
Hui'an County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: Rights Protection More Than "315" Regulatory Escort "365"

author:See Quanzhou

Every "3.15" International Consumer Rights Day, the public's attention will focus on the chaos of consumption. In fact, compared with centralized "unmasking", normalized supervision is more important. Because there are 365 days in a year, but there is only one "3.15". In recent years, the county market supervision and administration bureau has closely focused on people's livelihood concerns, strengthened complaint handling, front-line services, supervision and law enforcement, publicity and guidance, and made every effort to create a good consumer environment and safeguard the rights and interests of consumers.

"Support" for consumer rights protection

"Fortunately, you guys help mediate, otherwise I would have to suffer a dumb loss when I encounter this kind of thing!" Mr. Wang, a consumer, thanked the staff of the Luocheng City Supervision Center again and again.

In February this year, Mr. Wang cupping at a foot bath shop in Luocheng Town, due to improper operation by the technician, Mr. Wang suffered burns on his chest and back. After the incident, Mr. Wang went to the hospital for treatment and was diagnosed with second-degree burns on his left chest and back.

In a fit of anger, Mr. Wang demanded compensation of 50,000 yuan from the foot bath shop. When the negotiation failed, Mr. Wang complained to the County Administration for Market Regulation.

After receiving the complaint, the staff immediately investigated, and emotionally comforted the consumer, and organized mediation between the two parties. After more than two hours of mediation, the foot bath shop finally compensated Mr. Wang with a one-time compensation of 28,000 yuan, and the complaint was successfully mediated.

Solve the problem of consumer rights protection, and put practical things for the people into action. In May last year, Ms. He spent 2,999 yuan on a branded watch at a mobile phone store, but soon it broke down. Her request to change the watch was refused, and she complained to the 12315 hotline before replacing the watch with a new one. In November of the same year, Ms. Zhang spent 8,000 yuan in a beauty shop to remove freckles, but it did not achieve the expected effect. She asked the merchant for a refund to no avail, and after complaining to the market supervision department, she finally received a full refund. These two cases were shortlisted as typical cases of "315 Practical Things for the People" in Quanzhou City.

Hui'an County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: Rights Protection More Than "315" Regulatory Escort "365"

"Support" for consumer rights protection

Since 2023, the county market supervision and administration bureau has handled a total of 4,983 consumer complaint cases, with a mediation completion rate of 96.72%, recovering 623,800 yuan of economic losses for consumers, accepting 1,658 report clues, and filing and investigating 109 cases according to clues, and in 2023, the complaint and report completion rate of the 12315 and 12345 platforms will be 100%, ranking first in the city's 12315 efficiency evaluation.

"We insist on quick adjustment and quick handling, set up an emergency rights protection mediation team, accept and handle complaints around the clock, and ensure that the channels for consumer rights protection are unimpeded. Relying on the 12 town grassroots supervision offices to verify the authenticity of the content of complaints and reports, understand the demands of both parties, and mediate in advance to improve efficiency. The relevant staff of the County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau introduced.

In addition to properly handling daily consumer complaints, the county market supervision and administration bureau also combined with the festival nodes to predict the hot spots of tourism-related consumer disputes in advance and formulate a mediation plan. During the Spring Festival this year, a total of 15 travel-related complaints were accepted, all of which were completed within 2 days, so that the consumer rights protection work holiday "does not close".

"Scales" out of the weight of integrity

On the eve of "3.15", attentive citizens will find that "fair scales" have been added at the main entrances and exits of the Dongling Farmers' Market and the Second Market to facilitate the citizens to re-weigh the scales at will. This is a micro-measure taken by the County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to standardize and improve the management of farmers' markets, aiming to prevent illegal traders from playing "scales" at will.

"With this scale, even if we don't use it, the merchant doesn't dare to be lucky. Ms. Zhang, who often goes to the Dongling Farmers' Market to buy vegetables, has used the "fair scale" to re-weigh several times, and found that there is no shortage of catties or two, and the merchants in the farmers' market gradually trust it, and she no longer uses the fair scale.

The "fair scale" of "calculating" not only makes the people "scale" happy, but also makes the "sincerity" of the business visible.

