
Fuyao University of Science and Technology benchmarks foreign Stanford, will you let your children apply for the exam this year?

Fuyao University of Science and Technology benchmarks foreign Stanford, will you let your children apply for the exam this year?

Recently, Academician Wang Shuguo, the retired president of Xi'an Jiaotong University, was appointed as the president of Fuyao University of Science and Technology, which immediately pushed Fuyao University of Science and Technology to the hot search, and more and more people began to pay attention to all the universities built by Mr. Cao Dewang himself.

Let's take a look at the basic situation of Fuyao University of Science and Technology:

Educational objectives: to benchmark against foreign Stanford universities.

Admissions score: The average score of the top five universities in China.

Admission requires an interview, strict entry and strict exit.

The tuition fee for undergraduate students is 6,000 yuan per year, and the dormitory is for two people.

Fuyao University of Science and Technology benchmarks foreign Stanford, will you let your children apply for the exam this year?

It can be seen that the positioning of Fuyao University of Science and Technology is very high from the beginning, directly benchmarking against the international famous university - Stanford University, and the enrollment score line is also close to Tsinghua University and Peking University. But for a new school that has just been established, how well is it recognized by people? Will they really let their top children apply for this college? Let's take a look at the answers of some netizens:

Fuyao University of Science and Technology benchmarks foreign Stanford, will you let your children apply for the exam this year?
Fuyao University of Science and Technology benchmarks foreign Stanford, will you let your children apply for the exam this year?

It seems that some people are not optimistic about this university, at least if their children score more than 600 points, they are not willing to let their children apply for this university. So what's the concern? Actually, the reason is very simple.

First: Universities are not easy to run just by throwing money at them.

Many people always think that to run a good university, as long as you throw money into it, as long as you have money, any kind of professor and president can be invited, and the quality of the university will naturally go up, and people who think like this are really naïve.

After so many years, the international status has improved a lot, but there is still a certain gap between it and the famous foreign universities! For example, the world-famous universities such as Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, Stanford, and so on, and the gap is not small.

Very simply, the reason why a famous school becomes a famous school is definitely not an overnight thing, it needs time to precipitate, and it also needs the edification of cultural heritage. A good academic style and school spirit of a prestigious school cannot be formed in a day or two, and it requires the dedication of several generations or even dozens of generations. These are not problems that money can solve, nor are they problems that can be solved in a short period of time, and it is even more fantastical and unrealistic to expect to become famous overnight.

Fuyao University of Science and Technology benchmarks foreign Stanford, will you let your children apply for the exam this year?

Second: If you don't find financial subsidies from the state, Fuyao Technology may not be able to survive, because running a university is really too expensive.

Running a university is super money-burning, and there is no return, at least not in the short term, which is completely different from running a business.

Boss Cao said that he would subsidize the school with 500 million yuan every year, which seems to be a lot of money, but he may not know that Tsinghua spends as much as 400 billion yuan in national funds every year, not to mention the various donations it receives. If this rhythm is followed, can the money subsidized by Mr. Cao really maintain the normal operation of the school? Moreover, can Mr. Cao always insist on subsidizing the school?

Our domestic colleges and universities are supported by the state, if the state does not subsidize in the future, it can be said that it is difficult for the school to run only by relying on the financial support of Cao Lao, unless there are active donations from people from all walks of life, and it is a very large amount of donations.

Fuyao University of Science and Technology benchmarks foreign Stanford, will you let your children apply for the exam this year?

Write at the end:

Fuyao University of Science and Technology has just been established, and it will only enroll students for the first time this summer, and many people are still very optimistic about it, after all, Boss Cao and President Wang are still very recognized. Of course, it is not easy to run a good university, and the process may not be so smooth, but as long as you work hard, it will always get better and better, and I believe that the future of Fuyao University of Science and Technology will definitely get better and better, and become the first private university in mainland China comparable to Peking University and Tsinghua University!

What do you think about this?

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