
The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!

author: Longnan Wen County released
The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!

"Getting hot" is a common problem in spring, with swollen and sore gums, dry eyes, and sores on the mouth and tongue...... are common symptoms of fire.

Some people think that "getting on fire" is just a problem with the facial features, but in fact, these symptoms are just external manifestations of abnormal internal organs.

If you want to "get rid of the fire", the key is to regulate the internal organs.

There is fire on the tongue - tune the heart

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!

Heart fire is most likely to occur in the mouth, especially on the tongue.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the tongue is the seedling of the heart, and the tip of the tongue corresponds to the heart in the five organs, so the heart is on fire, which is often manifested as redness of the tip of the tongue.

But the fire in the heart is also divided into "virtual" and "real".

When there is a real fire in the heart, it is mostly manifested as sores on the mouth and tongue, red face, red tongue, and yellow urine.

When there is a false fire in the heart, in addition to the redness of the tip of the tongue, the person will also be in a state of hypocrisy and hyperactivity, and it is easy to be irritable and sleepless and thirsty at night.

How to extinguish the fire in the heart?

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!


Hole Position

Lao Gong acupoint: for insomnia, scorching sun, heartache, mouth sores, upset, temper and other symptoms caused by heart fire, it can be effective in about 10 minutes, and patients with diabetes and hypertension can also press for a long time. It can lower blood sugar and blood pressure.

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!



Real fire: You can choose lotus root/lotus root, bitter gourd, lotus leaf, lily, watermelon/cuiyi, purslane, lotus seed heart tea, bamboo leaf tea and other fire-clearing foods.

False fire: You can often drink the rock sugar lotus seed soup that clears the heart and moistens the dryness, the lotus seeds can clear the heart to remove heat, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and the rock sugar can nourish the yin and nourish the body.

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!


Traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions

Real fire: Bezoar Qingxin Pill

Void Fire: Heavenly King Heart Tonifying Pill

Ears and teeth have fire - regulate the kidneys

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!

The ears are "on fire", hearing problems occur, and the root cause of the disease is mostly in the kidneys.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if the kidneys open to the ears, and the kidneys have fire (mostly false fire), hearing problems will occur, such as deafness and tinnitus.

In addition, the main bone of the kidney, the tooth is the bone, the tooth is also a part of the bone, which is responsible for the kidney, when the kidney has fire for a long time, it is easy to have gum recession and loose teeth.

In addition, if there is fire in the kidneys, there will also be yellow urine and even burning pain in the urethra.

At this time, our tongue is red, with little or no tongue coating, and we need to nourish yin and reduce fire.

How do you extinguish a kidney fire?

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!


Hole Position

Yongquan Acupoint: "Lingshu" records: "The kidney comes out of the spring, and the spring is full of heart", which means that the qi of the kidney meridian is like the water of the source, and often massaging the Yongquan acupoint can nourish the yin and reduce the fire, so that the kidney water is sufficient, and can curb the deficiency fire of the kidney.

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!



Eat more clams, black sesame seeds, duck blood, duck meat and other foods that nourish the kidney yin.

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!


Traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions

The most famous prescription for the treatment of kidney yin deficiency is the Liuwei Dihuang Pill family, which is a famous prescription for nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney; if you have lung yin deficiency, you can use Maiwei Dihuang Pill; if you have kidney qi deficiency and frequent urinary loss, you can use Qiwei Duqi Pill.

There is fire around the mouth - regulates the stomach

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!

When you get hot, you have dry mouth, bad breath, and thirst, and most of the problems are in the stomach.

The stomach is hot, and the stomach is most likely to have problems such as inflamed lips, swollen and sore gums, and bad breath.

In addition, stomach pain, heartburn, pantothenic acid, constipation, bloating, and thirst and cold drinks are also common.

The appearance of these symptoms is mostly caused by problems such as alcoholism, spicy food, and greasy diet.

How do you put out a stomach fire?

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!


Hole Position

Inner Acupoint: One of the most significant features of this acupuncture point is that it can dispel stomach fire, which can be said to be the nemesis of stomach fire. Generally speaking, as long as it is bad breath, stomach acid, and constipation caused by stomach fire, you can massage it, and the effect is very good.

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!



Eat more mung beans, millet, yams, coix seeds, cucumbers, pears, watermelons and other heat-clearing foods.

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!


Traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions

For those who have real fire in the stomach, you can choose bezoar stomach pills and coptis stomach pills.

There is fire in the eyes - regulate the liver

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!

Dryness, redness, swelling and pain in the eyes, increased eye droppings, blurred vision, this is most likely a liver fire.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is open to the eyes, and the liver is hot, which often affects the eyes.

Moreover, the liver fire is generally based on the stagnation and depression of liver qi and turns into fire, that is, the fire is greater after the backlog is too long.

This type of person also has a big temper, is prone to anger, and even has anxiety and insomnia.

How do you put out a liver fire?

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!


Hole Position

Taichong acupoint: It belongs to the foot syncope yin and liver meridians, so massaging this acupoint has a very good effect on the symptoms of fire caused by the exuberant liver fire. Generally speaking, it doesn't hurt in general, and if you feel pain when massaging it, you can go to the liver fire by pressing it often

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!



Eat more fruits and vegetables, clear away heat, such as watermelon, carrots, spinach, etc., and drink more chrysanthemum tea.

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!


Traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions

Liver fire is more common than real fire, and those who have real fire in the liver can use cassia seeds and chrysanthemums to make tea, or take Chinese patent medicines such as gentian laxative liver pills.

There is fire in the nasal cavity - regulate the lungs

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!

Dry nasal passages, itchy nose, and nosebleeds are mostly associated with the lungs.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lungs are open to the nose, and the lungs have fire, which causes the body's qi and blood to reverse upward, and the nose often looks red.

However, lung fire is divided into real fire and false fire, the real fire is generally accompanied by cough, yellow phlegm, sore throat, dry stool and other symptoms, and the false fire is generally accompanied by symptoms such as hot hands and feet, night sweats, insomnia, hot flashes, dry cough without phlegm or little phlegm.

How do you put out a lung fire?

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!


Hole Position

Qi Ze acupoint: Qi Ze acupoint is the combined point of the lung meridian, when the lung is hot, there will be swelling pain at the Qi Ze acupoint. At this time, pressing the ruler Ze acupoint or scraping and tapping with a gua sha board can effectively remove the lung fire.

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!



Real fire: Decoction with white grass root, reed root, and orange root can clear away heat and fire, nourish the shade and cool the blood and moisten the lungs.

False fire: often eat lily, white radish, lotus root, honey, white fungus soup, etc.

The fire in the heart goes to the mouth, the lungs to the nose, and the "fire" that originates in the five senses is rooted in the internal organs! "Fire extinguishing" must be proven!


Traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions

Real fire: Antelope Lung Clearing Pill

Void Fire: Nourishing Yin and Clearing Lung Pills

The above is for reference only, please adjust under the guidance of a physician.

Source: Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Maintenance