
The Qingming Festival is coming soon, as the saying goes, "There is no spring Qingming Festival, five people want to hide in the grave", who are the five people?

author:The food of the living home

Qingming Festival is not only one of the 24 traditional solar terms in the mainland, but also one of the important traditional festivals in the mainland. It marks the official start of spring, with temperatures gradually rising and everything coming back to life. Qingming is both a solar term and a festival, with both natural and humanistic characteristics. What is special about this year's Qingming Festival is that it is a Qingming Festival without spring. The so-called no spring year refers to the fact that there is no solar term of the beginning of spring in the lunar calendar, that is, the beginning of spring arrives before the Lunar New Year.

Qingming Festival is closely related to weather changes. During the Qingming season, the temperature gradually rises and the sun is shining, which is a good time for all things to grow. But at the same time, the Qingming season is also a period of changeable climate, and the phenomenon of "inverted spring cold" appears from time to time, which has a certain impact on agricultural production and people's lives. Therefore, during the Qingming Festival, people should pay attention to weather changes and reasonably arrange agricultural production and travel plans.

The Qingming Festival is coming soon, as the saying goes, "There is no spring Qingming Festival, five people want to hide in the grave", who are the five people?

Sweeping the grave is one of the most important customs of the Qingming Festival. On this day, people go to the cemetery of their ancestors, clean up the weeds around the graves, and offer flowers, food, and paper money to show their respect and remembrance of their ancestors. This custom is not only a continuation of family traditions, but also a deep reflection on life and death.

Youth travel is another traditional activity of the Qingming Festival. When spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, and people go out of their homes to the suburbs to feel the vitality of nature. Walking on a youth tour can not only exercise the body, but also enhance the relationship between family members, which is a healthy and beneficial activity in spring.

The Qingming Festival is coming soon, as the saying goes, "There is no spring Qingming Festival, five people want to hide in the grave", who are the five people?

The climate during the Qingming period is characterized by mild and humid and full of spring. At this time, the plants begin to grow and the flowers bloom all over the garden, making it a good time to enjoy the flowers. But at the same time, due to the changeable climate, there are often spring rains during the Qingming Festival, so you need to pay attention to carrying rain gear when traveling.

Qingming has a legend that originates from ancient times. It is said that on the day of Qingming Festival, ghosts will return to the world, and in order to avoid evil spirits, some people will choose to hide on this day.

The Qingming Festival is coming soon, as the saying goes, "There is no spring Qingming Festival, five people want to hide in the grave", who are the five people?

1. Pregnant women

Because they are pregnant with new life in their bodies, their physique is relatively weak, and they are easily affected by undesirable external factors. In addition, activities such as going out to visit tombs and outing during the Qingming Festival may cause physical fatigue and even accidents to pregnant women, so pregnant women should avoid going out on the day of the Qingming Festival and stay at home with peace of mind.

2. The frail and sickly

Due to long-term illness, such people have weak constitution and poor resistance, and are easily disturbed by evil spirits. In addition, the weather is changeable during the Qingming Festival, and outdoor activities may aggravate the condition, so they should choose to rest at home and avoid going out.

The Qingming Festival is coming soon, as the saying goes, "There is no spring Qingming Festival, five people want to hide in the grave", who are the five people?

3. Elderly people over 70 years old

Due to old age, physical functions gradually decline, immunity declines, and is easily affected by external adverse factors. In addition, going out during the Ching Ming Festival may cause excessive burden on the body of the elderly, and even cause accidents. Therefore, the elderly over 70 years old should avoid going out on the day of Qingming Festival and rest at home with peace of mind.

3. Son-in-law

In the traditional concept, it is considered to be a person with a foreign surname, and it is easy to provoke evil spirits. Therefore, on the day of Qingming Festival, the son-in-law should also avoid going out so as not to bring misfortune to the family. The son-in-law can choose to spend a peaceful Qingming Festival with his family at home.

There are different ways and meanings of hiding. Some people choose to stay at home and stay out, while others choose to take refuge in temples or the homes of relatives and friends. Although these practices have a certain superstitious overtone, they also reflect people's respect for life and prayers for health and safety.

The Qingming Festival is coming soon, as the saying goes, "There is no spring Qingming Festival, five people want to hide in the grave", who are the five people?

The peculiarity of the Qingming Festival in the year without spring is that due to the early spring of this year, the Qingming Festival has become the first solar term of spring, so the custom of hiding on this day is considered particularly important. It is believed that by observing this custom, one can avoid a year of misfortune and disaster, bringing good luck and peace to oneself and one's family.

People have different views and attitudes towards the custom of hiding graves during the Qingming Festival in the Spring Festival. Some believe that it is part of traditional culture and should be respected and preserved. They believe that these customs are the wisdom left by their ancestors and have a certain truth and significance.

Others believe that these customs are superstitious and do not conform to modern scientific concepts. They believe that we should protect our health and safety according to scientific principles, rather than blindly following traditional customs.

The Qingming Festival is coming soon, as the saying goes, "There is no spring Qingming Festival, five people want to hide in the grave", who are the five people?

With the change and development of society, some customs are also gradually adjusted and changed. For example, more and more people are now choosing to carry out civilized sacrifices during the Qingming Festival, replacing burning paper and setting off firecrackers with flowers and trees to reduce the impact on the environment.

Attitudes and choices about traditional customs can be decided by each person according to their own understanding and beliefs. Whether you choose to preserve traditional practices or embrace modern ideas, the most important thing is to respect life, cherish health, and face life's challenges with a positive attitude.