
If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

author:Immortal Emperor Chen Fan

In an old town, there lives a beautiful woman named Wan'er. She has a beautiful appearance and a gentle and kind character, which has attracted the hearts of countless young talents. However, there is only one person in Wan'er's heart, and that is her first love, Lin Yu.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

Lin Yu is a talented scholar who met Wan'er in his youth. They walked together on the path full of spring flowers, recited beautiful poems together, and shared each other's dreams, joys, sorrows, and sorrows. Their love is like a spring flower, blooming brilliantly and beautifully.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

However, fate played a cruel joke on them. Lin Yu's family suddenly changed, and he had to leave the town to pursue his future. Before leaving, he made an appointment with Wan'er, and when he became famous, he would come back to marry her.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

Wan'er said goodbye to Lin Yu in tears, and began a long wait. Time flies, and several years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Wan'er still keeps the promise of her first love, and she will not change her mind. But Lin Yu was silent, as if he had disappeared into the vast sea of people.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

Every time the autumn wind blows, Wan'er will take out the painting fan and gently stroke the pattern on it, reminiscing about the good times spent with Lin Yu. Her heart was full of longing and pain, but she always believed that Lin Yu would come back.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

Finally one day, Wan'er heard a news that made her heart beat faster - Lin Yu returned to the town. She couldn't wait to run to the place they had agreed on, only to see a scene that broke her heart.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

Lin Yu has become a wealthy businessman, surrounded by numerous beauties and suitors. His gaze no longer had the tenderness and affection of the past, but was full of indifference and alienation.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

Wan'er burst into tears, she couldn't accept the facts in front of her. She asked Lin Yu why he broke his original promise, but Lin Yu just said lightly: "If life is only as it was when we first met, it was just a good memory of our youth, and now we have embarked on a different path." ”

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

Wan'er left in despair, knowing that their love was like a dilapidated painting fan, and there was no going back to what it used to be. From then on, Wan'er closed herself off and no longer believed in love.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

However, the cycle of fate is always unexpected. On a late autumn night, Wan'er was walking alone on a quiet street, when suddenly, an autumn wind blew, and the painting fan was blown to her feet. She bent down to pick up the painting fan, and found that there was an extra line of words on it: "Wan'er, I have always been by your side." ”

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

An inexplicable feeling surged in Wan'er's heart, she raised her head and saw Lin Yu standing not far away, her eyes full of affection and remorse. It turned out that Lin Yu experienced many setbacks and tribulations after leaving the town, and he realized that wealth and status do not bring true happiness, and the love in his heart has always been Wan'er.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

Lin Yu confided his heart to Wan'er, and Wan'er finally let go of the pain of the past and accepted his love again. They walked hand in hand through the ups and downs of life until their gray hair was gray.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan

If life is only as it first sees, although the beauty may pass away, true love will become more firm and precious in the tempering of the years. The story of Wan'er and Lin Yu has also become a good story in the town that has been passed down through the ages.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan