
Chapter 1: The Blood Festival

author:Knife and pen officer

The river is surging and the waves are magnificent.

  A festival is being held by the river.

  Solemn and smoky.

  The priests were dressed in fine clothes, holding ritual vessels, and chanting words in their mouths.

  On the altar, instead of three animal sacrifices, two bound boys and girls were placed!

  Only listen to the babbling of the boys.



  No one else had heard these words, and they thought he was scared silly.

  That's right, he crossed.

  Tong Nan was originally the son of a farmer in this Guobei County, named Su Chen.

  He has sword eyebrows and starry eyes, a face like a crown of jade, and a bookish air in his handsomeness!

  The Su family is a big family, managed by Su's father and Su Chen's second uncle, and life is passable.

  Su Chen is almost sixteen years old and has studied in private school for several years.

  Some time ago, Su's father was seriously ill and died.

  Left behind a large amount of debts left over from medical treatment.

  Su's mother was overly sad and whimpered.

  Second Uncle Su and Aunt Su quickly split up, left the debt to Su Chen, and kicked Su Chen out of the house.

  The creditor, Master Wu, looked at the handsome Su Chen and wanted Su Chen to be his personal attendant to pay off the debt.

  But Su Chen refused.

  Because Master Wu is famous for his goodness in Longyang!

  As a result, the county wanted to worship the locust god, and it needed boys and girls.

  Su Chen made this boy to pay off the debt to Master Wu.

  There is quite a spirit of "no freedom, rather death!"!

  However, when the sacrifice was about to begin, he eventually died of grief.

  That's why there is Su Chen who came through here.

  Su Chen tried all kinds of methods, but he still didn't change out the system or the golden finger!

  He was already preparing to accept his fate.

  This is a decaying dynasty.

  The Great Liang Dynasty has lasted for more than 600 years, and it has long accumulated deep drawbacks.

  This is a world where ghosts, gods, demons and people coexist.

  Sacrificing ghosts and gods has long been strange.

  Sacrificing the living is not uncommon, and it is especially popular.

  There are no other ghosts and gods who like to eat the living!

  The virgin next to her was crying, and the guard was upset.

  Zhao Siwu said viciously:

  "What's it called? Wait until you call it! Hmph! You deserve it! I'm not cheap when I'm dying! I deserve to be sacrificed!"


  In fact, the boys and girls were all selected in advance, and then in order to prevent escape, they were all locked up in the county jail.

  Zhao Siwu's heart was full of desire to take advantage of the virgin, but he was ignored.

  So this Zhao Siwu is very angry.

  Seeing Su Chen looking at him, Zhao Siwu said angrily: "What are you looking at? Wait a minute, you won't be better!"

  Zhao Siwu turned around and walked down the altar.

  Su Chen looked at the back of this servant and was angry in his heart.

  It's not that this official has the good of Longyang, but that this official insulted a scholar's wife in front of all the prisoners last night.

  The scholar was framed, and his wife went to visit him.

  Then the servant did something inferior to the animal.

  The scholar crashed into the wall and died on the spot.

  The woman also bit her tongue and committed suicide.

  Su Chen is also helpless, now that he can't protect himself, how can he punish this scum?

  Su Chen only hoped that the process would be faster, and maybe he would be able to travel back after death.

  The locust temple in a yellow robe wishes.

  Miaozhu said in a loud voice: "The auspicious time has come!

  The people put the offerings they had prepared on the offering table under the altar.

  Miaozhu said in a loud voice: "Please Lord Locust God! Bless me Guobei County with good weather and good weather!"

  After muttering for a while.

  With a wave of his hand:


  Then each of them stepped forward with a stick of incense and respectfully inserted it into the incense burner.

  Su Chen saw a mysterious yellow aura flying out of the offerings and incense.

  After flying into the sky, he took a spin, and then went straight to Su Chen.

  Drilled into Su Chen's body in one go.

  A few words appeared in Su Chen's mind, and the numbers behind the words kept flickering!

  [Strength +1!]

  [Strength +1!]

  [Strength +3!]



  With the breath submerged into the body.

  Su Chen felt that his body had recovered and his strength had become better, he had become more comfortable, stronger, and stronger in some places.

  Su Chen felt a strong anger sweeping towards him.


  An earth-shattering roar made Su Chen dizzy.

  The atmosphere at the scene instantly froze, and everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

  Deep in my heart, I seem to be able to clearly hear the earth-shattering roar, which is terrifying.

  The county commander's face turned pale, he looked at Miaozhu nervously, and asked in a trembling voice: "Huangmiaozhu, is this ...... What the hell is going on?"

  Miao Zhu was also at a loss, but he tried to stay calm, took a deep breath and said, "My lord, don't panic. This...... This must have been the locust god's eagerness to enjoy the blood food, so that such a vision was revealed. ”

  Huang Miaozhu's gaze swept downward, looking at the believers who were trembling with fear, he raised his voice and shouted: "Don't panic!

  Under the coercion of the temple blessing, those people who were originally panicked, looking at the officials holding steel knives, had to choose to kneel on the ground honestly.

  And in this chaos and fear, only Su Chen could feel the monstrous anger.

  In his eyes, it was as if he could see clouds of black gas rising from the fields in the distance, and these black gases quickly gathered into the sky, and finally condensed above the altar.

  An aura of incomparable evil rushed towards him like a raging storm.

  A voice that couldn't speak clearly sounded in Su Chen's ears, "Yet...... Give it to me!"

  The temperature around the altar dropped significantly.

  Su Chen was in a state of confusion, and he didn't understand what was going on.

  I felt death coming.

  The voice was like a voice from hell.

  Su Chen saw that the locust god statue opposite him began to change, like a balloon that had been blown up, and it was gradually getting bigger.

  The locust god's head was unusually large, covered with raised nodules and horns, its eyes were blood-red, and its mouth was wide open, revealing sharp and sharp fangs.

  The locust god's limbs were slender and powerful, each finger was as sharp as a knife, and a pair of huge wings spread out behind his back.

  The locust god turned into a three-meter-tall giant, and his deep fingers grabbed at Su Chen with full anger.

  Although Su Chen's strength had recovered, it was not enough to break free.

  The claws as sharp as knives had already grabbed Su Chen's head.

  Su Chen had already felt that the blade had cut through his skin.

  Su Chen was ready to die.


  A perverse cry rang out.

  Su Chen saw a flash of red fly out of the virgin's body in a trance.

  The red light flashed, and the locust god's claw was cut off after the red light flashed.

  Su Chen couldn't take care of the bleeding wounds on his body.

  Because Su Chen saw a fiery red chicken flying in the sky.

  is using his beak to peck at the locust god.

  With each peck, the body of the locust god was pecked out of a hole.

  One in heaven and one on earth.

  Within a few blows, the locust god let out a terrible cry, and was eaten clean by the fiery red divine chicken.