
The university town is "occupied" by Starlight: the professor is also crazy, and the star escape plan of the top student!

author:Frontline melon master


Red carpet surprise in Capibala

In this age of digitalization, the appearance of a big star carrying a doll on the red carpet is definitely a breath of fresh air.

The university town is "occupied" by Starlight: the professor is also crazy, and the star escape plan of the top student!

Zhang Dongliang, the emotionally stable man, chose a different partner, the Kapibala doll, and took it with him on the red carpet. It's not just an ordinary red carpet walk, it's a thoughtful expression of emotion.

The university town is "occupied" by Starlight: the professor is also crazy, and the star escape plan of the top student!

Zhang Dongliang said that Kapibala is not just a doll, but a symbol of his mental state. Netizens have said, "This doll is richer than my social life!" and "Next time I'll take my teddy bear to work, reason: it understands me." ”

The university town is "occupied" by Starlight: the professor is also crazy, and the star escape plan of the top student!

The unexpected "occupation" of a college town


Then again, the craze for the pinnacle was sweeping through college towns long before it officially began. According to passers-by, not only students, but even some professors who usually only care about papers and experiments are secretly discussing the evening ceremony.

The university town is "occupied" by Starlight: the professor is also crazy, and the star escape plan of the top student!

Interestingly, the festival seems to have become an excellent reason for everyone's desire to "escape from reality". A user named "Xueba's Counterattack" commented: "I originally planned to stay up late today to study, but now it seems that I am going to stay up late chasing stars." ”

The university town is "occupied" by Starlight: the professor is also crazy, and the star escape plan of the top student!

And "Lao Wang next door" expressed his opinion: "Everyone finally has a chance to get to know our neighbors, it turns out that we are not isolated islands." ”

Is it an "escape" or a "cure"?


Of course, every event is subject to controversy. Some people believe that such a large-scale festival is an "escapist" behavior for students, who should focus more on their studies than on stargazing.

The university town is "occupied" by Starlight: the professor is also crazy, and the star escape plan of the top student!

However, there is also another school of thought that music and art are a kind of healing in themselves, which can help people temporarily escape the stresses of life and find solace in their souls.

The university town is "occupied" by Starlight: the professor is also crazy, and the star escape plan of the top student!

In the comment area, a discussion battle about "chasing stars and responsibility" has begun. On one side is the "Rational Scholars" team, who holds the banner of "You will be grateful to yourself for working hard now", and on the other side is the "Spiritual Healing" team, who firmly believe that "occasional relaxation is for a better way forward".

The university town is "occupied" by Starlight: the professor is also crazy, and the star escape plan of the top student!


Either way, it reflects the efforts of contemporary young people to find a balance between dreams and reality, relaxation and tension.

The university town is "occupied" by Starlight: the professor is also crazy, and the star escape plan of the top student!

Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why the pinnacle festival has attracted so much attention – it's not just a music festival, it's a baptism of the soul. And about the discussion of this grand ceremony, maybe the final answer is not important, the important thing is that in the discussion, everyone found their own answer.