
The child's sleeping position may suggest a different personality, and if the baby is the 4th type, then congratulations

The child's sleeping position may suggest a different personality, and if the baby is the 4th type, then congratulations

How enchanting the children's sleeping position is, only you can't think of it, and there is nothing they can't sleep.

The child's sleeping position may suggest a different personality, and if the baby is the 4th type, then congratulations
The child's sleeping position may suggest a different personality, and if the baby is the 4th type, then congratulations

But did you know that there is a "big secret" hidden in these various sleeping positions?

British scientists have done a study, they found that after people fall asleep, the state of the body is no longer governed by consciousness, so the sleeping position "exposes" the state of our subconscious, and then reflects our psychological state.

For example, if the child encounters something during the day, there are some changes in their psychology, but due to the dissuasion of parents and teachers, they do not show it.

When you fall asleep at night, the emotions that have been suppressed in your heart will unconsciously manifest themselves, sometimes in various dreams, sometimes in various sleeping positions.

Scientists in the UK have surveyed about 1,000 people and analyzed 6 common sleeping positions, each of which is related to the person's personality.

01 "Large-shaped" sleeping figure

The child lies on the bed on all fours, with his face facing up, and his limbs stretched out freely, like a "big" character. At the same time, the outstretched hands and feet plus the head also resemble a starfish, so this sleeping position is also called the "starfish" sleeping position.

If your child often adopts this sleeping position, you must not blame him for occupying half of the bed, which means that the child has been in a happy mood recently, and there is no psychological pressure and burden, and the whole person is in a very relaxed state.

Children who have been sleeping in a "big type" position for a long time are often full of a sense of security in their hearts, so they will be so stretched subconsciously.

They are very confident in learning and doing things, difficulties and setbacks will not hit them too hard, and they can recover well from bad moods.

Of course, such children are often full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm in doing things, and sometimes they are prone to impulsiveness and recklessness, so parents should guide them more to be practical and steady, which is more conducive to their future development.

The child's sleeping position may suggest a different personality, and if the baby is the 4th type, then congratulations

02 Fetal sleeping position

The child lies on his side, his hands and legs bent together, and his body naturally bent, as if curled into a ball or an "egg".

The child's sleeping position may suggest a different personality, and if the baby is the 4th type, then congratulations

This is the sleeping position that babies often adopt when they are in their mother's womb, so it is called "fetal sleeping position". Although this posture looks cute, it is actually a manifestation of inner insecurity.

People who are insecure are more sensitive in their hearts and are more emotional than rational. When coming into contact with strangers and unfamiliar environments, adapting is a bit slow, which is often referred to as the "slow heating type".

Of course, such a child has an advantage, that is, he is thoughtful, and he is very serious and responsible in his studies and work. In addition, such children generally have a talent for art and have great potential in painting, music, and acting.

For such children, parents need more encouragement, more companionship, and more guidance to help them eliminate anxiety and relax.

03 Soldier-type sleeping position

This sleeping position can be said to be the most well-behaved sleeping position, the child is facing up, with his hands at his sides, and his head slightly tilted to one side. Many well-trained soldiers sleep in this position, hence the name "soldier-type sleeping position".

The child's sleeping position may suggest a different personality, and if the baby is the 4th type, then congratulations

Children in this sleeping position are quiet, well-behaved, and sometimes even a little introverted. But don't worry, it's a good thing, they tend to be goal-oriented, organized, and self-demanding when it comes to doing things. Sometimes, although they are slow to heat, once they identify friends and things they like, they will definitely treat them with their hearts.

They are also very fond of thinking, have strong rational thinking, and have an advantage in some science subjects.

When they have a conflict with someone, they will have a cold attitude and choose to avoid the problem, or "treat it coldly".

Therefore, parents should guide them to self-regulate and control their emotions, for example, tell them how to calm down when they are angry, how to motivate themselves when they are frustrated, and how to stabilize their mentality when they are victorious.

04 Hug sleeping position

The child lies on the left or right side of the patient, with the legs bent naturally and the arms bent naturally by the pillow. This sleeping position accounts for the highest proportion of the population, and it is also the most comfortable and healthy position.

The child's sleeping position may suggest a different personality, and if the baby is the 4th type, then congratulations

Children in this sleeping position are neutral and extroverted, more easy-going, and will neither be too aggressive nor reckless in dealing with the world.

Because of their extroverted personality, such children also like to be with children, have normal interpersonal skills, and can adapt well to unfamiliar environments and new groups.

However, children with optimistic personalities and silly white sweetness also have a disadvantage that cannot be ignored, that is, they are more likely to trust others, which leads to being deceived, so parents must strengthen the education of anti-abduction and anti-deception.

05 Sleeping

Children in this sleeping position, lying on their stomachs with their faces turned to the side, their limbs stretched out, and their arms close to the pillow, look quite funny.

The child's sleeping position may suggest a different personality, and if the baby is the 4th type, then congratulations

Such children have a more cheerful personality, more energetic, like to be lively and have good eloquence, so they like to participate in various activities and like to show themselves.

At the same time, the characteristics of liking self-expression and self-presentation also make such children very confident, brave and bold.

However, it should be noted that this kind of child is actually a bit thin-skinned, has strong self-esteem, and cares a lot about other people's evaluations and opinions.

When communicating with such children, parents must take care of their emotions, they like to encourage more than criticize, and using encouragement instead of yelling and scolding can stimulate their self-motivation and often get twice the result with half the effort.

06 Sleep with something in your arms

Some children like to sleep with something in their arms, either a beloved doll or a stuffed animal, and some children like to fall asleep with their mother's arm in their arms...... Even this habit continues into adulthood.

The child's sleeping position may suggest a different personality, and if the baby is the 4th type, then congratulations

Children with this sleeping habit have intimate feelings for dolls, plush toys, etc., and they like it very much and are very reluctant, so they will even hold it when they sleep. In addition, sleeping with something in their arms will give them a strong sense of security and a very steady mind.

Such children are actually a little insecure in their hearts, and they need the care and support of relatives and friends.

But it is precisely for this reason that they attach great importance to the intimate relationship between people, and they are a person who cares about family, family, and friends.

Seeing this, have you found the same sleeping position of the baby, and is there any similarity with the baby's personality?

In fact, there is no good or bad sleeping position, and mothers do not need to force their children to change.

At the same time, the sleeping position can only reflect the child's recent emotional state to a certain extent, help us understand the child's psychological state, and cannot accurately predict the future.

Moreover, whether a child's personality is healthy or not, a small part is determined by nature, and more depends on the acquired growth environment and the positive guidance of parents!

In addition, from the perspective of children's physical health, a single sleeping position is not the best, and proper turning over is beneficial to the development of bones and muscles.

Well, come to the comment area and share your baby's wonderful sleeping position!