
Party Newspaper Daily Reading: 2024-03-25 People's Daily Golden Sentences (Issue 4296)

Party Newspaper Daily Reading: 2024-03-25 People's Daily Golden Sentences (Issue 4296)

Focus on building high-standard farmland (talk today)

into rain

People's Daily (2024-03-25 Edition 01)

  In Changde, Hunan Province, the 10,000-mu comprehensive demonstration area of grain production is flat and fertile, with fields into squares, canals into networks, roads and ditches connected, and the whole process of rice production is mechanized. In Fuxin, Liaoning Province, farmers in Yingzi Village, Saoli no longer "rely on the sky and wait for rain", open the smart water meter of the farmland irrigation water source project, plug in the water card, and the cool water mist falls into the farmland and moistens the green seedlings...... Pieces of high-standard farmland have turned "small fields" into "large fields", "broken fields" into "whole fields", and "grain fields" into "fertile fields", which have effectively promoted agricultural mechanization, water conservancy, informatization, and standardized production.

  Food production is fundamentally on arable land. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "it is necessary to build high-standard farmland, implement moderate-scale operations, strengthen policy support and demonstration guidance, increase the promotion of improved seeds, good opportunities and good methods, and work intensive cultivation to further improve grain yield and quality." This year's No. 1 central document proposes to "adhere to quality first, and give priority to building cultivated land in the black soil area, plain area, and areas with water conservancy and irrigation conditions into high-standard farmland." To ensure national food security, take the road of agricultural modernization, and build high-standard farmland is an important starting point.

In recent years, we have accelerated the legislation on cultivated land quality protection, implemented black soil protection projects, strengthened the management of degraded cultivated land such as acidification, implemented actions to improve cultivated land organic matter, and promoted the comprehensive transformation and utilization of saline-alkali land...... Giving prominence to the protection of cultivated land and the enhancement of soil strength, truly turning cultivated land, especially permanent basic farmland, into modern fertile land suitable for farming, ensuring harvest in drought and flood, and producing high and stable yields, and making every inch of cultivated land a fertile soil for a bumper harvest will certainly ensure that grain can be produced, supplied, and supplied at all times, and the Chinese's rice bowl will be firmly held in their own hands.

Ecological restoration, expanding the continuous green

Dig deep into the potential and develop green chemical industry

Innovation-driven, accumulating green kinetic energy

Consciously be a selfless devotee who is committed to the benefit of the people (People's Forum)

- "Strive to run the baton of history" (3)


People's Daily (2024-03-25 Edition 04)

  "Residents' income growth and economic growth are synchronized", "guide high-quality medical resources to sink to the grassroots level", and "increase the supply of childcare services through multiple channels...... Opening this year's "Government Work Report", the temperature of people's livelihood can be felt, which not only shows a heavy answer sheet for people's livelihood, but also plans a full list of people's livelihood. Only by doing it year after year, one after another, can we have a more and more solid guarantee and a better and better life.

  Bringing benefits to the people is the greatest political achievement. "We must consciously be selfless devotees who are determined to benefit the people", General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment has pointed out the direction for the growth and success of young cadres. Young cadres are in a good period of developing their abilities and abilities, and they must stand firmly on the people's stand, firmly establish the masses' viewpoint, and do a good job in doing practical things for the people's livelihood, so that they can truly become cadres who are loyal and reliable to the party and the people.

  Our party seeks happiness for the people and does things for the people. In starting a business, young cadres and officials must first solve the problems of who to create achievements, what kind of achievements to create, and how to create achievements. Party spirit plays a decisive role in establishing and practicing a correct outlook on political achievements. Only by having a strong party spirit and abandoning selfish and distracting thoughts can we ensure that there is no deviation in the outlook on political achievements. Young cadres must buckle the "first button", strengthen their ideals and beliefs, keep in mind their original aspirations and missions, treat power correctly, and ensure that the power given by the party and the people is always used to seek happiness for the people. Only by adhering to the people-centered development philosophy and planning and advancing work, insisting that development is for the people, development depends on the people, and the fruits of development are shared by the people, can we create achievements that can stand the test of history and the people.

  For the benefit of the people, in the final analysis, it is necessary to solve the problems of the people's urgency, hardship and longing with heart and affection, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security. Huang Wenxiu, who had just arrived to work in Baini Village, Leye County, Guangxi, had cried her nose because of the unfamiliar situation, but she worked with the villagers, chatted about family life, helped the masses sweep the yards, and planted oil tea, and soon won the support of the masses and opened up the work situation; she looked for funds everywhere, invited experts, stayed up all night to come up with countermeasures, make plans, and drive the masses out of poverty and become rich with industrial development. Only by keeping our hearts close to the masses can we fully understand the true feelings of the people, experience the safety and well-being of the people, and then improve the people's livelihood and well-being in a targeted manner, achieve good facts and things in the hearts of the masses, and win the trust of the people with practical achievements.

