
The self-cultivation of the airborne leader

author:Heavy Flames

Author丨Rekindle Stone

The self-cultivation of the airborne leader

When I was building internal mechanisms, I was most afraid that the company had hired airborne leaders. Because the negative behavior of the airborne leaders adds a lot of extra work to me, they usually do the following:

1. Rush.

The new official takes office with three fires, this is a common topic. The airborne leaders hoped that they could quickly establish their prestige, and found fault with all kinds of faults at the beginning of their employment, and then rudely "prescribed the right medicine" and promulgated a series of corresponding punishment mechanisms. They think that by doing so, others will obey and the company will gradually get on the right track.

In reality, however, this practice is undoubtedly pushing oneself into the fire pit. Some seemingly simple problems of the company cannot be solved after many years, and they must have their particularities. Ignoring this premise and blindly reforming will only breed the resistance of the patriarchs. When the patriarchs felt that their position was threatened, they would often huddle together and find ways to get rid of the airborne leadership.

Rest assured, none of the bosses would choose to trust the Airborne Forces completely and dismiss all the other members.

2. Always compare past success stories.

I'm ashamed to say that I've made that mistake before. I always feel that my system is scientific, feasible, and impeccable, and whenever I see other people doing things that do not meet my own standards, I will complain "how did I do it in XX company before". After a while, my boss came to me and said, "You are now from our company, don't keep comparing with your previous company." ”

What the patriarch is most disgusted with is: You are a newcomer, you always feel that you are very powerful, and then you want to reform us, who will accept this kind of management? Just like parents always compare the good children of the next door with us, it is difficult for us to accept the truth.

3. Without courage, employees compromise if they question a little.

In the final analysis, it is a matter of competency. Many airborne leaders were smooth sailing in the original company, thinking that everything would be the same, so they directly applied the original mechanism to the new company. As a result, when the employees of the new company questioned the rationality of the mechanism, or even openly opposed the new mechanism, they did not have a good response and had to compromise in the end.

In fact, there is no such thing as "perfect" in the system. As long as someone is more serious, we can always find the positive and negative logic of the system, and if we do not have a firm belief and the courage to promote a new mechanism, then the reform will only end in failure.

The self-cultivation of the airborne leader

As an Airborne Leader, if we want to survive and make a difference, follow these 3 elements:

1. Clarify job responsibilities.

Before joining the company, please clarify with your boss the goals and related work, and how to weigh the completion of the work. Otherwise, it is easy to fall into passivity, and when the standard is judged entirely by the boss's thinking, the outcome is often unsatisfactory.

2. Don't seize power as soon as you take office.

Normally, don't take up your position right away, and demote yourself by 1-2 levels first. For example, when we apply for a human resources director, we will first be a personnel manager or personnel supervisor when we join the company. During the probationary period, if we do our job well and let others feel that we are not bad, everyone will have a value ranking in their hearts and put us in a higher position. As time goes by, most people will be convinced when they recognize us and then move to the target position.

3. Don't be drastic.

The problem of the enterprise is by no means a matter of one or two days, what we really have to think about is: "I can see this problem, and I believe other people can see it too." Why can't they solve it? It only shows that there is a deeper reason behind it. ”

Therefore, when carrying out the work, we must start from the simple, fast and easy-to-deal problems, quickly see the results, let everyone feel that the change is very good, most people are beneficiaries, and the previous confusion is gradually clear. We need to accumulate small successes and small victories, so that others feel that we are an enabler and a person who helps the company grow, so that we can slowly integrate into the new team.

The self-cultivation of the airborne leader

Every business has a unique rhythm that we call "blood". The Airborne Forces belong to "foreign blood", and if they are rashly fused with "native blood", they will inevitably produce rejection. We must first feel the pulse of the enterprise, otherwise it is easy to step on the landmine and eventually it will only be wiped out.


About author:Rekindling stone, 7 years HRD, 4 years COO. Follow me, continue to share workplace operation and management concepts, and help you open up new ideas in the workplace.