
On cicadas

author:Scholar of the Holy Hand

If you are hungry and thirsty to suck the sap, what does it matter if the sun is scorching?

Just to play vividly, the sunset reminiscences of dreams.

On cicadas

Alas, some people ridiculed the cicadas:

The food and drink are famous, and everyone is busy.

The lazy mediocre worm is useless, and Wen Tao is not as good as the thin mantis.

Fortunately, Tang poems praise cicadas:

It is difficult to be satisfied, and it is in vain to hate and waste.

It's like a poet, complimenting and being ashamed of talent.

Note: Shixian refers to Li Bai.

On cicadas

There are folk who smell the sarcastic poet cloud:

The flowers are full of flowers, and the night is full of singing, wine and meat.

Those who have money go to banquets, and those who have no money stay away from their hometowns.

Nowadays, there are many people around the world who use cicadas to vent their emotions, and some people say:

We should not cry every day, and we should not cry out to the earth.

Calling like a cicada, Hades is even more annoyed.

On cicadas

Cicadas are insects, but they are a bit like those fierce birds. I'd rather live vigorously for a day than dodge for a year.

There are too many birds and beasts that want to prey on cicadas, and cicadas also know how difficult their situation is. In fact, as long as it doesn't make a sound, it is difficult for any bird or beast to find it.

On cicadas

However, for the cicada to live out its feel-good feelings, it has to sing a song to let the world know that it has been here. So, after the cicada has eaten a full meal, it plays the music of life, even if it is eaten by the birds that suddenly fly in.