
If you eat right, you won't be afraid of getting old, and a good look starts with doing these 4 things right!


As long as the oxidative damage of the body is greater than the skin's defense ability, we will gradually feel that the skin condition is not as good as before, if you add a diet or abnormal work and rest, it will aggravate the damage to the skin, and even troublesome fine lines, dullness, spots and other problems will appear. In order to maintain the health of the skin and body, what foods should be supplemented, and what nutrients can bring us good complexion?

Eating sweets and fried foods is a big no-no

If you eat right, you won't be afraid of getting old, and a good look starts with doing these 4 things right!

In addition to daily excessive sun exposure, eating more sweets and fried foods will increase the oxidative stress in the body, which in turn will cause skin damage and different conditions. At this time, it is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fiber, or whole grains, and avoid sugars or high-GI diets.

Anti-inflammatory, vitamin C

If you eat right, you won't be afraid of getting old, and a good look starts with doing these 4 things right!

In addition to eating more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, or fish rich in vitamin B3, it can help us reduce and repair the damage caused by free radicals to the body. If you want to supplement it with health food, you can also choose vitamin C, arbutin and glutathione, which also have antioxidant effects. The pomegranate, which has a variety of nutrients, can strengthen the skin's antioxidant power against UV rays and delay the rate of aging.

Eat iron-rich ingredients

If you eat right, you won't be afraid of getting old, and a good look starts with doing these 4 things right!

It is recommended to moderate the intake of iron-rich foods, such as red meat, pork liver, pig blood, and eat more vegetables and fruits, so that vitamin C can promote the absorption rate of iron, and folic acid helps the production of red blood cells and maintain a good complexion of the skin. In terms of nutritional supplements, fruit polyphenols and iron supplements can help the body metabolize and promote a good complexion!

Eat plenty of good oil and avoid dryness

If you eat right, you won't be afraid of getting old, and a good look starts with doing these 4 things right!

Dry skin can also make the complexion poor, because the stratum corneum can't retain moisture, which greatly reduces the moisture content of the skin, so eat more oil! Olive oil and bitter tea oil are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which can protect the skin and reduce the risk of cell damage. For nutritional supplements, try glutathione or hyaluronic acid, both of which have moisturizing effects, can prevent skin moisture loss, and improve skin dryness.