In order to move the threshold forward and realize source governance, the construction of creditworthiness is indispensable. In the past year, the county market supervision and administration bureau has taken the promotion of merchants' awareness of integrity management as the starting point, actively carried out the demonstration of integrity management, established the Hui'an County Enterprise Integrity Exhibition Center, and guided the county's 28 large-scale and reputable units to publicly promise to return offline shopping without reason to return to the society.

Hui'an County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: Rights Protection More Than "315" Regulatory Escort "365"

The representative of the enterprise is committed to operating with integrity

Hui'an County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: Rights Protection More Than "315" Regulatory Escort "365"

There is no reason to return offline shopping

On March 15, the County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, together with relevant units, held a publicity activity in Yuyuehui Commercial Plaza, Luoyang Town, to strengthen the creation of "assured consumption in Hui'an" and promote the integrity and self-discipline of the enterprise industry. Yan Bin, deputy general manager of the county telecommunications company, read out the proposal of the Liangnuo commitment to honest management as a representative of the enterprise, and the representatives of the county industry association and some enterprises of "offline no reason to return" jointly signed the commitment on the integrity management commitment wall.

In addition, the county market supervision and administration bureau explores the ODR mechanism, cultivates ODR enterprises, guides enterprises to establish a harmonious consumption relationship with consumers, and improves consumer satisfaction with the integrity of operators.

ODR enterprises refer to enterprises that provide online resolution services for consumer disputes through the ODR system of the 12315 platform under the guidance and supervision of the market supervision department. At present, there are 10 ODR companies in Hui'an, relying on the online ODR system, they can negotiate with consumers online, reduce the communication cost of intermediate links, and realize that consumers "do not have to run once". For example, Dali Food Co., Ltd. actively carried out online mediation through ODR channels, and has successfully settled 59 cases with consumers and 68 complaints voluntarily withdrawn by consumers in 2023.

Law enforcement "long teeth", protect the "money bag"

Strictly investigate and deal with it, and dig deep into the "black industry". After the broadcast of CCTV's "3.15" party, the county market supervision and administration bureau responded quickly, and urgently carried out a special investigation within the county to strictly investigate the illegal acts that infringed on the rights and interests of consumers in response to the problems exposed by the party, such as "non-fireproof glass" and "bad meat in plum cabbage button meat".

Hui'an County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: Rights Protection More Than "315" Regulatory Escort "365"

Carry out special food safety inspections

Concentrate on destruction to stop the "unhealthy tendencies". On March 15, our county carried out the centralized destruction of the items involved in the "3.15" case. The 14.72 tons of items involved in the case confiscated in accordance with the law were destroyed in a centralized manner, involving nearly 200 kinds of categories such as sweet potato wine, illegally sourced drugs, trademark-infringing shoes and clothing, and fake and shoddy electrical appliances, and the infringing goods involved well-known brands such as Nike, Arc'teryx, Descente, Adidas, Martin, Timberland, Nanfu, and Blue Moon, with a value of more than 30 yuan. This centralized destruction activity fully demonstrated the achievements of consumer rights protection law enforcement and formed a certain warning and deterrent effect.

Hui'an County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: Rights Protection More Than "315" Regulatory Escort "365"

The Dongling Town Municipal Supervision Institute walked into Dongling Primary School to carry out a lecture on "Pay Attention to Food Safety".

Linkage publicity and popularization of the "Pit Avoidance Guide". Eight typical cases of consumer rights protection in 2023 were released, and new media was used to do a good job in online publicity, and online quizzes with prizes were carried out to stimulate consumer vitality, popularizing legal knowledge such as consumer rights and interests protection, and enhancing the public's awareness and ability to protect their rights, with more than 3,800 people participating, and mobilizing grassroots supervision offices in various towns to cooperate with the town government to carry out publicity, such as Dongling Town Municipal Supervision Office to carry out a lecture on "Concern for Food Safety" in Dongling Primary School, and Luocheng Municipal Supervision Office to enter the "Party Building +" in the northwest community The neighborhood center carried out 12315 health food knowledge publicity activities.

In the next step, the County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau will continue to focus on the key hot spots of people's livelihood consumption, expand the scope of publicity, build a pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing of consumer rights and interests protection, further release consumption potential, promote consumption upgrading, and help the high-quality economic development of Hui'an County.

Source | Hui'an Township News Hui'an County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau

Edit | Lian Yunqian

Editor-in-charge | Yang Zhentang

Audit | Lin Shuda