
The 12th Lanling (Cangshan) Vegetable Fair will be held next month

author:Lunan Net

On March 24, in Beijing, in the studio of China Agricultural Film and Television Center, the press conference of the 3rd Rural Revitalization Brand Festival and the 12th Lanling (Cangshan) Vegetable Industry Expo was held. The 3rd Rural Revitalization Brand Festival and the 12th Lanling (Cangshan) Vegetable Industry Expo (hereinafter referred to as the Vegetable Expo) will be held in Lanling National Agricultural Park on April 12 for a period of one month.

The 12th Lanling (Cangshan) Vegetable Fair will be held next month

  According to reports, the theme of this year's vegetable fair is "green, innovation, science and technology, integration and sharing", highlighting the four concepts of "high quality, safety, green and health", and comprehensively displaying the achievements of rural revitalization and the history, culture and achievements of agricultural development.

The 12th Lanling (Cangshan) Vegetable Fair will be held next month

  Use food as a medium to build a new bridge for marriage and cooperation. With vegetables as the theme and rural revitalization as the entry point, this year's vegetable fair brings together more than 700 well-known enterprises at home and abroad, including 15 of the top 500 enterprises, and more than 20,000 intended buyers and professional visitors.

The 12th Lanling (Cangshan) Vegetable Fair will be held next month

  With exhibition customers, build a new platform for win-win cooperation. This year's vegetable fair carefully set up 4 exhibition areas, the exhibition area, the number of booths increased by more than 20% year-on-year, integrated with the latest concepts, tailored perfect display solutions for all kinds of products, meticulous, intimate and warm service, so that customers feel at home. At the same time, it extends 10 special exhibition areas such as Yimeng Grand Collection, Food Carnival, and Intangible Cultural Heritage Handicraft, holds 24 series of activities such as night tours and orchid exhibitions, and supports 6 boutique tourism routes such as ancient village flower sea and red research, so as to build a "exhibition +" ecosystem of "exhibition and sales tourism" multi-format integration.

The 12th Lanling (Cangshan) Vegetable Fair will be held next month

  With technical support, write a new chapter in agricultural development. Since 2023, Lanling County has been transformed into a national agricultural modernization demonstration zone, a national modern facility agriculture innovation leading area, the first batch of high-standard farmland remote sensing monitoring counties in the country, and a strong modern agricultural county in Shandong Province. At the same time, the China (Lanling) Garlic Annual Conference, Modern Agriculture Exhibition and Exchange Observation Meeting and other activities will be held to extend the display of bases, enterprises, parks and other platforms in the county, show cutting-edge science and technology, highlight the charm of agriculture, and provide new opportunities for visiting, learning, discussion and exchange, investment and business.

The 12th Lanling (Cangshan) Vegetable Fair will be held next month

  Empower with data to create a new scene of immersive experience. This year's vegetable fair comprehensively uses digital technologies such as holographic projection, virtual reality, and intelligent interaction, integrates elements such as booth layout, color matching, and lighting effects to create a new immersive experience scene, and synchronizes online and offline live interaction through new media platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, and video accounts. At the same time, the use of apps, mini programs and official accounts, etc., open online navigation, smart parking, information query and other applications, connect the "food, housing, travel, travel, shopping and entertainment" scenarios, and provide more high-quality, efficient and accurate intelligent services.

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  Do you know the six characteristics of Lanling?

  Lanling County is located in the south of Shandong Province and at the junction of Shandong and Suzhou, and is the "South Gate" of Shandong, with an area of 1,724 square kilometers and 17 township streets and 1 economic development zone. Lanling has six major characteristics:

  Lanling, Guxian County. Lanling was established in 2300 years and is the "first ancient county" of Qilu. Qu Yuan named Lanling with "Lanxiang Fuyu"; Xunzi, the "Later Sage", was the first Lanling Order, and 32 works such as "Persuasion" have been handed down to this day and are classic and immortal; Gao Changgong, the king of Lanling, was one of the four most beautiful men in ancient China, and "The Song of the Lanling King's Entry" has been praised for thousands of years, as well as historical celebrities such as Ji Wenzi, the incorruptible minister of Lu Guo, who "thought twice before acting", and Kuang Heng, who "chiseled the wall and stole the light". Lanling wine tulips have a history of 3,000 years, and Li Bai personally "endorses".

  Red Lanling. The 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army in Lanling was transferred to the first station in Shandong, the Lunan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery, and the belief in the party spirit education base, leaving countless touching red stories.

  Shanshui Lanling. Lanling County has the Lanling National Agricultural Park, a national demonstration site for leisure agriculture and rural tourism, the "First Peak of Lunan Province" Baoqinggu with only one road up the mountain since ancient times, the Huibao Lake National Wetland Park with the same color of water and sky and the beauty of ecology, the "China's most beautiful nostalgic tourist destination" with the flying geese of Lanling Lake and the "Lanling Suzhou Garden" Lanxi Wetland Park and other scenic spots, leading the new experience of "immersive" all-for-one tourism.

  Quality Lanling. Lanling County is a large vegetable county, with a planting area of 1.2 million acres, an output of 5 million tons, a history of more than 2,000 years of garlic planting, 500,000 people are engaged in the vegetable industry all year round, planting the whole country, buying the whole country, selling the whole country, known as the hometown of Chinese vegetables, the hometown of garlic, the hometown of burdock, and the vegetable garden in the southeast of Shandong. Lanling County is also a major mining county, with proven iron ore reserves of 1.3 billion tons, gypsum 1.1 billion tons, quartz sand 500 million tons, and limestone ore of 20 billion tons.

  Vitality Lanling. Lanling County will build "one district and multiple parks" such as the Economic Development Zone, the Intelligent Manufacturing New City, and the Low-carbon Economy Integration Industrial Park, and build an "8+1" industrial chain such as turning stones into gold, turning waste into treasure, and creating something out of nothing, and develop a circular economy. Government services are "integrated with one thing" and "done well at one time", and materials, time limits and links are reduced by 90%; inherit Xunzi's idea of "honoring the law and respecting the law", and explore the "Lanling path" of "love first, courtesy first, and law as the bottom" for the people, convenience and benefit.

  Qingyi Lanling. The three cultures of Qi, Shandong and Chu have been nourished by the convergence and nourishment, and have been baptized by the red revolution, the construction of new China, and the tide of reform and opening up, and have sharpened the excellent qualities of Lanling people who bear hardships and stand hard work, value love and righteousness, dare to think and try, and dare to be the first.

  Financial media reporter Wang Shengyu and correspondent Feng Lei