  The grassroots are the best classrooms, and the masses are the best teachers. Only by going to the masses and going to the frontline of the grassroots can we find ideas and methods for starting a business. In Ningde, Fujian Province, the fine tradition of "four grassroots units" has continued for more than 30 years, which has really improved people's livelihood and well-being, and also tempered the ideological style of the majority of party members and cadres, especially young cadres. Implementing the party's mass line and persistently going among the masses and in practice is of great importance to young cadres changing their work style, increasing their abilities, and improving their abilities. Only by truly treating oneself as a member of the masses and the affairs of the masses as one's own affairs, improving the methods of mass work, and raising the level of mass work, can we draw lifelong experience and wisdom from the vivid and vivid practice at the grassroots level.

  "Our goal is ambitious and simple, and it boils down to making life better for ordinary people. "Anchoring the established goals, showing the determination to overcome difficulties, tempering the perseverance of the day by day, and allowing the party to serve the country and dedicate themselves to the people, young cadres will definitely be able to run the baton of history and be good successors to the cause.

"Chain reaction" to open up the industrial space

  Light can be the thinnest knife and the fastest blade.

"Chain reaction", in "fusion" and "poly".

"Forward-looking thinking" to lead transformation and upgrading

"Rainforest ecology" stimulates the vitality of scientific and technological innovation

Scientific and technological innovation can lead industrial innovation to release surging momentum, and continuously promote the development of mainland manufacturing industry to high-end, intelligent and green

  Only by paying more attention to the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, so that the "good technology" of more innovation chain can become the "new application" of the industrial chain, so as to enhance the technical support capacity of industrial innovation and development, and realize the same frequency resonance of technological innovation and industrial quality improvement

The "new quality productivity" is characterized by innovation, the key is high quality, and the essence is advanced productivity.

To release the intrinsic charm of rural culture, it is necessary not only to dig deep and strengthen protection, but also to make a fuss about creative transformation and innovative development

Looking at the land of China, the scale of rural cultural and sports activities in various places has been expanding, and rural culture has ushered in more development opportunities. It is expected that more and more places will organically combine protection, inheritance, development and utilization, organically combine the excellent heritage of agricultural civilization with the elements of modern civilization, and gather a joint force to promote the revitalization of rural culture, so that the life of the villagers will be more prosperous.

Gather sand into a tower, and accumulate water into an abyss. Mobilize the strength of the whole society, start from you and me, start from bit by bit, protect the ecological environment like protecting eyes, treat the ecological environment like life, and use actions to contribute to the construction of ecological civilization, and we can burst out the majestic power of building a beautiful China.

Farming is a profession worthy of respect, and agriculture is a promising career. Build a platform and a stage for new farmers, and more young talents will be able to take root in the fertile field, work hard, and make wonderful moves, and contribute to the construction of an agricultural power.

Traveled all over the rivers and lakes to study fish genes

Overcome the difficulties of breeding and increase the production of crucian carp

Guide the practice of breeding and serve the development of the industry

With the development of mobile Internet technology, formalism has moved from "desks" to "fingertips", and the "work groups" and "government affairs apps" have increased the burden on grassroots cadres.

WeChat groups and government applications have been cleaned up and rectified in many places, but the problem of excessive traces still exists in some places

Instead of simply taking ledger records as the basis for assessment, the government application of duplicate construction is gradually decreasing

Break through data barriers, integrate system terminals, and reduce the burden of grassroots cadres switching government applications back and forth

Ganzhou has strengthened the talent platform, implemented measures to attract and cultivate talents, and further optimized the talent development environment. A group of industry leaders, innovative teams, and young talents came to Ganzhou to start a business and develop. Talent is prosperous, and the industry is strong.

Take advantage of the advantageous conditions to develop the cultivation of black fungus industry and drive the employment of the masses at their doorsteps, open up sales channels through e-commerce live broadcast, help villagers generate income and get rich, study science and technology, promote the upgrading of the industrial chain, and build a modern production line...... In recent years, Wangqing County, Jilin Province, has actively guided rural poverty alleviation households to develop industries, and continued to promote agricultural efficiency and farmers' income.

Stabilize employment, and people who have been lifted out of poverty can go to work at their doorsteps

Promote revenue growth, and e-commerce sales drive sustainable development

Seek upgrading, and promote science and technology to help extend the industrial chain

Promoting production through education and assisting teachers through production is an important starting point for promoting the high-quality development of vocational education

Promoting production through education and assisting teachers through production is an important starting point for promoting the high-quality development of vocational education. Accelerate the formation of a development pattern of benign interaction between industry and education, and complementary advantages of schools and enterprises, continue to optimize the supply structure of human resources, and help more vocational college graduates to find employment smoothly and obtain more adequate career development space.

From professional runners to mass runners, more and more people are running on the road of "faster, higher, stronger", enjoying the joy of sports, and jointly painting a dynamic picture of national fitness

The policy effect continued to be released, promoting the economic rebound

Do a good job of coordination and cooperation, and policies stimulate endogenous economic momentum

Strengthen policy coordination to ensure that efforts are made in the same direction and a joint force is formed

Policies are introduced to solve problems and promote development.