
Why should the old-age allowance be raised? Rural people give six reasons, is this not enough?

author:Love life, love agriculture, and rural areas to speak for the people

"At present, the higher-level departments take great care of the elderly in the rural areas and give them a pension subsidy every month, but why are they still not satisfied? Why do they still have to raise their opinions and demand an increase in the pension subsidy?" These are some of the remarks often made on the Internet by the "peasants-hating party" in order to prevent the peasants from speaking out and preventing the peasants from enjoying good welfare.

Why should the old-age allowance be raised? Rural people give six reasons, is this not enough?

Should rural people put forward their opinions and ask for an increase in the pension allowance? Are they really doing this because they are not satisfied? So today we will talk about this topic, and I hope you can read it carefully and help forward it to more people to see, and thank you sincerely.

Why do rural people demand an increase in pension subsidies?

Why do rural people demand an increase in the old-age subsidy? As a rural person, I have given the following reasons for this.

1 The older generation of peasants has made great contributions to the country in the past, for example, they once fully supported the anti-Japanese resistance, they used to save food from their teeth to feed the whole country, they used to feed the workers with agriculture, so that industry could draw unlimited agricultural value, they used to pay public grain and agricultural taxes, and they used to volunteer to support the country, and they also provided countless cheap labor for the construction of cities......

Why should the old-age allowance be raised? Rural people give six reasons, is this not enough?

In short, without the selfless dedication of the older generation of peasants, there would not be possible today's China, and now that they are old, they are still living a very difficult life, is there a problem with us asking them to raise some pension subsidies?

2. When sharing the dividends of social development, the older generation of farmers were treated differently, although the old farmers had made great contributions to the country in the past, but later they were forgotten in sharing the dividends of social development and did not enjoy the benefits they deserved. But even so, the old peasants never said anything, because they always believed that the state would not forget them and would give them some compensation in the future.

Why should the old-age allowance be raised? Rural people give six reasons, is this not enough?

Now, after so many years, the older generation of peasants still can't wait for compensation, and they are still living a very hard life, so we speak out for them and ask the relevant departments to make reasonable compensation to the old peasants and demand that their pension subsidies be raised? What is wrong with this?

3. Narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and promote social equity. At present, the retired elderly in the city can get a pension of several thousand yuan every month, and one person can easily support three generations of a family. However, the elderly in rural areas are now unable to enjoy retirement pensions at all for various reasons, and can only receive some insignificant subsidies every month, which is completely unable to meet their basic needs.

Why should the old-age allowance be raised? Rural people give six reasons, is this not enough?

This is because we demand an increase in the old-age allowance for the elderly in rural areas, which can not only narrow the gap between urban and rural old-age benefits, but also improve the quality of life of the elderly in rural areas, and promote social fairness and harmony.

Fourth, it can reduce the burden of family pension and promote family harmony. Most of the old people in rural areas now have to work in the fields, because they don't work for a day without food, especially those who are not in good health, because they have no money to treat diseases, most of them can only endure minor illnesses, major illnesses are delayed, and there are even many old people in order not to burden their children, after they get sick, they simply "solve it themselves", which is really sad!

Why should the old-age allowance be raised? Rural people give six reasons, is this not enough?

Therefore, we are now calling for an increase in the old-age allowance for the elderly in rural areas, so that the burden of old-age pension on rural families can be reduced, the economic pressure on families can be reduced, and family harmony and stability can be promoted, and social cohesion can be enhanced.

Fifth, to promote the development of rural pension services, we all know that the pension service system in rural areas is relatively weak, and many pension institutions and service facilities in rural areas cannot keep up at all, which is bluntly caused by the lack of money.

Why should the old-age allowance be raised? Rural people give six reasons, is this not enough?

Therefore, we require an increase in the rural pension subsidy, which can provide more economic support for the development of pension services, and can also encourage social forces to invest in the field of pension services, so as to improve the quality and coverage of rural pension services and meet the diverse needs of the elderly.

6. Rural people not only have the right to enjoy the old-age subsidy, but also have the right to put forward opinions and request an increase in the old-age subsidy. Seeing this, there must be a "hated peasant party" who will say, "You say so much because you want to eat white food, but you don't want to pay social security, and the elderly in rural areas don't pay social security, so why do you ask for an increase in pension......"

Why should the old-age allowance be raised? Rural people give six reasons, is this not enough?

I don't want to say too much about the above remarks put forward by the "haters of peasants", I just want to say a few points: 1. The pension subsidy for rural people has nothing to do with social security, and there is no law that stipulates that rural people must pay social security in order to enjoy the pension subsidy. 2. Even if rural people do not pay social security, they can still enjoy the old-age subsidy, which is beyond doubt, and no one can stop it.

3. Under the banner of maintaining the fairness of social security, to prevent farmers from enjoying pension subsidies, this is either bad or what. The vast majority of the "peasants hate" did not pay social security at all when they were young, but they were able to receive a high pension because they enjoyed the "deemed contributions" policy, they took advantage of the state, they were vested interests, and it stands to reason that they should be secretly happy.

Why should the old-age allowance be raised? Rural people give six reasons, is this not enough?

But now, in order to safeguard their vested interests and prevent the peasants from enjoying good welfare, they are even beating up the peasants, insulting the peasants for violating the social security law, and saying that the peasants want to eat white food, and so on...... Isn't this just the first case of the wicked? Who is eating white food? Who is violating the social security law, and everyone is like a mirror in their hearts.

Conclusion: The above is all I want to share with you today, here I would like to ask some people: can we rural people ask for an increase in the pension allowance on the basis of the above reasons? If it is not enough, I can say more and more. In addition, I would like to say that we rural people have raised opinions, which has not hurt anyone, and the light that we have won can also shine on you, so everyone can benefit, so please do not prevent farmers from giving opinions.

Why should the old-age allowance be raised? Rural people give six reasons, is this not enough?

Okay, let's talk about it for the time being, if you have anything else to say about this, or if you have anything to add, you can leave a message in the comment area to discuss, and finally I implore you to help with one-click triple support, thank you, we'll see you next time!