
The runners have blown up! The medals are gone, the things can't be found, do you dare to run this marathon?

author:Running guide

Last weekend, Wuxi Marathon, Wuhan Marathon, Chongqing Marathon, Chengdu Shuanghui Marathon and other events started one after another, from north to south, from east to west, marathon events across the country have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, attracting a large number of runners to participate.

However, with the surge in the number of participants, the organizational problems of some events have gradually been exposed, especially the Chengdu Shuanghui Marathon, which has attracted widespread public attention.

Many runners reported that they encountered problems such as insufficient medals and chaotic access to packets when participating in the event, which not only affected the experience of participating in the marathon, but also made people question the management and organization of the marathon. More and more voices are shouting "return the money", demanding an explanation and compensation from the event organizers.

The marathon is no longer just a simple sports competition, its holding and execution are directly related to the quality of the event, the rights and interests of the participants, and even the attention of the public.

The runners have blown up! The medals are gone, the things can't be found, do you dare to run this marathon?

Medal distribution puzzles

In the Chengdu Shuanghui Marathon, the problem of insufficient finisher medals has become the focus of discussion among runners more and more frequently.

During the incident, many runners expressed their dissatisfaction with waiting 30 minutes to 1 hour in the cold wind after the race to receive their finishers. This not only tested the limit of the participants' perseverance, but also brought a huge burden to their body and mind after the competition.

The runners have blown up! The medals are gone, the things can't be found, do you dare to run this marathon?

For marathon runners, the medal is not only a piece of metal, but also an affirmation of their perseverance and dedication. The scarcity of finisher medals also reflects the lack of pre-race preparation and the inability of the event organizers to deal with unexpected situations.

This situation touches the hearts of every runner, and it also affects the quality of the event and the reputation of the organizers.

The runners have blown up! The medals are gone, the things can't be found, do you dare to run this marathon?

The access package link is chaotic

In the just-concluded Chengdu Shuanghui Marathon, the storage bag originally designed to facilitate the storage of personal belongings for the participants was not firmly pasted with the number plate sticker, which caused many runners to encounter great inconvenience after the race.

The numbered plate is the only way for the contestant to retrieve the stored items, and the sticker is easy to fall off, making the numbered plate easy to lose, which in turn triggers a series of chain reactions.

The runners have blown up! The medals are gone, the things can't be found, do you dare to run this marathon?

Due to the loss and confusion of numbered plates, the bag storage office became extremely crowded after the race. Runners had to squeeze through the crowd to retrieve their bags, trying to find their numbered plate matching bags. This process not only takes a long time, but also makes the runners feel exhausted.

To make matters worse, it took up to an hour for some runners to retrieve their belongings. In the context of the exhaustion of running a marathon, such a wait undoubtedly exacerbates the physical and mental stress of the runners. In addition, this chaos has increased the workload of staff and further reduced efficiency.

The runners have blown up! The medals are gone, the things can't be found, do you dare to run this marathon?

After the race, the traffic was inconvenient

In this Chengdu Shuanghui Marathon, there are still many runners who reflect the unreasonableness of the ferry bus setting.

First of all, the distance between where the shuttle bus is set up and where the bag is drawn means that runners will have to walk for a long time to get to the shuttle bus stop after they are already exhausted. Not only did this greatly increase their physical exertion, but it also made what should have been a joyful and relaxing post-race moment difficult and exhausting.

The runners have blown up! The medals are gone, the things can't be found, do you dare to run this marathon?

Secondly, the instructions of the shuttle bus are not clear, and there is no clear signage indicating the specific location of the shuttle bus, resulting in many runners looking for the vehicle in confusion. In the case of physical and mental exhaustion, this feeling of not knowing what to do undoubtedly exacerbates the fatigue and anxiety of the runners.

Due to the lack of clear instructions and the lack of ferries, the runners had to wait for a long time in the cold wind, which not only tested their patience, but also greatly reduced their overall experience of the marathon.

The runners have blown up! The medals are gone, the things can't be found, do you dare to run this marathon?

The organizing committee apologizes

Based on the above problems, there are many deficiencies in the organization of this year's Chengdu Double Heritage Marathon. Due to the lack of medals and the confusion of the access package, it not only affected the athletes' competition experience, but also caused a lot of damage to the reputation of the event.

After the game, the organizing committee also apologized:

"When the volunteers reported that the medals were running low, we immediately took emergency measures and transported them from the warehouse as soon as possible, and delivered the medals to the finishers in about 20 minutes. At the same time, for some finishers who left the race in advance, we reserved contact information, and communicated and reissued the medals as soon as they were delivered. ”

The runners have blown up! The medals are gone, the things can't be found, do you dare to run this marathon?

We should see that the holding of every large-scale event is not a simple matter, and there are both the accumulation of experience and the overcoming of challenges.

For the Chengdu Shuanghui Marathon, this question can be regarded as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Feel free to talk about any of the marathons you have ever had a bad experience?