
One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


As the saying goes, "eat buds in spring, eat melons in summer", this is the dietary wisdom left to us by the older generation, and we should choose the most seasonal ingredients to eat in different seasons. March has passed, April has arrived as scheduled, and the twilight of spring is coming, the weather is obviously much warmer, and everything is full of life. All kinds of shoots on the branches have begun to sprout, decorating the spring, but also plucking people's heartstrings, people who know how to eat know that the time to eat spring buds has come. Toon buds, mulberry leaf buds, thorn buds, tree buds...... Of course, in my tongue memory, what I can't forget is the fragrant and hemp feeling, which is the special taste brought to us by Sichuan pepper buds.

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

Zanthoxylum sprouts, that is, the newly grown shoots on the pepper tree, are also called "rose vegetables" because of their small thorns. The custom of eating pepper sprouts in the mainland has also existed since ancient times, and it was once listed as a royal tribute, and was even given the title of "Yipin Pepper" at that time. With the development of the times, the pepper trees are all over the place and widely planted, so that the spring pepper buds can also enter the dining table of ordinary people.

Zanthoxylum pepper sprouts not only have a unique flavor, but also have the attributes of medicine and food, which are rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, carotene, volatile oil, hemp flavor, alkaloids, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium and other mineral components, which help to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, cold and dampness, protect the liver, protect the cardiovascular, prevent constipation, etc. Such excellent pepper sprouts are worth eating several times in the spring.

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

Sichuan pepper sprouts can be used for seasoning, which is more fragrant than Sichuan peppercorns, especially when stewing meat and stir-frying, it can give people a bright effect. Of course, pepper sprouts are not available all year round, so people who love to eat will always make them into special dishes in spring with a pair of skillful hands. Let's share with you two ways to eat pepper sprouts, one cold dressing, one fried, each with its own flavor, all worth trying, April late spring has come, don't miss it when you encounter pepper sprouts.

【Almond mixed with pepper sprouts】

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

1. First of all, pick the pepper buds, do not cut off the older stems, and at the same time pay attention not to be pricked by small thorns, and remove the small thorns when cleaning. After that, put it in water, add some edible alkali, and soak for 10 minutes. Then rinse off repeatedly with tap water.

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

2. Add wide water to the pot and boil over high heat, put the pepper sprouts inside, press it with a shovel, pull it a few times, make it mature quickly, about 30 seconds, all collapse and become soft, and you can pick it up.

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

3. Prepare a basin of cold water, put the picked up pepper buds inside, change the water once or twice, the pepper sprouts will soon be cool, scoop them up, and take out the water.

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

4. Put the pepper sprouts on the plate, add some almonds, if there is none, you can ignore it, and then continue to add a little garlic, millet pepper, light soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, and then stir repeatedly to make it completely flavorful, and you can put it on the plate.

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

【Deep-fried pepper sprouts】

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

1. Although the buds in spring are delicious, they are also deeply loved by small insects, so they should be extra careful when cleaning, and they can be soaked in a combination of salt and starch, so that the small insects can soak themselves in water, and at the same time, the dirt on the young buds can be washed off more thoroughly. Of course, rinse repeatedly after soaking.

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

2. Wrapping and frying is suitable for all kinds of sprouts in spring, which is a universal cooking method, but for Sichuan pepper sprouts, it can highlight its own hemp fragrance. Deep-fried pepper sprouts, the batter adjustment method is very important, which directly affects the taste of the finished product. Knock 1-2 eggs into the basin, add a teaspoon of salt, half of starch and half of flour, and don't forget to add 2-3 grams of baking powder, 1 gram of baking soda, and then use an egg whip to stir all the ingredients to form a smooth yogurt-like shape, which can flow, but not too thin, otherwise it will be difficult to hang.

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

3. Drain the water on the pepper sprouts as much as possible, pour wide oil into the pot, and gradually heat it over medium heat to about 60% heat. When the oil temperature rises, we pick up the peppercorn sprouts and make a circle in the batter so that they are naturally coated with a layer of batter.

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand

4. Then put the pepper buds into the hot oil, float up instantly, pull a few times with chopsticks, so that each of them is heated evenly, and when the color is browned, clamp and control the oil, and it can be loaded into the plate. It tastes crunchy, fragrant, with a light hemp fragrance, which makes people more and more addicted the more they eat.

One antibacterial, two dehumidifying, three liver protection, eat it in April, it is more fragrant than toon elm money, don't understand
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