
Xiaodukou Town, Li County: The channel of Hongmiao Village is green and awake

author:New fingertips

Spring is the prelude, and all things are harmonious. On the weekend of March 31st, I came to Hongmiao Village, Xiaodukou Town, Li County, at the entrance of the village after the night rain, accompanied by the warm sun, the breeze blows, the willows dance, and the flowers bloom, and I am intoxicated in the spring.

Xiaodukou Town, Li County: The channel of Hongmiao Village is green and awake
Xiaodukou Town, Li County: The channel of Hongmiao Village is green and awake
Xiaodukou Town, Li County: The channel of Hongmiao Village is green and awake
Xiaodukou Town, Li County: The channel of Hongmiao Village is green and awake
Xiaodukou Town, Li County: The channel of Hongmiao Village is green and awake

"We planted 5~6cm osmanthus trees and 806 magnolia trees in Jiudouqu this spring, so far nearly 30,000 meters of channels in the whole village have been dressed in green. Each channel has its own green planting characteristics: red stepwood balls are planted between the citron trees in Eryuan Canal, magnolia trees in Sanlongqu are planted with red leaf heather balls, camellia balls are planted under the osmanthus trees in Liudouqu, ginkgo biloba and weeping willows are also found to find a home, and some roads and canals are decorated with turf and decorated with flowers and plants. One product all the way, with coordination, all the way fragrant ......", Huang Wei, secretary of the village party branch who was arranging early rice production in the seedling factory, said happily when he heard that we had suddenly come to accompany him: "There are always some stories happening in spring, and what we are staging is to plant for spring and realize our dreams." In the spring of the past three years, the village cadres led the masses to be with the spring, opened their hearts, recruited township talents such as Mr. Huang Siping, and guided social organizations, individuals, collectives and other diversified funds such as Chairman Xiao Xuezhong to invest in greening, and encouraged the honor of planting greenery.

Xiaodukou Town, Li County: The channel of Hongmiao Village is green and awake
Xiaodukou Town, Li County: The channel of Hongmiao Village is green and awake

In the season full of hope and vitality, strolling on the channel of Hongmiao Village is the most romantic in the world, the dream and poetry of spring, and the most is the sigh from the bottom of my heart: the channel of Hongmiao Village is so green and awake!

Source: Xiaodukou Town, Li County

Author: Ma Yikai Ma Jun

Xiaodukou Town, Li County: The channel of Hongmiao Village is green and awake