
Say good night to each other, but meet in the "King's Canyon" Is staying up late a disease, or is it medicine?

author:Love Jinan news client

"I went to bed at 4 o'clock, and I got up at 7 o'clock, and the king of Hades praised me for my good health. ”

"I'm not staying up late, I'm just having tomorrow in advance. ”

There have always been endless jokes about staying up late, but a survey has lifted the mask of jokes. According to the 2024 White Paper on Sleep Health of Chinese Residents, the overall sleep quality of Chinese residents is poor, with an average sleep duration of only 6.75 hours, an average sleep onset time after 0:00, half of the residents have insufficient sleep time at night, and 21% of residents have poor sleep quality. Many residents are at risk of sleep health.

"Go to bed early and get up early to be in good health" is well known, but what is the magic of "going to bed late" that makes so many people "bend their waists" for it?

Say good night to each other, but meet in the "King's Canyon" Is staying up late a disease, or is it medicine?


Some anxiety

Need to stay up late to heal

I have said goodnight to my friends and ended chatting, but I couldn't help but open the game while lying in bed, and I ended up meeting each other awkwardly at 1 a.m. in the "King's Canyon" in the game...... Have you ever experienced such a scene?

According to the white paper, only 29% of the population fell asleep before 23 o'clock, 47% fell asleep after 0 o'clock, and 13% of them fell asleep after 2 o'clock in the morning, and the average time of falling asleep before 00 was 0:33, and the average time of falling asleep before 70 was 23:02. "Nearly half of them fall asleep after 0 o'clock, and young people become the main force to stay up late", is the conclusion given by the "White Paper".

"Seeing so many people falling asleep after 0:00 like me makes me feel much more at ease. Looking at this set of data, Mr. Chen, a citizen, was helpless and a little relieved. Every night, he has to lie in bed and rely on the online articles and short videos on his mobile phone to "coax" himself to sleep. "I work in a financial institution, and I am usually under a lot of pressure, and getting a decimal point wrong can cause very serious losses, and my phone is still ringing when I get home from work almost every day, and I can't relax my mind until late at night. Mr. Chen said that he stared at his mobile phone, on the one hand, he wanted to relieve the pressure of work in a short video, and on the other hand, he also wanted not to miss work information, "The vast majority of the day is given to work, and only a short time in the middle of the night belongs to me." Ms. Chi, a citizen, also said in an interview that most of the people she knows who stay up late are young people, "like my grandma and grandfather's generation, they may go to bed at 9 o'clock at night." She told reporters that she often stays up late to play with her mobile phone, and most of the young people around her also choose to "take the initiative to stay up late", just to make up for the time occupied during the day.

For Mr. Chen and Ms. Chi, staying up late is both passive and active, both a "disease" and a "medicine". There are many people like them. Many netizens on social networks believe that "beating workers" has less and less time at their disposal, and they can only feel free by being alone late at night. Not only playing with mobile phones, but also building Lego, making handbooks, chasing dramas, etc., are all ways to decompress hidden behind the "late-night curtains".

A Weibo poll with nearly 24,000 people showed that as of March 24, there were 10,000 votes for staying up late, 4,893 votes for "passive insomnia", 7,317 votes for "both", and only 1,024 votes for "normal work and rest". Under related topics, some netizens said that "taking the initiative to stay up late is at least voluntary", "'beating workers' do not belong to themselves during the day, and they feel unhappy if they don't stay up for a while at night", "staying up late is painful and happy".


From stay-at-home moms to middle school students

Getting a good night's sleep is not easy

Although the majority of people seem to be "actively staying up late", the white paper also points out that 59% of the population has insomnia symptoms, and only 19% have no sleep disorder at all. When it comes to the causes of sleep disturbances, "easy or early awakening" and "difficulty falling asleep" are the most important, accounting for 16% and 14% respectively.

"I think the reason why I can't sleep well is that I have something in my heart. "Ms. Liu, a citizen, is a stay-at-home mother whose child is preparing for the high school entrance examination. At such a critical moment, she didn't dare to let go of the strings in her heart for a moment - she got up before 6 o'clock every morning to prepare breakfast for her children, took care of housework during the day, inquired about all kinds of high school entrance examination information, dealt with family chores, and began to prepare dinner and supper before the child went to bed in the afternoon. "My sleep disorder stems from the tension and anxiety of this special period, and what worries me even more is that there are also serious sleep disorders in the teenage group now. Ms. Liu said that from the children's stories, she learned that many middle school students have the situation of not being able to sleep at night and not waking up during the day, "Many middle school students rely on coffee to refresh themselves at a young age, and the side effect is that it is more difficult to fall asleep at night, which leads to a vicious circle." ”

Li, a third-year college student this year, told reporters that he and some of his classmates would also have insomnia before important exams and would be awake until three or four o'clock in the morning. "In particular, we are usually used to staying up late, forming a biological clock, even if we know that we have to go to bed early for an important exam the next day, we can't 'reverse jet lag'. ”

Some experts say that there are many causes of insomnia, and the factors that cause insomnia in different groups of people are also different, for example, insomnia in the elderly is often the result of a combination of factors, women are susceptible to the influence of hormone levels, and anxiety or stress events are the main causes of insomnia in adolescents or children.

