
A woman who is over 30 years old realizes that she does not have to achieve these five things in life


Although modern society has become more open and tolerant of many things, those deep-seated stereotypes are still passed down through the education of the older generation. As biological women, in the process of growing up, we are often instilled with some specious concepts, such as: girls should be dignified and virtuous, get married and have children before the age of 30, family is more important than career, etc., until our minds grow older, only to find that these "statements" are just shackles imposed on women.

A woman who is over 30 years old realizes that she does not have to achieve these five things in life

When we are approaching 30 years old but not yet 30, those shackles strangle us, but once we are past 30 and have not yet "unlocked" those "achievements that our elders expect", we will suddenly feel a sense of relief. At this point, you realize, "You don't have to achieve certain things to be happy with us. Then read along and see if you're all related!

One of the things you don't have to do in life: get married and have children

A woman who is over 30 years old realizes that she does not have to achieve these five things in life

Times have changed, and people's ideas about "marriage" and "childbearing" have finally gradually moved towards more progressive thinking. For the older generation, marriage seems to be a "life achievement" that must be unlocked, and if there is no experience of marriage in this life, it is like making some heinous mistake or stepping on some unforgivable taboo. In that kind of social climate, being urged to marry all day long and being overly concerned about the relationship status are the norm (and quite pathological).

Although the "legacy" of the past obsession with marriage and childbirth has gradually dissipated with the change of generations, there are still some people who think eight shares and will point fingers at single people who "are not married and do not want to have children". But in fact, marriage and childbirth are only a choice, not necessary, and the concept of "raising children to prevent old age" has long been outdated, as long as you live freely and happily, whether you are married or not, it is the best choice. After all, life is lived by oneself, and there is no need to pay too much attention to the criticism of others, and life is not long, and we do not seek to please others, as long as we live up to ourselves.

The second thing you don't have to achieve in life: a stable partner

A woman who is over 30 years old realizes that she does not have to achieve these five things in life

Putting aside the "marriage" that is bound by the law, the question of whether there is a "stable partner" around you seems to be a difficult hurdle for many women to cross, especially those who are about to enter the "30 mark". If you are in the middle of your 30s and are still single, don't be anxious or uneasy, because once you cross the age of 30, you will suddenly feel relieved about everything, and you will realize that "age is just a number", even if you are over 30 years old and have no dating partners, you can still live a happy and wonderful life.

Remember, love is only the spice of life, just like chicken steak is delicious with a little spicy, but still delicious without spicy, we should find a way to choose a "fresh chicken cutlet", rather than just "relying on chili powder" to cover up the taste. Love will not be everything in life, and your own happiness and happiness must be given by yourself.

The third thing that you don't have to achieve in life: having a house and a car

A woman who is over 30 years old realizes that she does not have to achieve these five things in life

Women are the kind of creatures who love themselves the most to make trouble for themselves, and it is not easy for them to let go of their two things, "no stable partner" and "no marriage and children", so they immediately find new things to annoy themselves, thinking: "Since there is no love in the word, then at least there must be a house and a car, right?" But such an idea is really self-inflicted, and life does not have to be like the world's perception to be happy. Living seriously in your own way, being able to provide yourself with food and clothing, and a small nest that can afford shelter from the wind and rain (and renting it is also very good) is already very admirable.

Whether you are a woman under the age of 30, about to turn 30, or over 30 years old, you don't need to feel pressured by boring "social expectations", as long as you don't hurt nature, how you want to live is your freedom, who said you must strive to become a certain appearance?

The fourth thing that you don't have to achieve in life: a successful career

A woman who is over 30 years old realizes that she does not have to achieve these five things in life

Do you think it's hard to talk about the fact that more than 30 people are still working as "wage earners"? I don't think so. As mentioned earlier, everyone's life has its own pace and frequency, "what should be done at what age" this mode of thinking should have been eliminated by society a long time ago, people's pace is big and small, the speed is fast and slow, and it is meaningless to compare with others, as long as you compare with yourself.

Just as the meaning of the words "successful career" is unclear, everyone has different ideas about "career" and different definitions of "successful", so why must we use the "worldly opinion" of career success to examine ourselves, so that we can live a tired and unhappy life?

The fifth thing that life doesn't have to achieve: maintain youth

A woman who is over 30 years old realizes that she does not have to achieve these five things in life

The last thing you don't have to achieve in life is to maintain "youthful beauty" forever. Although people's pursuit of "beauty" is endless, coupled with the development of modern medicine and technology, medical aesthetic fine-tuning, surgical and plastic surgery have become very popular daily life, but this "convenience" has led to many people's "appearance anxiety", and even began to examine their appearance and figure too strictly.

A woman who is over 30 years old realizes that she does not have to achieve these five things in life

We must know that "people will get old", this is an irresistible natural phenomenon, with the increase of age and metabolism decline, a few more wrinkles on the face, a few more pounds of fat on the body are natural, there is really no need to be overly anxious and worried, let alone compare yourself with those celebrities and Internet celebrities in the media. There is no such thing as the "elixir of immortality" in this world, the changes in appearance that occur with the passage of time are normal, what we should do is to change our mentality and learn to accept, in fact, the appearance is just a skin, and the beauty that exudes with knowledge and connotation is not limited by time.