
Don't know what to eat for breakfast, don't worry, just 5 steps and teach you to make delicious purple potato bread crisp

author:No.1 Food Mansion

Hello everyone, the food I want to introduce to you today is called "Purple Potato Bread Crisp". For this pouring food, in fact, the author also looked at a lot of breakfast practices, basically many breakfasts are very similar, not egg cakes, or fritter buns, and then there is a street stall of mixed grain filling cakes, and the author today introduced this "purple potato bread crisp", it can be eaten as breakfast, can also be eaten directly as a dessert in the meal, a gourmet two ways to eat, and for sweets and coarse grains, not only healthy, but also favored by the majority of women and children. Then the author will explain the detailed preparation of this dish for you in detail, and hope to like it.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, don't worry, just 5 steps and teach you to make delicious purple potato bread crisp

Ingredients: 4 slices of sliced bread, 3 sweet potatoes, 1 egg, 50 grams of pure milk, 40 grams of breadcrumbs, and bring your own honey or sugar. There is no great difficulty in terms of raw materials, if purple potatoes do not like to eat, you can change sweet potatoes; sliced bread cake shops have to sell, very cheap.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, don't worry, just 5 steps and teach you to make delicious purple potato bread crisp

Step 1: Peel the purple potatoes, cut them into thin slices of about 0.5 cm, wash them and set aside, and then cut the sliced bread off the edges of the baking, because it is related to the aesthetics of the finished dish, so the "burnt edge" of the edges is cut off, if you dare to eat breakfast, you can not cut.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, don't worry, just 5 steps and teach you to make delicious purple potato bread crisp

Step 2: Prepare a rice cooker, add water to the pot, find a small vegetable bowl with purple potatoes, cover the pot and steam for 20 minutes. Generally speaking, if you don't have time in the morning, you can steam it the next night, and then after the next step, put it in the refrigerator and eat it in the morning.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, don't worry, just 5 steps and teach you to make delicious purple potato bread crisp

Step 3: Pour the steamed sweet potatoes into a large bowl, find an object that can crush the sweet potatoes, add milk and an appropriate amount of honey to the bowl, and then evenly chop into "sweet potato puree". If you're preparing for the morning, just put it in the microwave and heat it slightly.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, don't worry, just 5 steps and teach you to make delicious purple potato bread crisp

Step 4: Rub the crushed "sweet potato puree" into a ball by hand, squash it properly, and then place it on the sliced bread, a bit like a hamburger. Generally speaking, you can eat breakfast in the middle of the bag, and if you want to complete the whole picture of this dish, you need to proceed to the next step.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, don't worry, just 5 steps and teach you to make delicious purple potato bread crisp

Step 5: Beat the eggs in a bowl, then evenly stuff the egg mixture on the surface of the slices, then use chopsticks to press the four sides of the slices horizontally (remember to lay flat and press on the table, here is the shooting effect), and then wrap the bread crumbs on both sides. Then you add a little oil to the pan and fry properly, after all, the whole work is "cooked", the frying process is only to show the breadcrumbs and egg liquid in a "cooked" state. Generally 50% hot oil temperature, both sides can be out of the pan in 1 minute, a long time is easy to burn Oh.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, don't worry, just 5 steps and teach you to make delicious purple potato bread crisp

Finished product diagram display: Here the author cut the finished product diagonally into 4 pieces. Easy to shoot and put on the table, if you eat it yourself at home, you can directly fry it, find something to wrap it up and eat it. Isn't that convenient?

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, don't worry, just 5 steps and teach you to make delicious purple potato bread crisp

Then today's cuisine is introduced here, like the article friends pay more attention to me Oh.

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