
Ten miles of spring breeze

author:Chunming woke up from a dream

Ten miles of spring breeze

Text/Ren Yuqing

During the small talk, the friend mentioned that he especially likes winter throughout the year. I asked the reason, the reason is also a long year of the long river sunset, when the snow falls for a few days, very few, unlike spring rain, summer rain and autumn rain, spring leaves, summer leaves and autumn leaves, there is always a lot of time for people to appreciate in a year, don't worry about missing it, and if you miss the snow, you have to wait another year. When I heard the praise, I not only knew that he had a soft spot for winter, but also noticed the tenderness in his heart, that is, he knew how to pity and learn to cherish.

Ten miles of spring breeze

Now the mighty spring breeze has dyed the mountains and rivers with green, changing the old calendar in the world. I also often think about how to learn to cherish it, make the most of it, and enjoy the gift of the monsoon, so as not to regret it when I miss it, and talk about regret when I lose it. In fact, I can't, even though there are twenty-four hours in a day, I have to be busy, I have to leave my clear mind for the busy work, I have to exchange my abundant energy for a small amount of money, most of my time does not belong to me, and this cherishment remains in a state of self-comfort.

The stepson is rich and noble, and who is willing to turn back. But reality is not a dream, life is not a myth, if you want to survive, you must first get a lot of strength, and then taste the sweetness. I think many of us are the same. I watched me and my friends day by day, from residence to post, and from post to accommodation, the monotonous normalcy was nothing more than moving from the gate of one prison to the door of another. So what's the joy for me and my friends?

Ten miles of spring breeze

Our laments, our sighs, our sad faces, why do we ask the sky for color? Our youth, our enthusiasm, our hesitation, why ask for a blueprint for dreams. We are like earthworms that come out of the soil after the rain, crawling out of the hole in the ground to find a breath of fresh air, crawling in the dark night, getting lost in the heavy fog, leaving bent traces behind us when we are at a loss, and exposed to the sun when our strength is exhausted, naked, leaving dry folded skin.

We are not pessimists of life, we are warriors who challenge life, we just feel a little tired, too much helplessness, which once dulls the passion in our hearts and extinguishes our horn of ambition.

Occasionally, I see my friends gazing at the yellow flowers blooming on the side of the road, wondering why the flowers are so strong. My friends will listen to the tunes of Yingge Yan for a long time, and miss their hometown relatives far away in the mountains. My friends will smell the gentle and pleasant spring breeze for a long time, miss the girl they love, and once again sincerely praise the weather is really good, and the sun is just right. I saw that my friends were silent, cheering, resolute, and tender. At that moment, I knew that we were all the same, flesh and blood beings.

Ten miles of spring breeze

Now the spring breeze is everywhere, the peach and willow green attractive eyes, the mountains and waters are moving, this is a visual feast, full of vitality of the exchange conference. I have often pondered another question, what is the difference between this year's spring and last year's spring? I think the similarity must be that the spring breeze can wake up the sleeping heart of a young man. In this regard, I hope that my friends and I will gradually wake up like Chunsheng, indulge in the spring breeze, slowly shape a different self, and live a beautiful life.