
Jiangcheng Rongcheng one-day double race showed its skills, and Jingdong Logistics once again showed the style of "marathon logistics king".

author:Courier Observer

"Cherry blossom season, cross the rivers and lakes, don't run Han Ma is not a hero!" With the shouts of enthusiastic volunteers, on March 24, the 2024 Wuhan Marathon started. At the same time, the Chengdu Shuanghui Marathon is also in full swing. In these two high-profile marathon events, JD Logistics has once again become a strong backing for logistics support with its excellent service capabilities. Supporting two large-scale events in one day not only demonstrates the efficiency and professionalism of JD Logistics, but also solidifies its position as the "king of marathon logistics support".

Jiangcheng Rongcheng one-day double race showed its skills, and Jingdong Logistics once again showed the style of "marathon logistics king".

△JD Logistics has become the only logistics service provider designated by Hanma in 2024

The Wuhan Marathon has become a city card, attracting tens of thousands of runners every year to challenge themselves. This year, the number of runners in the Wuhan Marathon has reached a new high, and the number of logistics support materials and the difficulty of support for the event have also increased. According to the staff of the special support warehouse of Jingdong Logistics Hanma Materials, the support materials in the special warehouse include nearly 300,000 bottles of water, more than 600,000 water cups, more than 120,000 paper towels and wipes, hot dry noodles can be lined up to go around the Hubei Provincial Library 4 times, bananas can go around Shouyi Square 5 times, and bread bases can reach the height of 4 Yellow Crane Towers...... Although the quantity of materials is huge and varied, based on the five-year cooperation experience with Wuhan Marathon, JD Logistics staff have long been confident about the pre-sorting and scientific storage of materials to ensure timely delivery on the day of the event.

Hanma is the top marathon event in China, with more than one million pieces of materials that need to be delivered to the venue on the day of the event and accurately placed at each supply point to ensure that runners can enjoy service guarantee at every stage of the race. At the same time, a number of clothing storage trucks that provide clothing storage services for runners also need to deliver the personal clothes of runners to the finish line in time. This puts forward high requirements for the precise service ability of logistics service providers and the execution of logistics fleets.

Jiangcheng Rongcheng one-day double race showed its skills, and Jingdong Logistics once again showed the style of "marathon logistics king".

△ In the early morning of the 24th, Jingdong Logistics transport vehicles were ready to go

As early as mid-February, Jingdong Logistics made detailed arrangements for material warehousing planning, sorting staffing, training exercises, etc., and conducted practical rehearsals along the competition route in mid-March. At 5 a.m. on March 24, in Wuhan and Chengdu, nearly 400 JD Logistics transport vehicles loaded with materials have arrived at the designated locations one after another, and the materials have been distributed in just a few hours and put on various supply points along the track. At the same time, nearly 100 clothing storage trucks also arrived at the starting point of the race to provide runners with in-race clothing storage services. After the competition, JD Logistics also carried out a unified recycling of the event materials.

The Chengdu Shuanghui Marathon passes through the Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project, which has been rated as a world cultural heritage and a world natural heritage, as well as many scenic spots such as Panda Valley and Qingcheng Mountain. In the event logistics service of Chengdu Shuanghui Marathon, in addition to material support and personalized services, JD Logistics practices green and low-carbon in the whole link, and transmits the green and sustainable development concept of the "Qingliu Plan".

Jiangcheng Rongcheng one-day double race showed its skills, and Jingdong Logistics once again showed the style of "marathon logistics king".

△JD Logistics is the designated supplier of the 2024 Chengdu Shuanghui Marathon

By serving two places and two marathons in one day, JD Logistics once again proved its professional ability in logistics support for large-scale sports events, and won unanimous praise from the majority of participants and organizers with its rich experience and innovative services. In the future, JD Logistics will continue to give full play to its professional advantages to provide high-quality service guarantee for more large-scale sports events and help the prosperity and development of sports.