
#图文伙伴计划2024#抖音美好食光#一口吃掉这里的春天#创作灵感#用美食打开这场春分一次性卤水制作方法备受关注. Traditional halogen

author:Cooking in hand

#图文伙伴计划2024 #抖音美好食光 #一口吃掉这里的春天#创作灵感 #用美食打开这场春分 The method of making disposable brine has attracted much attention. The traditional brine production process is cumbersome, and health and safety issues are becoming increasingly prominent. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a new method for making disposable brine to improve the efficiency and quality of brine food.

First of all, wash the fresh pork trotter tendons, pig ears, pork belly and other ingredients and put them in a pot to blanch. Next, put the blanched ingredients into a stainless steel pot, add the spice packets, ginger, green onions and other seasonings prepared in advance, and then add an appropriate amount of water to ensure that the ingredients are completely soaked in water.

Then, place the stainless steel pot over the fire and bring the water to a boil over medium-low heat. After the water is boiled, add the disposable brine package and stir well to fully dissolve the spices in the brine package. At this time, adjust the heat to a slight heat and continue to keep the brine boiling so that the ingredients gradually absorb the flavor.

Finally, the marinating time can be adjusted according to the taste and quality requirements of the ingredients, generally speaking, ingredients such as pork head and pig ears need to be marinated for 20 minutes and soaked for 30 minutes, while ingredients such as beef need to be marinated for 1 to 1.5 hours. When the marinating time reaches the expected level, turn off the heat, remove the ingredients, and cool before serving.

Through the above methods, it can not only ensure the taste and quality of marinated food, but also effectively avoid the health and safety problems in the traditional brine production process. In addition, the disposable brine production method has the advantages of simple operation and short time-consuming, which is conducive to improving the production efficiency of food processing enterprises. On this basis, according to the market demand, we can further study and optimize the production method of disposable brine, enrich the types of marinated food, and meet the diversified needs of consumers.

#图文伙伴计划2024#抖音美好食光#一口吃掉这里的春天#创作灵感#用美食打开这场春分一次性卤水制作方法备受关注. Traditional halogen
#图文伙伴计划2024#抖音美好食光#一口吃掉这里的春天#创作灵感#用美食打开这场春分一次性卤水制作方法备受关注. Traditional halogen
#图文伙伴计划2024#抖音美好食光#一口吃掉这里的春天#创作灵感#用美食打开这场春分一次性卤水制作方法备受关注. Traditional halogen
#图文伙伴计划2024#抖音美好食光#一口吃掉这里的春天#创作灵感#用美食打开这场春分一次性卤水制作方法备受关注. Traditional halogen
#图文伙伴计划2024#抖音美好食光#一口吃掉这里的春天#创作灵感#用美食打开这场春分一次性卤水制作方法备受关注. Traditional halogen
#图文伙伴计划2024#抖音美好食光#一口吃掉这里的春天#创作灵感#用美食打开这场春分一次性卤水制作方法备受关注. Traditional halogen
#图文伙伴计划2024#抖音美好食光#一口吃掉这里的春天#创作灵感#用美食打开这场春分一次性卤水制作方法备受关注. Traditional halogen
#图文伙伴计划2024#抖音美好食光#一口吃掉这里的春天#创作灵感#用美食打开这场春分一次性卤水制作方法备受关注. Traditional halogen