
Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

author:Lao Su said things

Chinese football, an explorer in a difficult situation

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

Chinese football has always been regarded as an eternal problem. In this hot topic, there is a football coach who is over fifty years old, his name is Zhang Yu. He had dreamed of leading the national team out of trouble, but the reality was so cruel. Every attempt is like banging on an impassable wall.

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

In a recent international match, Zhang Yu led the national team against an inferior opponent, but could only get a draw. This defeat made him extremely depressed, and he began to doubt his own ability, and even began to doubt whether Chinese football could really get out of the predicament.

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

However, despite all the difficulties and challenges, Zhang Yu did not give up. He still believes in his dreams. In an interview, he said that what Chinese football needs is not only a good coach, but also a systematic training system and a team full of passion and fighting spirit.

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

This remark has triggered deep thought about Chinese football. What is causing the slump in Chinese football, is it the lack of talent, or is it a problem with the system, or is it the lack of support from football culture? All these have led to endless speculation and thinking.

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

Perhaps, Zhang Yu is right, what Chinese football really needs is not only a victory in a game, but also a spiritual baptism and a cultural precipitation. I hope that Chinese football can rejuvenate itself and usher in new hopes and opportunities under such efforts.

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

However, there is another important reason why Chinese football is in trouble, and that is the lack of football culture. Compared with major football countries such as Europe and South America, China's football culture is relatively weak. In these countries, football is not only a sport, but also a way of life, a spiritual pursuit. In China, the status of football is relatively low, and people pay more attention to other sports such as basketball and table tennis.

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

If we want to change the status quo of Chinese football, we must fundamentally change people's attitudes and perceptions of football. It is necessary to promote football culture and cultivate more football lovers and practitioners through various channels. Only by integrating football into people's lives can we truly stimulate people's enthusiasm for football and promote the development of Chinese football.

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

In addition to the lack of football culture, Chinese football also has a series of problems in talent training. For a long time, Chinese football has relied more on foreign aid and naturalized players, while neglecting the cultivation and promotion of local players. This has led to the lack of talent in Chinese football, and the overall strength of the team cannot be improved.

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

If we want to change this situation, we must increase investment and support for youth football. Starting from the grassroots level, a perfect youth training system has been established to cultivate more outstanding football talents. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the training and guidance of professional players to improve their overall level and competitive ability.

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

To sum up, Chinese football is facing many difficulties and challenges, but it also contains huge potential for development. Only through the joint efforts of the whole society can we realize the dream of Chinese football taking off. May Chinese football usher in new glories in the future!

Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!
Three slaps to wake up Chinese football, it is not possible to change the coach, naturalization, and the Football Association!

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