
The United States shouted: If the Philippines kills even one person in the South China Sea, the US military will join the war! 071 has rushed to the South China Sea



One of the core reasons for the frequent conflicts and conflicts between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea is the United States behind the Philippines. In response to the South China Sea issue on many occasions, the mainland has made it clear that the United States is making such a so-called strategic deployment behind its back for its own selfish interests.

Recently, the situation between the mainland and the Philippines in the South China Sea has become more serious. In the face of this situation, we have noticed that the United States, behind the Philippines, is obviously a little eager to try.

The United States shouted: If the Philippines kills even one person in the South China Sea, the US military will join the war! 071 has rushed to the South China Sea

We know that in the 50s of the last century, the United States and the Philippines signed a so-called mutual defense treaty, and the term of this treaty is currently indefinite. According to relevant sources, John Aquilino, commander of the so-called "Indo-Pacific Command" of the United States, openly clamored that if any Philippine soldier or sailor is killed in the South China Sea, Article 5 of the "US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty" will be triggered! On the surface, it would seem that even if the Philippines were to die in the course of a conflict with China in the South China Sea, the Americans would immediately step up.

The United States shouted: If the Philippines kills even one person in the South China Sea, the US military will join the war! 071 has rushed to the South China Sea

On the one hand, the Americans want to form a certain deterrent force against the mainland. It is trying to use its naval and air forces, which still maintain a certain level of leadership, to get China to make a certain degree of concession to the Philippines on the South China Sea issue, and then let the Philippines gain more initiative on the South China Sea issue. On the other hand, the Americans' statement in this way is also to support the Filipinos.

In addition, we also need to pay attention to the fact that at present, an aircraft carrier battle group of the United States has been sailing in the direction of the South China Sea. It has been about a month since the time came, and after such a long voyage in the South China Sea, it is obvious that the US Navy wants to find out the so-called strategic gap in this way and exert objective external pressure on the mainland.

The United States shouted: If the Philippines kills even one person in the South China Sea, the US military will join the war! 071 has rushed to the South China Sea

And we note that on March 29, the so-called defense units of the Philippines also made a tough response to the mainland's statement on the South China Sea issue on March 28. Filipinos claim that they will not give in, and that China has always been condescending, relying on its status as a great power to intimidate smaller countries.

But they believe the Philippines will not give in to China. And in response to the outside world, it also claimed that the Philippines is not an aggressor in the South China Sea.

The United States shouted: If the Philippines kills even one person in the South China Sea, the US military will join the war! 071 has rushed to the South China Sea

Obviously, this response from the Philippine side is also an indication that the country will again resort to provocative conflict with the mainland in the foreseeable future. Whether it is on Scarborough Shoal, Ren'ai Jiao or other islands and reefs in the Spratly Islands, the Philippines may appear. Now that the country has the support of the Americans and the support of public opinion, it cannot be ruled out that some tougher moves may be made in the future.

In response to this situation, we have also noticed that the PLA has begun to make some necessary measures. In the propaganda video released by the South China Sea Fleet on March 29, it is very rare to express the determination of the PLA to defend the motherland and territorial security, and directly tell those ambitious countries "I am here to beat you"!

The United States shouted: If the Philippines kills even one person in the South China Sea, the US military will join the war! 071 has rushed to the South China Sea

In addition, at present, in the South China Sea, two 071 amphibious assault ships of the PLA Navy are leading surface formations to conduct actual combat exercises.

The United States shouted: If the Philippines kills even one person in the South China Sea, the US military will join the war! 071 has rushed to the South China Sea

From the footage transmitted from the scene and the information released by the media, we can see that our navy has carried out some tactical maneuvers and corresponding exercises in the South China Sea that are extremely close to actual combat. These include, but are not limited to, fire support for amphibious landing operations, short-range defense, anti-missile training, multi-ship joint operations and other exercises.

The United States shouted: If the Philippines kills even one person in the South China Sea, the US military will join the war! 071 has rushed to the South China Sea

You must know that for the islands and reefs in the South China Sea, the surface fleet composed of our 071 amphibious assault ships is very targeted. In the South China Sea, especially in the waters of the Spratlys, the Philippines still has eight forcibly occupied Chinese islands and reefs, and if direct military operations occur in the future, amphibious operations will be an important part of the eventual completion of the occupation of islands and reefs. The fact that the PLA's amphibious combat formations are now conducting actual combat exercises in the South China Sea is enough to show that the PLA has not flinched at all because of the pressure from the Americans.

The United States shouted: If the Philippines kills even one person in the South China Sea, the US military will join the war! 071 has rushed to the South China Sea

If the country of the Philippines continues to take risks in the future, judging from the recent reactions of our soldiers, it is very likely that the mainland will no longer blindly adopt gentle measures to respond to this country. With the involvement of the PLA Navy, the mainland's means of dealing with the Philippines in the future may not only be limited to the field of law enforcement, but also may be our backup option to solve the problem once and for all when necessary. Even if the Americans threaten us with the so-called mutual defense treaty between the United States and the Philippines, within the South China Sea, the United States will not be able to form an overwhelming superiority over the mainland at all, especially in terms of long-range missiles and large missile destroyers.

The United States shouted: If the Philippines kills even one person in the South China Sea, the US military will join the war! 071 has rushed to the South China Sea

As for the Philippines, if it thinks that with the deal of the Americans, it can act recklessly in the South China Sea, then our PLA will tell the country with practical actions that their ideas are too naïve.

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