
These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

author:Eight thousand miles of clouds and moons

As a person who cares about health, we all know that there are some parts of the body that are very sensitive and fragile and cannot be touched casually. These areas are called private areas, and their damage can cause serious health problems. Today, let's take a closer look at these private parts of men and women, why they can't be touched casually, and how to develop good habits to protect your health.

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

First, let's talk about small wound scabs. Everyone inadvertently gets hurt in their lives, leaving some small wounds. When a wound is scabbed, it actually protects our body from the invasion of external bacteria and promotes faster wound healing. However, some people can't help but pick at the scab on the wound, which is actually very bad because it can interfere with the healing process of the wound and even lead to bacterial infection and scarring.

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

Next, let's talk about earlobes. The earlobe is a very sensitive area, and frequent touching of the earlobe can lead to blockage of the sebaceous ducts, the formation of sebaceous cysts, and even infection. So, we should try to avoid touching the earlobe excessively and keep it clean and healthy.

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

The other 2 parts that cannot be touched casually are the small bumps on the back of the head. This site may seem inconspicuous, but it is actually an important structure that protects our cerebellum. Excessive massaging or rubbing of small bumps on the back of the head can cause nerve damage that can affect our health.

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

The temples are one of the most vulnerable parts of our head. The skull at the temple is weak, and if hit by an external force, it can cause intracranial hemorrhage, which can be life-threatening in severe cases. Therefore, we should try to avoid touching our temples with our hands to protect our head health.

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

Finally, let's talk about the spleen. The spleen, located on the left side of the abdomen, is a relatively fragile organ. If the abdomen is squeezed or hit violently, it can cause the spleen to rupture and bleed, which is dangerous. Therefore, we should pay attention to protect the abdomen and avoid injury.

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

In general, these parts of our body are the "vulnerable points" of our body, and we must take care of them and do not touch them casually. Develop good habits and take care of your body to live a healthy and happy life. I hope that through today's sharing, everyone can pay more attention to their health, stay away from bad habits, and let's work together to live a healthier and better life!

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

In addition to the above-mentioned parts, there are some other parts that we usually need to pay special attention to. For example, the area around the anus of the human body is a very sensitive area that can easily cause anal diseases. If we do not pay attention to personal hygiene, it is easy to lead to bacterial infection, causing problems such as anal fissures and hemorrhoids, which will bring inconvenience and pain to our lives.

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

In addition, a woman's breasts are also an area that needs special protection. Breast tissue is delicate, and if it is squeezed or collided with external forces for a long time, it may lead to the occurrence of breast diseases, and in severe cases, it may even increase the risk of breast cancer. Therefore, female friends should pay attention to avoid wearing too tight underwear, avoid the impact of external forces on the breasts, and protect their health.

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

In addition, the male genitalia is also an area that needs special protection. If it is squeezed or rubbed for a long time, it may cause testicular damage, epididymitis and other problems, affecting male fertility and sexual function. Therefore, male friends should pay attention to avoid wearing too tight underwear, avoid strenuous exercise or external collisions, and protect their genital health.

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!

In general, every part of the body needs to be cared for and not hurt our health because of momentary curiosity or bad habits. Only by maintaining good living habits, paying attention to personal hygiene, regular physical examinations, and timely detection and treatment of physical problems can we truly achieve a healthy life. Let's work together to stay away from bad habits, cherish our health, and live a better life!

These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!
These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!
These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!
These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!
These private parts of men and women really can't be touched! Those who have these habits must be changed!