
Humans, all sorted!

author:User Yin Haitao

Human beings, the group that "dominates" the blue planet, are really "diverse". Tall and short, fat and thin, poor and rich, etc., you name it!

Humans, all sorted!

The "giant" is straight into the sky, and the "dwarf" is very down-to-earth. The fat man has a round waist and a strong body, and the thin man is skinny. Beautiful women and handsome guys are domineering and beautiful, and ugly people are disgusting. The rich spend their money, and the poor suffer. The world is full of wonders!

Humans, all sorted!

In the world, the most difficult thing to find is "fairness"! Everyone is "conceived in October" and is born with a distinction between beauty and ugliness, height and shortness; everyone works silently and works hard to make the country strong, but the wealth they possess is very different! It is said that the wealth in the world today is highly concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people. All this is melancholy and sad!

Humans, all sorted!
Humans, all sorted!

As a matter of fact, no matter who they are, they all have joys, sorrows, and sorrows! The ruler is short, and the inch is long, and the "tall" and "white, rich, and beautiful" also have their unspeakable secrets; and the "short, ugly, and poor" groups also have their own joys. Abandon your worries and face the sea, that is, spring is blooming!

Humans, all sorted!

To live, everyone must go through all the sorrows alone!

People live, forgive the hardships of life, forgive their own incompetence!

Humans, all sorted!

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