
The People's Liberation Army surrounds Taiwan on all sides, the head of the Taiwan military submits a letter of resignation, and Lai Qingde wants to give up the "Taiwan independence" line?


The People's Liberation Army (PLA) has reproduced the action of "encircling Taiwan", the Taiwan authorities have announced the Kinmen exercise, and the head of the Taiwan military has quickly resigned, and the situation in the Taiwan Strait has changed?

According to the global network news, from 6 a.m. on March 27 to 6 a.m. on the 28th, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) dispatched 20 sorties of military aircraft and 8 warships to continue activities around the Taiwan Strait, of which 14 military planes crossed the so-called "center line of the strait" into the northern, southwestern, and southeastern airspace of Taiwan During the exercise, from 21 to 22 March, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) flew more than 60 sorties into the relevant airspace over the Taiwan Strait to encircle the island from the northern, southwestern, eastern, and southeastern directions of the strait.

The People's Liberation Army surrounds Taiwan on all sides, the head of the Taiwan military submits a letter of resignation, and Lai Qingde wants to give up the "Taiwan independence" line?

Recently, Zhang Yanting, former deputy commander of Taiwan's air force, said that mainland fighters can fly to Tamsui in three minutes and arrive in Taipei in four minutes, but the Taiwan authorities have no time to react at all; Su Qi, former secretary general of Taiwan's "security conference," said that the mainland has made full preparations to stop separatism, and if it is forced to use force in the future, it will certainly be lightning fast and reunified. The fermentation of public opinion on the island has intensified the panic of the Taiwan authorities, who, on the one hand, have expanded the strength of the "gendarmerie battalion" to guard Taipei, and on the other hand, they have intensified preparations for war, announcing that they will hold live-fire firing on the islands near Kinmen in April, in a vain attempt to seek "independence" by force.

The People's Liberation Army surrounds Taiwan on all sides, the head of the Taiwan military submits a letter of resignation, and Lai Qingde wants to give up the "Taiwan independence" line?

Recently, with the help of the scandal exposed by his son Qiu Huangnian, Qiu Guozheng asked Tsai Ing-wen to resign in advance in an attempt to protect himself, but Tsai Ing-wen rejected this request and asked Qiu Guozheng to stand on the last shift to ensure the safety of the island, and he is now far away from Lai Qingde's "520" With less than two months left in the speech, and both Tsai Ing-wen and Chiu Kuo-cheng will withdraw from the political arena by then, the problem is left to Lai Qingde, who has his own ideas in the face of the tightening situation in the Taiwan Strait on the mainland.

The People's Liberation Army surrounds Taiwan on all sides, the head of the Taiwan military submits a letter of resignation, and Lai Qingde wants to give up the "Taiwan independence" line?

Recently, Li Wenzhong, "vice chairman of the Taiwan Retirement and Auxiliary Association," and Ma Yongcheng, former director of Chen Shui-bian's office, together with two aides from Lai Ching-te's office, visited Ding Yuzhou, former "secretary general of the security unit" of the Taiwan authorities. Ding Yuzhou said that "repairing and easing relations with the mainland" is "the top priority of the moment" after Lai Qingde came to power. Previously, Li Dawei, chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation, used the terms "Taiwan region" and "mainland region" to describe cross-strait relations, and it cannot be ruled out that he had obtained Lai Qingde's "instructions."

The People's Liberation Army surrounds Taiwan on all sides, the head of the Taiwan military submits a letter of resignation, and Lai Qingde wants to give up the "Taiwan independence" line?

The Lai Ching-te camp changed the name of the two sides of the strait and tried to change the "Taiwan independence" line in order to ease cross-strait relations, which is tantamount to a betrayal of the "Tsai Ing-wen line." On the one hand, it exposes the fact that the DPP is vying for power and profit, and on the other hand, it also reflects that the mainland's recent actions have played a remarkable role; through a series of measures such as normalized law enforcement in the Xiamen-Jin waters, dredging the Liuwudian waterway, the adjustment of the Taiwan Strait route by the Civil Aviation Administration, and the PLA's repeated "encirclement" cruises, the mainland is taking a series of measures such as economic, law enforcement, and Ma Ying-jeou's recent visit to the mainland also showed that the forces on the island to promote reunification are growing, and this has demonstrated the political wisdom of the troops in the East who surrender without a fight.