
Once, Kangxi Weifu paid a private visit and went to a family to ask for water to drink. Unexpectedly, he saw it

author:Confident Courtney 9r0h

Once, Kangxi Weifu paid a private visit and went to a family to ask for water to drink. But I saw ......

During the Kangxi period, the prosperous era was peaceful, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. However, under this tranquil appearance, there are hidden weirdness and horror that are unknown to everyone.

One day, on a whim, Emperor Kangxi decided to pay a private visit to observe the people's feelings. He took a few personal guards, traveled lightly, and quietly left the Forbidden City.

It was the height of summer, the sun was scorching, and Kangxi and his party walked with dry mouths. There happened to be a village in front of me, and a few wisps of cooking smoke rose up, revealing a little breath of life. Kangxi was overjoyed, so he walked towards the village with the guards.

When they came to the entrance of the village, they saw a house with the door ajar, and the courtyard was full of green trees, which seemed quite quiet. Kangxi stepped forward and knocked lightly on the door, and after a while, an old man poked his head out.

"Old man, I'm passing by here, I'm thirsty, can I beg for a bowl of water to drink?" Kangxi asked politely.

The old man looked them up and down a few times, and a strange look flashed in his eyes, but he quickly returned to normal. He nodded, leaning sideways and letting them into the courtyard.

"Wait a minute, everyone, and I'll go get you water. After the old man finished speaking, he turned and walked into the house.

Kangxi and the others sat down on the stone bench in the courtyard and waited for the old man's return. However, they waited for a long time, but they never saw the old man. The atmosphere in the courtyard gradually became strange, as if some ulterior secret was quietly approaching.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong. One of the guards whispered, "Let's get out as soon as possible." ”

Once, Kangxi Weifu paid a private visit and went to a family to ask for water to drink. Unexpectedly, he saw it

Kangxi frowned, and a feeling of unease surged in his heart. He was about to get up to leave, when he suddenly heard a slight noise in the room. They immediately looked into the house vigilantly, and saw the old man coming out of the house with a bowl of water.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. The old man handed the water bowl to Kangxi, "Please use it slowly." ”

Kangxi took the water bowl, but did not drink it immediately. He noticed that the old man's hands were trembling slightly, and his eyes were flickering, as if he had something on his mind.

"Old man, are there any other people in your family?" Kangxi asked tentatively.

When the old man heard this, his expression suddenly changed. He snorted a few times, but did not answer Kangxi's question. At this moment, there was a slight noise in the room, as if something was quietly approaching.

Kangxi and the others immediately became alert, they stared closely into the room, only to see a strange figure slowly emerging from the darkness. It was a woman with a disheveled head, her face pale as paper, and her eyes were blank. She was wearing a long, shabby dress with spots on the hem that appeared to be bloodstains.


The woman did not answer his words, but walked slowly towards them. Her steps were light and eerie, as if they had no weight. There was no expression on her face, only those empty eyes staring at them tightly.

Kangxi and the others were frightened by the scene in front of them, and they retreated again and again, wanting to escape from this terrifying place. However, the woman did not seem to intend to let them go, and she approached them step by step, as if to drive them into a corner.

"Help!" shouted one of the guards in horror, "come on!"

Once, Kangxi Weifu paid a private visit and went to a family to ask for water to drink. Unexpectedly, he saw it

However, no one else in this remote village seems to be able to hear their cries for help. They could only watch as the woman approached them, and the fear in their hearts came flooding over them.

At this moment, the old man suddenly stood between them and the woman. He shouted at the woman, "Go back! you shouldn't come out and be scared!"

The woman seemed to be calmed by the old man's shouting, and she stopped and looked at the old man steadily. The old man took the opportunity to turn around and said to Kangxi and the others: "Don't panic, everyone, she is my daughter, she is delirious due to illness, and she often makes some strange moves. ”

When Kangxi and the others heard this, the fear in their hearts was slightly reduced. They watched the old man confront the woman, and it didn't seem like he was trying to hurt them. However, they still didn't dare to let their guard down, after all, this strange scene was too terrifying.

"Old man, what kind of disease does your daughter have?" Kangxi couldn't help but ask, "Have you ever seen a doctor for treatment?"

