
Walking" ideological and political course cultural lecture hall

author:Zigong observes

Recently, the teachers and students of Zigong No. 19 Middle School embarked on a hiking journey with their love for their hometown and their vision for the future. This activity is not only a spring trip, but also a vivid and profound ideological and political lesson, allowing students to feel the charm of their hometown culture while walking.

Walking" ideological and political course cultural lecture hall

Along the way, the children passed through fields full of crops such as rape and beans, and passed through beautiful residential areas, where teachers combined the themes of crop planting and rural revitalization, explaining while walking, so that students could understand the culture and development changes of their hometown in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Walking" ideological and political course cultural lecture hall

Coming to the Xinmin Village Party and Mass Service Center, the children held activities such as teacher-student basketball friendly matches, class tug-of-war competitions, and teacher-student table tennis competitions under the organization of teachers. Afterwards, the children also walked into the "Children's Home" of Xinmin Village, picked up books and read quietly.

Walking" ideological and political course cultural lecture hall
Walking" ideological and political course cultural lecture hall

In the future, the school will continue to innovate the form and move the ideological and political classroom to the outdoors, so that students can understand the charm of their hometown and the spirit of salt transportation while walking, and lead young people to be the disseminators, practitioners and promoters of excellent culture. (Yao Zongjie)

Editor: Li Ran

Editor: Wu Shanguan

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