
Love and dedication to the society, true feelings warm people's hearts

author:Love Messenger 520

Northwest Region: Yan Xijun reports

Love and dedication to the society, true feelings warm people's hearts

In order to carry forward the spirit of volunteer service of dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress, on the morning of March 26, 2024, a group of 12 volunteers from the Guangling Tianyou Classroom in Datong, Shanxi Province, were invited by Bai Guojie, Secretary of the Shahe Village Party Committee of Huquan Town, to come to the courtyard of the Shahe Village Committee of Huquan Town, Guangling County, to carry out convenient service activities such as free haircuts, knife sharpening, and scissors for the masses.

Love and dedication to the society, true feelings warm people's hearts

Volunteers came to the compound of the village committee to make preparations before the service. Then he picked up a broom and dustpan and swept away the garbage in the yard, and the residents came one after another. Retired Dr. Liu came to the sharpening site with a rusty kitchen knife, handed it to the sharpener to polish, and then he took out his mobile phone to take pictures of everyone and record Douyin. He said: "It is necessary to spread the spirit of volunteers to do good deeds. The volunteers were very relieved to hear what he said, and the more they grinded, the more energetic they became.

Love and dedication to the society, true feelings warm people's hearts

In the barber area, the volunteer master took scissors and combs to carefully take care of the residents who came to get a haircut, and trimmed one after another satisfactory hairstyles. "Help me cut it shorter, it's too uncomfortable to have long hair when it's hot. An 83-year-old man said to the volunteers who got a haircut. The volunteer told the uncle to sit down, wrap around the cloth, and with the "buzz" of the electric clippers and the "click" of the scissors, after a while, the desired hairstyle was "born". The uncle stood up and said humorously to himself in the mirror: "Ah, yes, the old man has become a young man." Everyone laughed happily.

Love and dedication to the society, true feelings warm people's hearts

Through this service activity, volunteers contribute to the society with love, warm people's hearts with true feelings, and let the spirit of volunteer service be inherited and carried forward forever.