The old man sighed, shook his head and said, "I have found countless doctors, but they all say that they are strange diseases and there is no cure." She didn't recognize her relatives when she got sick, and she bit people when she saw them, and we have locked her in the house for a long time. Somehow let her run out today, which really scares you. ”

When Kangxi heard this, a trace of sympathy and pity couldn't help but rise in his heart. He looked at the old man's helpless and sad expression and the woman's empty eyes, and his heart was full of mixed feelings. He thought for a while, took out a piece of silver from his bosom, handed it to the old man, and said, "You can use this silver to buy some medicinal herbs for your daughter's treatment." ”

The old man looked at the silver in front of him, was stunned for a moment, and then waved his hand again and again: "No, no, no, this is unacceptable! It is already our honor for you to rest and beg for water in my house, how can we accept your silver again?"

"Take it. Kangxi stuffed the silver into the old man's hand, "We are also fated to meet, and this silver may be able to help you a little." ”

The old man took the silver gratefully and thanked him repeatedly. At this time, the woman also seemed to calm down, no longer as violent and strange as before. She stood quietly to the side, watching the old man and Kangxi and the others no longer make any movements.

Once, Kangxi Weifu paid a private visit and went to a family to ask for water to drink. Unexpectedly, he saw it

"Your Majesty, let's leave as soon as possible. One of the guards reminded, "It's not a good place to stay long. ”

Kangxi nodded, he gave the woman a deep look, then turned around and left the strange village with the guards. On the way, they met other villagers and asked them about the old man's family, and learned that the old man did have a sick daughter and had been sick for many years. The villagers shook their heads and sighed when they mentioned this, saying that they could not do anything.

After Kangxi returned to the palace, he still remembered the woman's illness. He summoned the imperial physician to ask if it was possible to cure this strange disease, and the imperial physicians all looked embarrassed after listening to the description, saying that this disease was unheard of and unseen, and it was really difficult to diagnose and treat.

Kangxi couldn't help but fall into deep thought, and he began to doubt the truth of what the old man said. If the woman was really just sick, why would the imperial doctors be helpless? Is there any secret that no one knows? He decided to make another private visit to the village to find out.

However, when he came to the village again, he found that the old man's house was empty, the courtyard was overgrown with weeds, and it was obvious that no one had lived in it for a long time.

Kangxi stood in the center of the empty courtyard, full of doubts and puzzles, he didn't know where the old man's family had gone, nor what the woman's condition was, this mystery always lingered in his heart...... And that strange figure and empty eyes have become terrifying memories that he will never forget.

When Kangxi returned to the palace, the strange village, the old man and the sick woman always haunted his heart. He ordered the secret guard to investigate the matter carefully, and make sure to find the whereabouts of the old man's family and uncover the mystery.

A few days later, the secret guard brought back the news that the traces of the old man's family had been found in the mountains and forests hundreds of miles away from the village. When Kangxi heard the news, he decided to visit Weifu again and personally went to the mountains and forests to explore the truth.

In the dense mountains and forests, Kangxi and others finally found the thatched hut where the old Han family lived after several twists and turns. The thatched hut is simple and surrounded by dense forests, which makes it particularly quiet. Kangxi stepped forward and knocked on the door, and after a while, the door opened, and the old man poked his head out, and when he saw that it was Kangxi, he was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly welcomed them into the house.

Once, Kangxi Weifu paid a private visit and went to a family to ask for water to drink. Unexpectedly, he saw it

The interior of the house is shabbyly furnished, but it is neat and orderly. The old man's daughter sat quietly on the side, although there was still no expression on her face, her eyes were not as empty as before. Beside her, a young woman was sitting, combing her long hair.

"Your Majesty, how did you find here?" asked the old man with some surprise.

"I have always been reassured of your daughter, so I came to visit. Kangxi said, "This is ......" He pointed to the woman who was combing the long hair of the old man's daughter.

"She's my daughter's sister-in-law. "Since we moved here, we have been living on her and my son hunting in the mountains. My daughter's condition has also stabilized a lot, thanks to her care. ”

Kangxi nodded, he walked to the old man's daughter's side and carefully observed her face and eyes. Indeed, her condition seems to have improved compared to what she had been in the village before.

"Why did you suddenly leave the village and come here to live in seclusion?" Kangxi couldn't help but ask.

