
After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

author:Wise History
After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China
After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

The United States, the world's largest country, is the existence that many people flock to, and these people squeeze their heads in order to obtain American citizenship.

But there is such a person, he obviously has the ability to amaze the top level of the United States, and was even snatched up by several world-renowned companies and successfully obtained a US green card, but he still did not choose to become a US citizen.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

After 27 years in the United States, he resolutely returned to his homeland with sufficient funds and mature technical knowledge reserves, so that hundreds of companies "bloomed everywhere" in China.

Who is he, and what is his story?

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

Technological genius has become the industry's sweetheart

The appearance of a young man in Business Week caused an uproar in the business world, and the young man developed a voice recognition system that shocked everyone.

What is even more unbelievable is that such a pioneering technology was developed by this young man and his research team at school during the summer vacation.

Moreover, the advancement of this technology alone is enough to surprise countless people in the same field, and directly breaks the status quo of difficult language interaction.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

This young man is Kai-Fu Lee, who developed a voice recognition system that he had taken time to do during his Ph.D., and he was only 27 years old when he appeared in Business Week.

Speaking of why Kai-Fu Lee developed a speech recognition system, there is also an unknown little story.

When Kai-Fu Lee was studying in the United States, his most troublesome subject was English, and as a beginner, he sometimes couldn't understand what his classmates were saying, and he was rarely able to communicate with his classmates.

However, small difficulties like learning English were quickly solved by Kai-Fu Lee. It was precisely because of the embarrassment of learning English that he had an idea and began to develop a speech recognition system.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

I have to say that Kai-Fu Lee's first research achievement has attracted the attention of many people, and it can already be called the existence of a "genius", and the future development must be unlimited.

Many business bigwigs also noticed Kai-Fu Lee, and they handed olive branches to Kai-Fu Lee, quite a feeling that Kai-Fu Lee won the world.

A person like Kai-Fu Lee, who has the ability and is being scrambled by major enterprises, must have a very high salary and status after entering the company, but what people didn't expect is that Kai-Fu Lee chose to work at Apple directly after graduation.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

At that time, many people didn't understand why Kai-Fu Lee chose Apple, after all, the recession of Apple at that time was obvious, and Kai-Fu Lee should have a better choice.

So it can be seen from this that for Lee Kai-fu, treatment and status are not within his range of choice.

After joining Apple, Kai-Fu Lee used his ability to bring great benefits to Apple, and also made a contribution to Apple's technology research and development, improving the user experience and strengthening Apple's functions.

In short, the role that Kai-Fu Lee brought to him during his time at Apple is obvious to all, and Apple has gradually stepped into the right track with the help of Kai-Fu Lee.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

Kai-Fu Lee also brought his own voice recognition system to Apple, and also served as the head of Apple's voice department and the global vice president of the interactive multimedia department, which is enough to see Apple's recognition of him.

In our opinion, Kai-Fu Lee's achievements are remarkable, and he is a person who will not give up in the face of difficulties. And his ability to perform like this is inseparable from his experience.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China
After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

Childhood experience, patriotic and capable

In 1961, Li Kaifu was born in a well-off family, his father Li Kaimin was a former Kuomintang general, a person with the country in his heart.

Li Kaimin once studied at the Whampoa Military Academy, and later joined the Kuomintang, participated in battles, led troops, and later followed the defeated Kuomintang troops to Taiwan.

He was a very strict man, especially for Kai-Fu Lee, who was very serious about the education of his children, especially in the subject of history.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

Lee Kai-fu has listened to his parents tell stories about the past since he was a child, and under the influence of his parents' patriotic feelings, the young Lee Kai-fu also has a patriotic heart, and he is determined to serve the motherland in the future.

Whether in terms of learning or other aspects, Li Kaifu has always been very good, and his ability to grow up so well has always been influenced by his father Li Kaimin's high requirements.

At first, Lee Kai-fu's parents wanted to guide him in the political direction, so they had super high requirements for his words and deeds, but Lee Kai-fu was not interested in politics, and he had his own ideas in his heart.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

At that time, China's education was relatively backward, and Li Kaimin knew that his children's future was bright and did not want them to be trapped by backward education, so he sent Li Kaifu and his younger brother to the United States to study.

For Chinese education at that time, American education was decades ahead and could be said to be the training base for many outstanding scholars.

If it weren't for the sake of Li Kaifu's long-term development, Li Kaimin wouldn't want him to leave his homeland at a young age.

When 11-year-old Kai-Fu Lee first arrived in the United States, he did not understand the language.

He has known the truth since he was a child that he does not flinch when encountering difficulties, so Kai-Fu Lee relied on his own efforts to break the language barrier and start his learning journey smoothly.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

It was during his study in the United States that Kai-Fu Lee found the direction he wanted to study - computer.

At that time, computers seemed like an extraterrestrial thing to many people, let alone learning about their advanced technology, and it was difficult to even see them.

However, Lee Kai-fu did not retreat, on the contrary, he was full of confidence, geared up, and began his study in the field of computers.

