Nanjing's second-hand car dealer's first famous car world, said that the price reduction tide in February this year is coming, and the new energy new car market is hot, which also indicates the advent of a round of new energy car replacement tide, "When the time comes, there will definitely be more second-hand new energy vehicles, of course we will also buy, but we are more interested in fuel vehicles, and we are still mainly interested in the acquisition of second-hand fuel vehicles for the time being." ”

"Second-hand new energy vehicles are like a 'hot potato'. Zhao Shangbin, key account manager of GAC Commerce and Trade in East China, said that generally speaking, second-hand new energy vehicles are facing a situation where "first-hand car owners are unwilling to sell, second-hand car dealers are unwilling to receive, and customers who buy cars are not interested". "The new car is even cheaper, the price of the new BYD Qin PLUS that was cut not long ago has reached 79,800 yuan, can the second-hand Qin PLUS still be sold for 80,000 yuan?"

The value retention rate of fuel vehicles is higher than that of new energy vehicles

Vehicle value retention rate, known as the "second cycle" of the value life of automobiles, has increasingly become one of the decision-making factors for consumers to buy cars. "The value retention rate of second-hand new energy vehicles has been complained about, which has become an important reason for affecting their circulation. Despite the influence of market factors, the value retention rate of fuel vehicles is more stable. Zhao Shangbin said.

According to the 2023 second-hand car retention rate data released by Tiantian Auction, the three-year average value retention rate of second-hand new energy vehicles in 2023 showed a slight decline as a whole, and the three-year average value retention rate of second-hand new energy vehicles throughout the year was 50.9%. In contrast, although the value retention rate of used fuel vehicles is average, the resilience is still there, with an average three-year value retention rate of 56.8%. In real life, the value retention rate of fuel vehicles is generally higher than that of new energy vehicles.

Dong Bing introduced that in January this year, a car owner wanted to sell a new energy vehicle NIO ET7, this car will be licensed at the end of 2022, all kinds of comfort configurations are basically complete, the vehicle only traveled 22,000 kilometers, and the car that landed nearly 500,000 yuan that year, the second-hand car quotation was only less than 270,000 yuan, and another fuel car Toyota Asia Dragon, which was licensed in December 2021, the price of the new car was 239,800 yuan, and the second-hand car quotation also reached 160,000 yuan. In the end, Dong Bing did not buy this NIO ET7, but acquired Toyota Asia Dragon, which has a higher value retention rate.

"The update and iteration of new energy vehicles are rapid, and there are technical upgrades every year or even every month, which leads to the rapid replacement of new energy vehicles. Zhu Danqiang, director of the Planning Institute of the Jiangsu Branch of the Design Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, believes that every time the new energy vehicle is replaced, the battery, drive system, motor and other technologies are more advanced, and the application of these advanced technologies has significantly improved the performance and endurance of the new car, which determines that the previous generation of new energy vehicles have certain disadvantages in all aspects, resulting in a decline in its value retention rate in the second-hand market.

"The first owner will change the battery for life for free", "The first owner will have a lifetime free warranty", "The first owner will be free for life...... A variety of "lifetime free" after-sales service policies are attracting the attention of consumers more and more, but the focus is not only on "lifetime free", but also on "the first owner", only the first owner can enjoy a variety of high-quality services for new energy vehicles. In addition to the frequent replacement of new energy vehicles, the "first owner's rights" policy of new energy vehicles has also become an important reason for the circulation of second-hand new energy vehicles.

Expert: New energy used car market

It will gradually mature

According to a report by Zhongxin Jingwei, Zhang Hong, secretary general of the New Energy Branch of the China Automobile Dealers Association, analyzed that the reasons mainly boil down to the following points:

Battery residual value assessment challenges. Due to the current lack of objective and impartial battery testing methods, buyers and sellers often disagree over battery issues, and the valuation of batteries usually accounts for half of the value of the vehicle, which also makes it difficult to price electric used cars.

3. Electrical warranty issues. Because car companies cannot fully grasp the condition of the vehicle, they are often reluctant to make warranty commitments to second-hand car customers.

Vehicle valuation and brand reputation issues. Most of the new energy vehicle brands are young brands, and their reputation accumulation is insufficient, and the value retention rate in the second-hand car market is generally not high.

Lack of uniform standards. At present, there is a lack of unified standards from the state or group to clarify and standardize the after-sales service of new energy second-hand cars in the second-hand car market. In the event of disagreements and disputes, it is often difficult for both parties to find a reasonable solution due to the lack of support from relevant laws and regulations.

Zhang Hong said that although the new energy second-hand car market is currently facing many challenges, with the development of science and technology, the continuous improvement of battery performance and the accumulation of brand reputation of new energy vehicles, it is believed that the new energy second-hand car market will gradually mature in the future. At the same time, the introduction of relevant standards and regulations will also provide a strong guarantee for the healthy development of the new energy second-hand car market.

China's new energy used cars are popular overseas

It is worth noting that more and more Chinese new energy used cars are going abroad and sold all over the world.

According to the overseas edition of the People's Daily, customs data shows that since the launch of the second-hand car export pilot work in 2019, China's second-hand car exports have repeatedly reached a new level. In 2021, China's used car exports were about 15,000 units, and in 2022, this figure jumped to 69,000 units, a year-on-year increase of more than 350%.

A significant portion of China's second-hand exports are new energy vehicles. Tianjin is one of the first batch of second-hand car export pilot cities in China, and second-hand car export enterprises in Tianjin Dongjiang Comprehensive Bonded Zone have explored the export of engineering vehicles, commercial vehicles, traditional energy and new energy passenger vehicles in recent years. Among them, the export of new energy second-hand cars has become the main business segment of second-hand car export enterprises due to the boom in supply and sales, and currently accounts for more than seventy percent of the second-hand car export models in the bonded zone.

According to a report by on March 25, recently, Zhejiang Wenzhou a second-hand car trading Co., Ltd. received a total of 20 million yuan worth of second-hand domestic new energy vehicles overseas orders, after completing the customs clearance procedures, will be successively sent from Xinjiang Alashankou port to Central Asia, Eastern Europe and other places by China-Europe trains and other ways......

Wenzhou, as a pilot area for the national second-hand car export business, has swept overseas second-hand domestic new energy vehicles. According to statistics, in 2023, Wenzhou will export a total of 3,459 second-hand cars, with an export value of 520 million yuan, of which new energy second-hand cars account for 7%.

Hu Ben, chairman of the above-mentioned company, said that last year's export orders, second-hand new energy vehicles accounted for 60%, of which exports to the five Central Asian countries accounted for 75%, Russia accounted for 15%, all of which are domestic models, "our domestic new energy vehicles are developing too fast, product iteration is fast, advanced technology, high mileage, with good cost performance, in the international market is very 'popular'."

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