
After rescuing people, he quietly left from the crowd of onlookers......

author:Chinese veterans
After rescuing people, he quietly left from the crowd of onlookers......

"When the lives of the people are in danger, someone must come forward, and as a party member and cadre, you must stand up at a critical moment. Although more than a month has passed, talking about the righteous and courageous behavior during the Spring Festival this year, Deng Lang, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Veterans Affairs Bureau of Shangyou County, Jiangxi Province, still has a firm expression.

Indeed, Deng Lang said so and did so, and he proved with practical actions that he was the one who stood up at a critical time.

risk, coming in the warm sun

On February 12, 2024, the third day of the first lunar month, the long-lost sunshine sprinkled on the streets and alleys of Shicheng County, Ganzhou City.

At half past three in the afternoon, Deng Lang, who has always loved running and fitness, decided to enjoy the bright spring in his hometown by running after a short lunch break. So, he changed into sportswear and set off, with the goal of jogging 10 kilometers along the main road of the county to the stadium of Ganyuan Middle School.

At around 3:50, Deng Lang ran to the bridgehead of Ganjiangyuan Bridge in Shicheng County. At this time, there are not many vehicles on the bridge, and there are few pedestrians, so that a battery car parked next to the sidewalk in the middle of the bridge is very eye-catching, and the middle-aged man standing on the sidewalk leaning on the guardrail of the bridge and leaning out of the bridge from time to time has attracted Deng Lang's attention.

"Who is he, what is he going to do, is he going to ......" An ominous premonition came to Deng Lang's heart, and he vaguely felt that this stout man in his 40s might jump over the bridge fence more than 1 meter high and jump into the rolling Qinjiang River at any time.

So, Deng Lang slowed down his running pace while thinking about how to deal with what might happen next.

The danger is resolved at the last moment

As Deng Lang slowly approached, the middle-aged man leaning on the side of the bridge railing looked a little restless. When Deng Lang ran to about 20 meters away from him, the man suddenly leaned out of the bridge railing, and even lifted his right foot above the bridge railing. This abnormal move made Deng Lang more firm in his judgment: the man was ready to jump into the river to find a short meeting!

You must stop him! Deng Lang sped up and ran forward, thinking about how to rescue. When he ran to a distance of about 10 meters from the man, the man had climbed over the bridge railing, faced the surging river, and tried to jump into the river.

At the critical moment, Deng Lang was very sober-minded: if he rushed to the rescue, it might backfire, but at this critical moment when his life was hanging by a thread, what should he do?

Deng Lang has worked in the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Political and Legal Committee for many years, and he clearly knows that the best way at this time is to hold the man by surprise without alarming him!

In order not to alarm the other party, Deng Lang pretended to run forward as if nothing had happened, intending to run behind the man, turn around and hug him by the waist again, and rescue him from danger.

However, just as Deng Lang ran behind the man, the man suddenly raised one foot and was about to jump into the river. said that it was too late, that time was fast, Deng Lang turned around, quickly stopped the man by the waist, and dragged him to the inside of the bridge. And the man struggled to jump into the river, while shouting loudly with tears in his eyes, "Don't worry about it, I don't want you to care!"

At the critical moment, Deng Lang hugged the man vigorously while shouting loudly: "Save people, come and help save people!" However, at this time, there were few vehicles and people coming and going on the bridge, and occasionally a few passing cars were also speeding by.

Time passed minute by minute, and Deng Lang's physical strength was constantly consumed in the man's struggle. At the last moment, several passers-by rushed to hear the news and assisted Deng Lang to rescue the man from the outside of the bridge, and a thrilling danger was finally resolved.

Leave from the crowd of onlookers from the bridge

Taking advantage of the man's mood gradually calming down, Deng Lang signaled the people involved in the rescue to call the police, and began to do the man's ideological work.

After rescuing people, he quietly left from the crowd of onlookers......

The picture shows the scene of the rescue, and Deng Lang is wearing orange short sleeves.

During the conversation, it was learned that the man was in debt and felt that he could not gain a foothold in Shicheng County, so he chose to commit suicide. After listening to Deng Lang's patient and repeated persuasion, the man finally dispelled the idea of suicide, he choked up and said: "I didn't think about it for a while just now, so I had this idea of suicide, thank you for saving my life, I will never do such a stupid thing in the future, I will go to work outside after the Lantern Festival, and strive to pay off the debt as soon as possible." ”

At this time, there were more and more onlookers, and the "110" police car also arrived at the scene. After handing over the man to the police, Deng Lang quietly squeezed out of the crowd and continued to run along the sidewalk of the Ganjiangyuan Bridge, as if nothing had happened just now......

It wasn't until the evening that the family knew what was going on when they saw the bruises on Deng Lang's arm left by saving people.

After rescuing people, he quietly left from the crowd of onlookers......

Source: Rule of Law Daily

Author: Huang Hui Yang Renye