
Be vigilant! These are all violations of the law and crimes

author:Yongle Micro Police

Mobile phone cards and bank cards are indispensable things for people in life

Be vigilant! These are all violations of the law and crimes

However, the "two cards" have become a tool in the eyes of swindlers, and with the mainland's vigorous efforts to deal with the illegal and criminal activities of the two cards in recent years, the difficulty of obtaining the "two cards" has been increasing, and the swindlers are also trying their best to lure the masses to cross the boundaries of the law with high rewards......

Case 1

Suspect F was introduced by a friend and engaged in helping others collect money and transfer money. Accompanied by friends, the two sides went to other provinces to open a bank account. A few days later, F found that the bank account had multiple large transaction records. After a few more days, F found that his bank account was frozen, and F felt that something was not right, so he voluntarily surrendered.

Be vigilant! These are all violations of the law and crimes

The routine is revealed

Scammers buy bank cards that are normally used in other people's names to receive illegal and criminal gains, and then quickly transfer the funds before the bank account is frozen, so as to complete the fraud.

Case 2

Suspect Z saw a part-time job advertisement on a short video platform and took the initiative to contact the other party. A few days later, Z received some "data cables", and the other party told Z that he only needed to connect to two mobile phones through the "data cable", and one of the mobile phones could maintain a QQ voice call with them. After working according to the other party's instructions for two days, Z was arrested by the public security organs.

The routine is revealed

The "data cable" in case 2 is actually a GOIP device. The scammer uses the "data cable" to connect two mobile phones through QQ voice or other voice software, synchronizes the mobile phone with a foreign number to a normal mobile phone in China, and then makes a fraudulent call to the victim, so as to achieve the purpose of using a domestic mobile phone to make calls from an overseas number.

Common GOIP devices

Be vigilant! These are all violations of the law and crimes

Popularization of law classes

01 Bank card violations

Those who illegally sell, lease, or lend their own bank cards to assist fraudsters in committing fraud shall be suspended for 5 years from all non-counter operations of bank accounts and payment accounts, and must not open new accounts for 3 years.

02 The mobile phone card is illegal

For those who illegally sell, rent, or lend their own mobile phone cards, and assist fraudsters in committing fraud, all communication services such as mobile phone numbers, fixed-line numbers, wireless network cards, and Internet of Things cards under their names shall be shut down in advance, and shall not be restored without permission after being shut down, and new network access services for communication products shall not be handled within 5 years.

Be vigilant! These are all violations of the law and crimes

Once it is suspected of "two cards" illegal crimes

It's not just about making a huge impact on lives

They will also face severe legal sanctions

Don't defy the law

Material source: Guangzhou anti-fraud service account