
The Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a report on the community and property

author:Huai chat
The Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a report on the community and property

Huai'an Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development released a message

The property in the community is dotted through

The new feature is officially launched

Owners can do this by scanning the QR code

Evaluate your community


Huai'an City's "Community Property Diandiantong" operation guidelines

Step 1: Long press to identify or scan the QR code of "Community Property Diandiantong".

The Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a report on the community and property

Step 2: Select "Owner Appraisal Platform"

The Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a report on the community and property

The opinion "code" says, and the problem "code" is handled. Residents only need to press and hold to identify or scan the QR code above to complain and comment on the community, so as to promote efficient and closed-loop processing of owners' demands.

It is understood that the "community property dotting" is jointly developed and managed by the Municipal Property Management Joint Office, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, and the Huai'an Daily, and is committed to building a shared platform for co-construction and co-governance, focusing on safety, cleanliness and orderly improvement of the service level of the community, and the owners can evaluate 10 aspects such as fire management, elevator management, cleaning and cleaning, and information disclosure.

Come and give it a try

Comment on your neighborhood

Source: Huaihai Evening News