Say good night to each other, but meet in the "King's Canyon" Is staying up late a disease, or is it medicine?


Staying up late while remedy

The "sleep economy" is quietly emerging

"When I opened the short video platform, there were a lot of videos and live broadcasts about sleep aids, and I had to listen to white noise to fall asleep almost every night. ”

In order to get herself to sleep as soon as possible, Ms. Liu tried many ways: eating melatonin, drinking hot milk, "counting sheep", listening to novels...... Recently, she has become obsessed with listening to the sound of rain and white noise on short video platforms, "These seemingly boring live broadcast rooms can have tens of thousands of people online at the same time at peak times. ”

"Stay up the hardest night, wear the most expensive eye cream. In order to save their own sleep, people even used their strong consumption power to give birth to the "sleep economy".

The reporter entered keywords such as "sleep aid" and "sleep" on the online shopping platform, and various products such as melatonin, health tea, and memory pillows appeared in the search list. A sleep tea launched by Beijing Tong Ren Tang has sold more than 100,000+ in a single store on Taobao; LINKPIN has launched a white noise speaker that can play 6 kinds of ambient sounds, with sales of more than 3,100 in its Douyin flagship store;A well-known men's clothing brand has also launched a variety of pillow products,One of which is a product introduction with an actual price of 69 yuan,The merchant claims that "technology improves sleep,Find your suitable height";Relevant data show that the search index of "high-tech sleep aid products" such as deep sleep cabins, electric beds, and smart mattresses is quietly rising......

The reporter noticed that services such as insomnia psychological counseling, singing bowl healing, and sleep head therapy have also attracted the attention of insomnia groups. There is even a "sleep" service on the e-commerce platform, and many merchants are trying to use words such as "free for the first order" and "24 hours" to attract consumers' attention and purchases, and the sales volume is also considerable. At the same time, traditional Chinese medicine milk tea, food tonic desserts...... In recent years, many businesses have played the "health card", and drinks such as "a whole root of ginseng soaked in water" are also very popular among young people who are keen on "punk health".


Arouse official attention

Getting into a good routine is key

Recently, the Institute of Sociology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences released the "China Sleep Research Report (2024)". According to the report, the sleep index of mainland residents in 2023 will be 62.61 points, a decrease of 5.16 points from the previous year. Residents between the ages of 18 and 73 need an average of about 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night, about the same as the previous year, but take longer to fall asleep and have a higher degree of sleep disturbance.

"How can I prolong my deep sleep?" and "What should I do if I have a lot of dreams?" and other questions are emerging on major social platforms, and the number of people seeking help is increasing day by day. It can be seen that in addition to sleep duration, how to improve sleep quality has increasingly become a topic of concern. In this regard, the "White Paper" also has an answer: people who have the habit of "going to bed early and getting up early" and love exercise have good sleep quality. Many interviewees told reporters that quitting the habit of playing with mobile phones before going to bed is helpful to get rid of the habit of staying up late; some respondents said that maintaining exercise is very effective in improving sleep quality, "During the day, I have the opportunity to go out to exercise more, release all the excess energy, and when I want to go to bed at night, I will fall asleep because I am tired." ”

Sleep problems have attracted official attention.

The "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)" issued by the National Health Commission includes sleep health as the main action indicator, and solving the sleep problem has become a proposition closely related to people's better life. The National Health Commission once replied to the "Proposal on Accelerating the Development of Sleep Medicine" put forward by the National People's Congress: sleep medicine, as an emerging discipline, has developed rapidly in recent years. Various medical institutions have also gradually attached importance to the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, and at present, many tertiary hospitals in China have opened sleep disorder diagnosis and treatment centers or sleep disorder diagnosis and treatment clinics. The "Reply" also mentions that in terms of improving the research system of sleep medicine, the state will strengthen research in the professional field of mental and psychological diseases.

If you want to get a good night's sleep, what other tricks do you have?

Street mining

Say good night to each other, but meet in the "King's Canyon" Is staying up late a disease, or is it medicine?

Interviewee: Mr. Gao

I usually don't go to bed until around 11:30 p.m., and before going to bed, I watch short videos, listen to songs, and occasionally play games. I think that staying up late is a serious problem for young people to stay up late now, and all kinds of things are being pushed later and later. Young people go to school and work during the day, so they can only play with their phones at night. I think as long as I fall asleep before 0:00 and wake up normally the next day.

Say good night to each other, but meet in the "King's Canyon" Is staying up late a disease, or is it medicine?

Interviewee Ms. Yu

I don't stay up late, and I don't play with my phone often before bed. For many people who stay up late and suffer from insomnia, I think if you want to improve it, you should keep exercising. I exercise for more than 1 hour a day, so I sleep well at night. And try to quit your mobile phone, put your phone away and go to sleep, otherwise the more you play, the more excited you become, causing a vicious circle.

