
What to do if you have hemorrhoids, how to reduce swelling and pain quickly, which brand has a good effect, hemorrhoids suppository ointment arrangement

author:Science and Technology Internet News

Hemorrhoids are relatively common in the current working and living environment, most people have hemorrhoids is not a joke, hemorrhoids are mainly manifested as varicose veins around the anus, what medicine is effective for hemorrhoids, which is better to use anal hemorrhoids cream or others, the principle of hemorrhoids is mainly related to the abnormalities of the blood vessels and connective tissues around the anus and rectum. Normally, the blood vessels around the anus and rectum return blood to the heart through the venous plexus. However, in some cases, such as long-term constipation, prolonged squatting, pregnancy, etc., these venous plexuses may be subjected to much more pressure than usual or blood flow may be blocked, resulting in poor blood circulation and blood stasis, which in turn can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. On the whole, the principle of hemorrhoids involves a combination of vascular abnormalities, downward movement of the anal pad and other related factors.

1. Introduction to hemorrhoids

The types of hemorrhoids can be divided into three types: internal, external, and mixed.

What to do if you have hemorrhoids, how to reduce swelling and pain quickly, which brand has a good effect, hemorrhoids suppository ointment arrangement

1.1. Internal hemorrhoids

Among them, internal hemorrhoids are a type of hemorrhoids that occur on the rectal mucosa inside the anus. Common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids include bleeding from the anus, usually bright red blood, that occurs during or after a bowel movement, itching in the anus, prolapse, in which internal hemorrhoids protrude from the anus, and pain, which may occur when the prolapse or internal hemorrhoids become inflamed.

Internal hemorrhoids are divided into four stages in medical books:

●Stage 1, painless, mainly bloody, discharged, and itchy;

●Stage 2, hematochezia and hemorrhoids prolapse with defecation, but can be repaid spontaneously;

●Stage 3 (also known as advanced stage), internal hemorrhoids prolapse outside the anal orifice, or prolapse out of the anal orifice every time they have a bowel movement, and cannot be returned on their own, and must be held back by hand.

●Stage 4: Internal hemorrhoids protrude out of the anus and cannot be returned to the inside of the anus. This is the most serious condition of internal hemorrhoids.

The formation of internal hemorrhoids is related to a variety of factors, such as prolonged constipation, diarrhea, sedentary, heavy lifting, pregnancy, etc. These factors can cause rectal varicose veins and anal cushions to move down. Treatment for internal hemorrhoids depends on the severity of symptoms. For mild internal hemorrhoids, lifestyle changes such as increasing dietary fiber intake, maintaining good bowel habits, and avoiding prolonged sittings may be sufficient to relieve symptoms. In addition, medications, such as hemorrhoid creams or suppositories, may be used to reduce pain and itching. For more severe internal hemorrhoids, surgery may be needed, such as internal hemorrhoidal ligation or internal hemorrhoidectomy. The key to preventing internal hemorrhoids is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Including eating a balanced diet, eating more vegetables and fruits, avoiding constipation, defecating regularly and avoiding straining for a long time, moderate exercise, avoiding sitting for a long time, and paying attention to anal hygiene and keeping it clean. At the same time, regular anal examinations can also help in the early detection and treatment of internal hemorrhoids.

1.2External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are another type of hemorrhoids that are located on the outside of the anus. It differs in location and symptoms from internal hemorrhoids, which are located under the skin around the anus and can usually be seen with the naked eye. The symptoms of external hemorrhoids usually manifest as discomfort such as itching, pain, swelling, and burning sensation around the anus. External hemorrhoids can also cause thrombosis, causing severe pain. The formation of external hemorrhoids is related to factors such as varicose veins, inflammation, anal fissures, etc., around the anus. Prolonged constipation, diarrhea, sedentary, obesity, pregnancy and other factors may also increase the risk of external hemorrhoids. Treatment for external hemorrhoids depends on the severity of symptoms. For mild external hemorrhoids, symptoms can be relieved by improving diet, keeping the anus clean, warm sitz bath, etc. Topical medications, such as hemorrhoid creams or suppositories, may also help. For severe external or thrombotic external hemorrhoids, surgery may be needed. The key to preventing external hemorrhoids is to maintain good lifestyle habits. This includes eating a healthy diet, having regular bowel movements, avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time, keeping your anus clean, etc. In addition, aggressive weight control and avoiding excessive straining to defecate can also help prevent the development of external hemorrhoids.