The old man sighed and said, "Your Majesty doesn't know that my daughter's illness is not an ordinary illness, but is caused by an evil spirit. We also wanted to live a normal life, but every time the moon was full, she would lose her mind and bite people. The people in the village were afraid of her, and we were helpless. Later, I met a master who told us that only by staying away from the crowd and going to this deep mountain and old forest could we temporarily suppress the evil spirits. So we moved here. ”

Kangxi felt a pang in his heart when he heard this, he didn't expect that there was such a strange secret hidden behind this. He looked at the old man's helpless and sad expression, and couldn't help but feel sympathy for the family's plight.

"Is there a way for the master to completely exorcise the evil spirit?" Kangxi asked.

The old man shook his head and said, "The master only said that this is the destiny of heaven and cannot be forced. However, he also gave us some charms and spells so that we could temporarily suppress the evil spirits on the night of the full moon. It's just ......," the old man said this, and suddenly paused, with a look of fear on his face.

Once, Kangxi Weifu paid a private visit and went to a family to ask for water to drink. Unexpectedly, he saw it

"Just what?" Kangxi asked.

"It's just that in recent months we've seen those spells and spells seem to be less and less effective. The old man said in a trembling voice, "Every time the moon is full, my daughter still loses her mind, and the situation is getting worse and worse. We don't really know what to do. ”

Kangxi's heart sank when he heard this, and he realized that the seriousness of this problem was beyond imagination. If what the old man said is true, then there may really be some unknown evil forces in this world that are quietly affecting the lives of human beings.

"I'll find a way to help you. Kangxi said in a deep voice: "You can live here in peace for the time being, and I will send someone to protect your safety." ”

When the old man's family heard this, they were grateful and thanked again and again. Kangxi comforted them a few more words, and then left the hut with the guards.

Back in the palace, Kangxi immediately summoned the imperial doctor and the warlock to discuss countermeasures. However, after listening to Kangxi's description, everyone looked embarrassed and said that they were helpless about this matter.

Kangxi couldn't help but fall into deep thought, and he began to doubt his ability to really help the old man's family exorcise evil spirits and let them live a normal life. He knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he couldn't sit idly by.

A few days later, Kangxi decided to visit the old man's family again in the hut and check the situation on the night of the full moon for himself. He quietly came to the hut on a full moon night with a few guards and warlocks.

Sure enough, as the old man said, when the moon rose, the old man's daughter suddenly became violent, and she roared and threw herself at Kangxi and the others. The guards rushed forward to subdue her, and the sorcerers began chanting spells and casting spells in an attempt to suppress the evil spirits within her.

However, no matter how hard they tried, the old man's daughter's struggle and screaming never stopped. Kangxi looked at the scene in front of him, his heart was full of helplessness and anger, and he hated himself for being powerless and unable to help the poor family get out of trouble.

Once, Kangxi Weifu paid a private visit and went to a family to ask for water to drink. Unexpectedly, he saw it

At this moment, a thunderclap suddenly sounded in the sky, followed by a flash of lightning that pierced the night sky and illuminated the entire mountain forest. In the light of this lightning, Kangxi saw that there seemed to be a vague figure standing behind the warlocks, holding a long sword, dressed in white, fluttering like a fairy.

Kangxi was shocked, and he quickly rubbed his eyes, wanting to see the figure clearly. However, when he opened his eyes again, the figure was gone.

At the same time, the old man's daughter's roaring suddenly stopped. She lay quietly on the ground as if she were asleep. The warlocks looked at each other, not knowing what was happening, while Kangxi stood there for a long time, unable to come back to his senses.

He knew that the figure he had just seen was not a hallucination, but a real one. Who was that figure? Why did he appear here? What did the long sword in his hand represent? All these became a mystery in Kangxi's mind.

However, he also understood that one thing was certain, that is, the condition of the old man's daughter seemed to be related to that mysterious figure. He decided to send someone to find the whereabouts of the figure as soon as he returned, and perhaps only by finding him could he unravel the mystery.

As the sky grew brighter, Kangxi left this mysterious mountain forest with doubts and expectations, and the old man's family also ushered in new hope. After that full moon night, the old man's daughter's condition miraculously improved, and they were finally able to live a peaceful life. However, the mystery about that mysterious figure has always haunted Kangxi's heart, waiting for the future to be revealed one day......