Say good night to each other, but meet in the "King's Canyon" Is staying up late a disease, or is it medicine?

Interviewee: Mr. Xie

When I was younger, I used to stay up late to hang out with friends, but now that I'm 44 years old, I basically don't stay up late except for the occasional article on my phone. I think that many people have insomnia now because of the pressure of social survival, and many young people feel anxious and confused about the future. I think to improve this situation, you can read some in-depth books and don't be too anxious.


Sleep is also a social issue

Beijing Youth Daily

I don't know when "getting a good night's sleep" has become a luxury. When scientists reveal the causes of sudden death after staying up all night, while encouraging, the reality may be even worse than expected. In the past, because of the danger to their lives, it could also have a deterrent effect on some people, but once there is a definite prevention and treatment plan, some people will no longer be in moderation, but indulge themselves to stay up late, and even fall into a vicious cycle of work and rest.

According to the differences in the causes of staying up late, the industry has classified them more vividly, for example, the behavior of having to go to bed late because of the need to complete work and study tasks is called "forced to stay up late", and the behavior of having been accustomed to going to bed late is called "habitual staying up late", and some young people who know the dangers of staying up late but still stay up late are not far behind, labeling themselves as "staying up late with revenge". The first two kinds of staying up late are easy to face and deal with, but a person knows that staying up late is extremely harmful and there is no need to stay up late, but he carries out a self-harming "revenge stay up".

Reducing bedtime is not a good thing for modern people, but self-indulgence of depriving normal sleep and reversing biological schedules has actually become a pathology, and once it forms a clustering effect and a cultural phenomenon, it will also become a social problem. In a sense, this is actually another way of presenting "mourning culture". This is not only a scientific issue, but also a social one.

"A good night's sleep" shouldn't always be an extravagant expectation

Great River Network

"Sleep well" has become a simple and beautiful wish for many people. This requires us to find the root cause of "difficulty sleeping". On the whole, there are many factors that affect the quality of sleep, in addition to physical factors, more external factors are troubled. For example, the problem of electronics. Nowadays, people have a habit called "holding their mobile phones to sleep". Before going to bed, I am brushing my mobile phone, waking up in the middle of the night and brushing my mobile phone, and I have to brush my mobile phone when I go to the toilet, we have become a puppet of the mobile phone; for example, "go to bed early and get up early" is a healthy good habit, and now with the abundance of nightlife, many people are still spending all day and drinking in the middle of the night, which will obviously disrupt the healthy biological clock, so it will also be "sleepless all night"; Close to the construction area, 24-hour commercial entities and construction sites that work overtime have also become the public enemies of "sleep well".

"A good night's sleep" shouldn't always be an extravagant expectation. First of all, you need to understand and evaluate your sleep status. This may include recording the amount of sleep you get each night, the time you spend asleep deeply, the time you spend light sleeping, and more. Secondly, it is necessary to establish good sleep habits, such as maintaining a regular sleep time, relaxing before bedtime, and avoiding the use of electronic devices before bedtime. In addition, you can also try some healthy lifestyles such as maintaining a healthy diet, increasing exercise, etc.

Let's work together to create a better sleep environment where everyone can enjoy a healthy, good night's sleep. "Healthy sleep for all" can't just be a slogan, let's take action!

Shen Hui

Netizen @小月在线: Put down your phone and sleep well.

Netizen @桃桃咲富1005: I can't sleep at night, and I wake up early during the day.

Netizen @leezjiang: What keeps me awake? It's the boss, it's the work, it's the pressure.

Netizen @zofora: Let the live broadcast business change the event time to before 10 o'clock in the evening, and then talk about going to bed early.

Joy Vision

Loving yourself starts with valuing sleep

Applying facial masks, soaking wolfberries, and eating health products one by one, but staying up the deepest and longest night. This is a true portrayal of the "nightlife" of many people today.

Why can't I sleep? I think it comes down to anxiety. I believe that many people have a similar experience - after working all day obviously tired to "die", extremely miss their comfortable little bed, thinking that they can definitely sleep on the bed, but do not think that the later they are, the more anxious they are;

We need late-night solitude to prove that we can still be free for a short time. This is a kind of "compensatory psychology", a way of "loving yourself". However, this kind of "love for yourself" at the cost of physical health will eventually have to be paid for by yourself. When the hot search of "staying up late and sudden death" swipes the screen, who dares to say that they have no weak heart? Love yourself well, you should first consider health issues, which is the premise of all enjoyment.

To solve the problem of staying up late due to this "compensatory psychology", we may need to adjust our mentality in time, rather than accumulating all kinds of emotions into the night. If you're anxious about work, make a plan for yourself before you leave work to ease your anxiety, and if you're anxious about your family, give yourself some positive mental cues instead of blaming yourself for the fault...... If all problems have to wait until dawn to be solved, why waste the good time tonight?

Sleep well to do good. Loving yourself starts with valuing sleep. (Jinan Daily Reporter: Cao Yaxin Intern: Zhang Meili)