
The religious inventory of Chinese beliefs, depending on which one you believe?


China is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, which has embraced the world's major religious beliefs for thousands of years. Such as Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, Islam, etc.

The religious inventory of Chinese beliefs, depending on which one you believe?

In China, citizens are free to choose, express their beliefs, and manifest their religious identity. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are the core of traditional Chinese culture, and the three are both different and related, among which Taoism and Confucianism are the local religions of the mainland, and they also have the greatest influence on the culture of the mainland.

The religious inventory of Chinese beliefs, depending on which one you believe?

1. Taoism

Taoism is a religion that originated in China, formed in the 2nd century AD, and has a history of more than 1,700 years. Taoism eventually originated from the ancient Chinese concept of ghost and god worship, with Zhang Daoling as the founder in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, calling him "Zhang Tianshi", Taoism is based on the way of immortality as the highest belief. There are more than 9,000 Taoist temples in China, and more than 50,000 people in Gandao and Kundao. There are 5 Taoist colleges. The number of believers is so large that it is difficult to count.

The religious inventory of Chinese beliefs, depending on which one you believe?

2. Buddhism

Before the Gregorian era, Indian Buddhism began to be introduced to China from India, and Luoyang White Horse Temple has been respected by Buddhist disciples as "Shiyuan", that is, the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism. The Buddhist scriptures always say: China has the Mahayana root instrument, which is the place where the Dharma returns. According to statistics, there are about 187 million people who self-identify as Buddhists.

The religious inventory of Chinese beliefs, depending on which one you believe?

3. Islam

Islam was founded by Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula in the early 7th century AD, and has a history of more than 1,300 years. During the Tang and Song dynasties, Islam was introduced to the mainland with Arab merchants and was called Islam, Halal or Tianfang. In the process of spreading and developing, Islam was combined with the feudal system of the mainland to form the church system and the eunuch system. There are 10 ethnic minorities on the mainland, with a total population of about 22 million, more than 35,000 large and small mosques, about 50,000 imams, mullahs, and other clergy, and 10 Islamic colleges.

The religious inventory of Chinese beliefs, depending on which one you believe?

4. Christianity

Christianity is divided into three major denominations: Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant, but each denomination has its own branches. They differ from each other in doctrine and form different systems of organization. Christianity was introduced to China in the early 19th century AD and on a large scale after the Opium Wars. There are more than 20 million Protestants, more than 37,000 pastoral and missionary personnel, more than 25,000 churches, and more than 30,000 simple places (meeting points) in China. The number of self-identified Christians is about 33.5 million.

The religious inventory of Chinese beliefs, depending on which one you believe?

5. Confucianism

Confucianism, originated in China. Based on the five religions and rituals of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the ancestors described Yao Shun, the charter of literature and martial arts, and the teachings were set up in the Spring and Autumn Period with poems, books, rituals, and music. Confucianism takes "Confucianism" as the highest belief, and is called "Confucianism" from the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and "Confucianism" to the Confucianization of Confucianism in the Qing Dynasty also belongs to the branch of Confucianism.

The religious inventory of Chinese beliefs, depending on which one you believe?

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