
Experts recommend delayed retirement options: women start first, women live longer, decided?

author:Tech Farm

Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Wei! I will share new things with you every day! Welcome everyone to communicate with each other and make progress together!

With the increasing prominence of China's aging society, the policy of delayed retirement has gradually entered the public eye. Recently, some experts have suggested that delayed retirement programs should start with women, one of the reasons is that women live longer on average than men, so their retirement should be postponed accordingly. This proposal has sparked extensive discussion and deep reflection on issues such as gender equality, labor rights protection, and the improvement of the social security system.

Experts recommend delayed retirement options: women start first, women live longer, decided?

During the interview, we learned that the current retirement age standard in the mainland is 60 years old for men, 50 years old for female workers, and 55 years old for female cadres. This standard was formed under specific historical conditions, and with the development of social economy and demographic changes, delayed retirement has become an unavoidable topic. The "women-first-first" delayed retirement scheme proposed by experts is a positive response to this problem.

As for why women are chosen as the priority object for delayed retirement, experts point out that the average life expectancy of women is longer than that of men is a fact that cannot be ignored. According to statistics, the average life expectancy of women in mainland China has exceeded 80 years, while that of men is slightly lower. This means that women generally enjoy retirement longer than men at the same retirement age. Therefore, from the perspective of longevity, it is reasonable for women to appropriately delay retirement.

However, this does not mean that women should accept delayed retirement unconditionally. In our interviews, we noticed that many women have reservations about delaying retirement. They are concerned that delaying retirement will affect the balance of family life, especially for women who have important roles in both the family and the workplace, and that delaying retirement may cause them more stress.

In addition, the impact of delayed retirement on the female job market cannot be ignored. At present, women still face many challenges in the job market, such as obstacles to career advancement and unequal salary levels. If delayed retirement policies are not properly designed, they can further exacerbate women's disadvantage in the job market.

In response to these concerns and issues, the experts made a series of recommendations. First, delayed retirement policies should take into account the special needs of women, such as establishing a flexible retirement system that allows women to choose to retire or continue working after reaching a certain age or number of years of service. Second, it is necessary to strengthen support and protection for women's employment market, eliminate gender discrimination, and improve women's professional status and income level. Finally, there is a need to improve the social security system to ensure that women can enjoy adequate pension protection after retirement.

Experts recommend delayed retirement options: women start first, women live longer, decided?

In the course of the interview, we also found some successful cases. For example, a company has implemented a flexible retirement system that allows employees to choose the retirement time based on their personal circumstances and needs. This system is widely recognized by employees, especially female employees. They can balance family and work according to their actual situation, realize their personal values and take better care of their families.

At the same time, the government is also actively promoting the implementation of the delayed retirement policy. By improving relevant laws, regulations and policy measures, the government has provided more support and protection for women to delay retirement. For example, the regulation of the female job market has been strengthened to combat gender discrimination, and the level of pension benefits for women has been increased to ensure that they can live a secure life after retirement.

Of course, the implementation of the delayed retirement policy also faces some challenges and difficulties. How to balance the interests of different groups and how to ensure the fairness and sustainability of policies need to be deeply considered and discussed. In the future, we look forward to the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and all sectors of society to promote the smooth implementation of the delayed retirement policy and make positive contributions to building a more harmonious and fair society.

Experts recommend delayed retirement options: women start first, women live longer, decided?

In conclusion, experts recommend that delayed retirement programs start with women first, based on the reality that women live longer than men on average. However, the implementation of this policy needs to take full account of the special needs of women and the state of the job market to ensure the fairness and sustainability of the policy. By continuously improving policy measures and strengthening social support, we are confident that we will promote the smooth implementation of the delayed retirement policy and contribute to the sustainable development of society.

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