
The woman said that her nose became twice as big and her skin became darker during pregnancy, why did she judge two people after pregnancy?

author:Yangcheng faction
The woman said that her nose became twice as big and her skin became darker during pregnancy, why did she judge two people after pregnancy?

On March 27, the topic #Woman's nose became twice as big after pregnancy# topped the hot search list on Weibo, arousing the attention and heated discussions of netizens. As of 11:30 on the 27th, the topic has accumulated more than 180 million views and more than 98,000 interactions.

The woman said that her nose became twice as big and her skin became darker during pregnancy, why did she judge two people after pregnancy?

According to @Pioneer News news, on March 25, Ms. Huang in Nanning, Guangxi, posted a video saying that her weight skyrocketed by 28 pounds after pregnancy, many acne acne appeared on her face, her nose became twice as big, and even her armpits produced melanin precipitation because of progesterone. Ms. Huang said that she hopes that she can return to her previous appearance through exercise and skin care after giving birth.

Why do I get acne after pregnancy? Why does my skin darken? What is the reason why my nose gets bigger? How to recover quickly after giving birth? Today, Pai Pai Jun has compiled relevant information to answer them one by one.

Why do I get acne?

Zhao Yan, a dermatologist at the Pujiang Branch of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University, said that the acne outbreak of pregnant mothers is mainly due to changes in hormone levels after pregnancy. The sebaceous glands on the face, jaw, neck, chest and back are more distributed, and there is a lot of oil, which is easy to form clogged pores and cause inflammation.

Many expectant mothers will suffer from such problems, and some will even have acne on their thighs. "Don't worry too much, most people will lose their hormone levels when they return to normal after giving birth. Zhao Yan said.

Zhao Yan suggested that if the acne has affected the mood of the pregnant mother, the expectant mothers do not need to shy away from the doctor. For large-scale acne, pregnant mothers can also use some class B external drugs during pregnancy, such as fusidic acid, clindamycin, azelaic acid, etc., which are used alternately every day or every other day.

The woman said that her nose became twice as big and her skin became darker during pregnancy, why did she judge two people after pregnancy?

Why does the skin darken?

Ma Liangkun, chief physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, wrote in a tweet that various changes in the skin during pregnancy are caused by changes in hormone levels during pregnancy. These hormones stimulate melanocytes to produce more melanin, causing melanin to be deposited on the skin, making the entire person's complexion look dull and dark. Approximately 90% of women during pregnancy will experience some degree of darkening of their skin tone.

She suggested that during pregnancy, in order to avoid darkening the complexion, pregnant mothers need to pay attention to reducing long-term activities in the sun, and can consider using sunscreen or wearing sunhats and other sun protection measures to ensure that they do a good job of sun protection.

She also reminded everyone that it is normal for skin to darken or change skin tone in certain areas during pregnancy, and there is no need to be overly anxious. And in most cases, these changes will gradually disappear after the birth of the baby in about a year, and the pregnant mother's skin tone will gradually recover, so don't worry too much!

Why does the nose get bigger?

In this regard, the explanation in "Obstetrics and Gynecology" is as follows: during pregnancy, the pregnant mother's body will have some normal physiological changes, including increased estrogen and progesterone levels, increased blood volume, and obstruction of venous return due to uterine enlargement, which will cause swelling (edema) in the hands, feet and face. When facial swelling is noticeable, the nose may look larger than it was before pregnancy.

At the same time, the pregnant mother's breathing will be significantly deepened, the wings of the nose will be agitated and enlarged significantly, and the nose may also be visually enlarged.

In addition, if the pregnant mother continues to take supplements during pregnancy, does not pay attention to diet control, and does not exercise, it can lead to significant weight gain. If the facial enlargement is noticeable, the nose will also look larger than before pregnancy.

The book also reminds that, in general, after childbirth, the nose gradually returns to its original state.

How to recover faster and suffer less sin after childbirth?

1. Keep it ventilated

It is necessary to open doors and windows regularly, keep the air fresh, hygienic and clean, the temperature is about 26 °C, the humidity is 50% ~ 60%, and the air conditioner can be turned on in summer, but prevent the wind from blowing directly.

Resolutely abandon the bad habit of "covering confinement" and avoid heat stroke during the puerperium!

2. Get sleep

During the confinement period, the mother should sleep with the baby to help the body recover and ensure that the milk supply is sufficient. At the same time, Bao Dad should remember that taking care of the baby is not just a "patent" for Bao Mom.

3. Timely activities

Turning over in bed 24 hours after giving birth, alternating between semi-sitting and lying positions, women who give birth vaginally should get out of bed and walk around the next day after giving birth, and do some simple exercises or postpartum gymnastics every day.

4. Eat a balanced diet

Drink water 2100~2300ml every day, choose foods that are easy to digest and absorb, eat small and frequent meals, meat and vegetables are suitable, light and suitable, not eat raw, cold, hard and spicy food, and do not overdo or take supplements too quickly.

The woman said that her nose became twice as big and her skin became darker during pregnancy, why did she judge two people after pregnancy?

5. Pay attention to hygiene

Wash the vulva with warm boiled water, change the perineal pads frequently, wash your hair, feet, and underwear frequently, take a shower to avoid dirty water from flowing into the vagina, brush your teeth once or twice a day, you can choose to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently brush it, and rinse your mouth with warm water after each meal.

6. Morphological rehabilitation

Pregnant women eat a lot of high-fat, high-protein, and high-calorie foods every day during lactation, which leads to fat metabolism disorders and "fertility obesity", so it is necessary to have a balanced diet and exercise after childbirth!

Precautions when exercising: you can get out of bed more often, take a walk or do some housework within your ability, the amount of exercise gradually increases, the number of times gradually increases, step by step, the heart rate exceeds 130 beats/minute, you should pay attention to rest in time, dizziness, headache, nausea or other uncomfortable feelings, you should reduce or stop exercising.

7. Mental health care

After giving birth, new mothers are prone to irritability, anxiety and other emotions due to changes in their receptors and their own roles, as well as somatization symptoms such as anxiety, depression, sensitivity to interpersonal relationships, physical pain and sleep disorders.

Postpartum depression is a relatively common mental illness in women after childbirth, and the incidence rate is usually 13%~19%. Studies have pointed out that support from family, society and medical staff can help mothers adapt to their motherhood roles, thereby reducing the incidence of postpartum depression.

If you find that the mother's depression is serious, you must go to a regular hospital for treatment in time.

(References: "Obstetrics and Gynecology", @先锋新闻, "Chinese Women" magazine, Beijing Maternal and Child Health Service WeChat official account, Shenzhen Maternal and Child Health Hospital WeChat official account, Pujiang County People's Hospital Medical Community WeChat official account, obstetrician and gynecologist Ma Liangkun WeChat official account, etc.)

Reporter Zheng Zongmin

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