For a creative and self-controlled student like Kai-Fu Lee, the American way of education is more likely to allow him to make achievements in the fields he loves or are good at.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

It was under such an opportunity that 16-year-old Kai-Fu Lee chose to major in computer science when he entered Columbia University.

He was admitted to Columbia University at the age of 16, and he still entered the computer science major that was very difficult to study.

And what can support Lee Kai-fu's reputation is the brilliant achievements he has created in the computer major, such as the voice recognition system mentioned earlier.

If you want to master more professional knowledge, it's just that four years of college are not enough, and after graduating from college, Kai-Fu Lee entered Carnegie Mellon University for further study.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

What's even more shocking is that it only took Kai-Fu Lee 5 years to obtain his graduation certificate during his further study, and it takes 7 or 8 years for other doctoral students to get their graduation certificates.

is such a person with his own unique ideas that will choose the declining Apple in an era when everyone chooses high salaries.

At this time, Kai-Fu Lee's story really began.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

Plan the layout and return to China to serve the country

After Apple's great achievements, Kai-Fu Lee could have spent the rest of his life with a high salary, or made greater breakthroughs in the field of Apple technology and went to a higher realm.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

But in 1996, Kai-Fu Lee resolutely chose to leave Apple and chose Microsoft, which had just come out at that time.

This choice undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Apple, and Microsoft warmly welcomed the arrival of Kai-Fu Lee, and it is difficult to find such an outstanding talent in the field of technology.

If Kai-Fu Lee was a manager at Apple, then he worked as a researcher at Microsoft.

The reason why Kai-Fu Lee made the choice to be a researcher is because although Microsoft has just started, they will definitely not be stingy with funds on technology research and development, which just provides a material basis for Kai-Fu Lee's research.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

It didn't take long for Kai-Fu Lee to establish his own research team at Microsoft, and during his time working for Microsoft, he helped Microsoft solve a number of technical problems.

Just when Microsoft was becoming more and more prosperous, Kai-Fu Lee turned to another company that was in its infancy, Google.

Kai-Fu Lee's departure can be said to have made Microsoft sad, but no matter how much salary they offered, they couldn't keep Kai-Fu Lee, and in the end they could only grit their teeth and give up.

Google has also begun to go uphill since the arrival of such a great god as Kai-Fu Lee, and they also have a chance to compete with a big company like Microsoft.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

But just when all the companies were thinking about Kai-Fu Lee's whereabouts, they smelled a hint of unease.

Because if a person really wants to devote himself to a certain field, how can he change jobs again and again? Unless the person has other intentions.

Sure enough, in 2009, Kai-Fu Lee submitted his resignation to Google, and returned to China with all the knowledge and technology he had learned, as well as his 864 companies.

This operation made foreign companies dumbfounded, and the U.S. government even came up with the condition of letting Lee Kai-fu become an American citizen to keep Lee Kai-fu, but Lee Kai-fu rejected it, because he had only one goal, that is, to serve the country.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

The return of Kai-Fu Lee has given China a glimpse of the light in the field of science and technology, and it has also allowed the Chinese people to see the future.

And this time Kai-Fu Lee has once again changed his identity and become an investor, he is investing in the dreams of countless young people and the future of the motherland.

He set up an innovation workshop in Beijing, providing workplaces and funding for countless young people with ideas and passions, covering a wide range of fields, from knowledge to culture, from travel to sports, in order to enable China to develop.

It is precisely because of investors like Kai-Fu Lee that many emerging companies have been able to develop better, such as Meituan and Maverick Electric Vehicle, which have now become leading companies in China.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

From the very beginning of Kai-Fu Lee's entry into Apple, he has been laying the foundation for his future return, he learned leadership skills from Apple, learned technology research and development capabilities from Microsoft and Google, and now all of them are used in the development of Chinese enterprises.

Lee Kai-fu once gave up his high salary and status and chose to study, but now he gives up stability and chooses risks, and every step is unexpected.

From 2009 to the present, more and more innovative enterprises have been well developed, and all this is as Kai-Fu Lee thinks, and only this result is worthy of Kai-Fu Lee's choice.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China


Kai-Fu Lee chose the computer major that the country lacked when others chose a high-heat major, chose to plan for a layout when everyone was pursuing a high salary, and chose to return to the country when China's economy was improving.

After earning 27 US dollars, the United States persuaded him to change his American citizenship, but he turned around and moved 864 companies back to China

All of this reflects his vision and outstanding ability, and his Innovation Factory truly opens the door to corporate innovation. His actions have deeply affected each and every one of us, and he has also set an example for every wanderer.

Chinese enterprises can have today's development, and countless young people can realize their dreams, it is precisely because of these people who know how to be patriotic and contribute to the country and the people to pave the way ahead, and future generations can go further.

And what is even more touching is the patriotic heart.

In this era when everyone is in danger, each of us should accurately grasp our life choices and run towards the motherland.


  • Author: Donald Duck
  • Edit: The sound of the night rain is annoying

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