
The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

author:Beautiful new chunks
The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

From March 30 to 31, 2024, the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was held in the conference room of the town people's government, and Hao Xianjun, secretary of the town party committee, presided over the meeting. 66 deputies and 17 attendees from all walks of life in the town gathered together to shoulder the people's trust and seek common development. The conference kicked off with the majestic "National Anthem". Through the joint efforts of the town's people's congress deputies and participating comrades, the scheduled agenda was successfully completed and successfully closed on the 31st.

The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!
The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

Comrade Hao Xianjun presided over the meeting

The Fourth Session of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town

The conference carefully listened to and deliberated and approved the "Work Report of the People's Government of Datuan Town" made by Cui Weixing, deputy secretary of the town party committee and acting mayor of the town, on behalf of the town people's government, the "Work Report of the 15th People's Congress Presidium of Datuan Town" made by Wang Lei, chairman of the presidium of the town people's congress, and the report on the implementation of the 2023 budget and the 2024 budget (draft) of Daduan Town.

The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

△ Comrade Cui Weixing, on behalf of the town people's government, made the "Work Report of the People's Government of Dadu Town"

The meeting pointed out that the past year is the first year of the full implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is a year for the people's government of Daduan Town to know the heavy burden and strive to be the first. Over the past year, under the strong leadership of the district committee, the district government and the town party committee, and under the supervision and support of the town people's congress, the people's government of Datuan Town has always adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, closely followed the "3510" plan of the district committee, solved the problem of fragmentation with systematic thinking, and closely focused on the three major tasks of effective land utilization, industrial transformation and upgrading, and urban quality improvement The development effect effectively serves the overall situation and highlights the responsibility of the big block.

The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

△ Comrade Wang Lei made the "Work Report of the Presidium of the 15th People's Congress of Dayuan Town"

The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a key year for realizing the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and a year for a large number of people to seize opportunities and accelerate development. Datuan Town will continue to closely follow the "3510" plan of the District Committee, take the deepening of the "four years" activities as the starting point, comprehensively launch the "four new" battle, firmly grasp the main battlefield of project construction and investment promotion, cultivate and develop new quality productivity, take the initiative, strive for progress, forge ahead, and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of the town's economy.

The Fourth Session of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town

The people's congress deputies from all fronts in Datuan Town shouldered the great trust of the people, conscientiously performed their statutory duties with a full sense of political responsibility and the spirit of ownership, and the congress elected the mayor of the people's government of Datuan Town in accordance with the law. Comrade Cui Weixing was elected mayor of the People's Government of Daduan Town and took the constitutional oath.

The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

△ Voting

The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

△ Vote by show of hands

The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

△ Comrade Cui Weixing took the constitutional oath

The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

△ Representative Joint Shadow Reservation

The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

△ Group photo of the presidium of the town people's congress

Under the correct leadership of the district party committee and the district government, the town will be one step ahead of others, and the new achievements of the development of the town will be highlighted with greater breakthroughs! We must carry every flag, accelerate the construction of new quality productivity, strive to make new contributions in the high-quality development of the whole region, and contribute a lot to the successful completion of the "three-year foundation"!

The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!


The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!

Contributed by: Zhang Yihang, the town party and government office

The wind is strong and the sail is full of new ambitions, and it is time to forge ahead at the right time—— the fourth meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Dadu Town was successfully held!