1.3 Mixed hemorrhoids

Mixed hemorrhoids are conditions in which both internal and external hemorrhoids are present at the same time, and have the dual characteristics of internal and external hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of mixed hemorrhoids may include anal pain, itching, bleeding, prolapse, etc. The severity and presentation of symptoms vary from individual to individual. Treatment methods for mixed hemorrhoids include conservative treatment and surgical treatment. Conservative treatment includes improving eating habits, keeping the anus clean, avoiding prolonged squatting, and using medications (such as hemorrhoid creams, suppositories, etc.) to relieve symptoms. For more severe mixed hemorrhoids, surgical treatment may be necessary, such as hemorrhoidectomy, hemorrhoidal ligation, etc.

Internal hemorrhoids usually don't cause significant pain, but bright red blood may appear during bowel movements. External hemorrhoids are often accompanied by pain and itching. Mixed hemorrhoids have both internal and external hemorrhoids.

What to do if you have hemorrhoids, how to reduce swelling and pain quickly, which brand has a good effect, hemorrhoids suppository ointment arrangement

2. Types of hemorrhoids medications

2.1 Topical medications

●Hemorrhoid cream or hemorrhoid suppository: Contains anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hemostatic and other ingredients, which can be applied directly or inserted into the anus to relieve symptoms.

●Hormone drugs: May reduce inflammation and itching.

What to do if you have hemorrhoids, how to reduce swelling and pain quickly, which brand has a good effect, hemorrhoids suppository ointment arrangement

2.2 Oral medications

●Pain medications, such as acetaminophen, may relieve pain.

●Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as antibiotics, are used to treat infections.

●Intravenous active drugs: Promote venous return and reduce symptoms

2.3 Sitz bath medications

●For example, potassium permanganate solution can be used in sitz baths to clean the anal area and relieve symptoms

What to do if you have hemorrhoids, how to reduce swelling and pain quickly, which brand has a good effect, hemorrhoids suppository ointment arrangement

3. Treatment of hemorrhoids

The treatment for hemorrhoids varies depending on the severity of the condition, and here are some common treatments:

3.1 Dietary modifications

Increasing the intake of dietary fiber and eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc., can help keep the stool smooth and reduce the irritation of constipation to hemorrhoids.

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3.2 Warm sitz bath

Taking a warm sitz bath two to three times a day can relieve anal pain and itching and promote local blood circulation.

3.3 Medication

Such as external hemorrhoid patch, hemorrhoid cream, suppositories or oral medications, can reduce inflammation and pain, patches are also very effective, individuals have used the anal patch, after the paste does not affect work and life, feel it personally.

What to do if you have hemorrhoids, how to reduce swelling and pain quickly, which brand has a good effect, hemorrhoids suppository ointment arrangement

3.4 Surgical treatment

Surgery may be needed for severe hemorrhoids or if conservative treatments do not work. Surgical methods include hemorrhoidectomy, hemorrhoidal ligation, and stapler hemorrhoidal circumcision (PPH).

4. Causes and data of hemorrhoids

The formation of hemorrhoids is indeed the result of a combination of internal and external factors.

4.1 Internal Causes

Internal factors mainly include the physiological structure and physical condition of the individual. For example, the veins around the anus have thinner walls, less elasticity, or problems such as varicose veins, which may make an individual more susceptible to hemorrhoids.

What to do if you have hemorrhoids, how to reduce swelling and pain quickly, which brand has a good effect, hemorrhoids suppository ointment arrangement

4.2 External Factors

External factors include lifestyle, eating habits, gut health, etc. For example, long-term constipation, prolonged sitting or standing, excessive straining to defecate, lack of dietary fiber in the diet, frequent diarrhea, etc., may affect external factors and increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

In addition, age, genetic factors, pregnancy, etc., may also be associated with the formation of hemorrhoids.

What to do if you have hemorrhoids, how to reduce swelling and pain quickly, which brand has a good effect, hemorrhoids suppository ointment arrangement

4.3 Incidence data of hemorrhoids

According to the relevant census data, the incidence of anorectal diseases is 59.1%, hemorrhoids account for 87.25% of all anorectal diseases, and internal hemorrhoids are the most common, accounting for 52.19% of all anorectal diseases.

It affects both men and women, with an incidence of 67% in women and 53.9% in men;

It can occur at any age, among which people aged 20-40 are more common, and gradually worsen with age, so there is a saying of "ten hemorrhoids".

5. Preventive measures for hemorrhoids

It is very important to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Usually we should pay attention to the adjustment of diet, increase the intake of dietary fiber, and avoid the intake of spicy and irritating foods. At the same time, it is necessary to develop good bowel habits and avoid squatting on the toilet for a long time and straining too hard to defecate. In addition, proper exercise can also help prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

In conclusion, although hemorrhoids are a common condition, if left untreated, can seriously affect quality of life. Therefore, if symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, you should seek medical attention and seek professional treatment advice in time. At the same time, we should also pay attention to prevention and maintain good lifestyle habits to reduce the occurrence of hemorrhoids.