
Emancipate the mind and do good deeds, strive to move forward丨Nanyi Town: strive to create a new situation of economic and social development in the town

author:Jiujiang Ruichang released

Since 2023, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Nanyi Town has always been guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the inspection of Jiangxi, united and led the cadres and masses of the town, closely followed the development strategy of "opening up and leading, green demonstration, strong industrial city, and striving for the first", overcame difficulties, forged ahead, accelerated the pace of building a rich, civilized, beautiful and happy new Nanyi, and achieved "a steady growth" Two significant improvements" and "three continuous improvements".

Emancipate the mind and do good deeds, strive to move forward丨Nanyi Town: strive to create a new situation of economic and social development in the town

Strengthen the economy, promote development, and achieve "a steady growth". In 2023, Nanyi Town will overcome the impact of downward pressure on the economy, and the main economic indicators will achieve steady growth. Exceeding the annual investment target task, the Jiangxi Ruici new material project with an investment of 100 million yuan was put into operation in the same year, and the modern agricultural project of Jiangsu Agricultural Group signed a framework agreement with the municipal government, and Zhongkang Biotechnology Co., Ltd., which integrates the production, processing and sales of tree feed, has completed the construction of the first phase of the base and plant. The annual output value of Haoyu Machinery Co., Ltd., a local enterprise, exceeded 20 million yuan and continued to grow bigger and stronger. The rapid development of local settled enterprises has been realized, and the newly introduced enterprises have continued to relay.

Emancipate the mind and do good deeds, strive to move forward丨Nanyi Town: strive to create a new situation of economic and social development in the town

Strong industry and excellent environment have promoted "two significant improvements". First, the development of rural industries has been significantly improved. The pace of development of traditional agriculture is more stable. We will continue to promote the development of traditional industries of "grain, oil and cotton", and complete the planting of 18,000 mu of rice, 18,000 mu of rapeseed and 5,000 mu of cotton in 2023. The prospects for characteristic planting and breeding are better. Paradise Village explores the development model of Liancun and builds a 6,000-square-meter constant temperature water circulation soft-shelled turtle breeding base, breeding 450,000 soft-shelled turtles, with an annual income of 1.5 million yuan. The industrial efficiency is stable, and the development prospects continue to improve. Qianjin Village started the tree planting and feed deep processing project, and the first phase of the construction of 300 acres of tree planting base and tree feed deep processing workshop, after being put into operation, the annual output value reached 6 million yuan. Rural tourism is even more popular. Dongsheng Village's "Happiness Lane and Water Cloud Room" B&B develops rich tourism formats such as barbecue, camping, outdoor singing bar, suspension bridge, etc., and creates an integrated rural tourism spot for eating, living, traveling, traveling, shopping, and entertainment, with an endless stream of tourists on holidays, and will be rated as a 3A-level rural tourism spot in Jiangxi Province in 2023. The brand of the e-commerce industry is louder. Xingming Village opened a Nanyi native bean folding and processing factory, opened a live broadcast sales model of local specialties, broadened the sales channels of "Nanyi native products", enhanced brand awareness, and further drove the villagers to increase their income and become rich. Second, the construction of market towns has been significantly improved. In accordance with the idea of "precise planning, exquisite construction, fine management, and lean management", with the intangible cultural heritage of bamboo weaving as the foundation, more than 3,000 yuan has been invested to complete the main network of 6 kilometers of strong and weak electricity into the ground, 10 kilometers of road white to black, 20,000 square meters of sidewalk upgrading, 100,000 square meters of house façade renovation and environmental improvement along the Xiaoyuan River, the construction of mass cultural activity squares, the transformation of farmers' markets, Construction tasks such as the construction of bamboo weaving intangible cultural heritage corridors have radiated the area of nearly 1 square kilometer of the market town, comprehensively improving the living environment and functional taste of the market town. At the same time, it has built a digital Nanyi service center and a comprehensive governance platform for digital villages, and built a new pattern of social governance empowered by science and technology and with the participation of the whole people.

Emancipate the mind and do good deeds, strive to move forward丨Nanyi Town: strive to create a new situation of economic and social development in the town

Strengthening governance and benefiting people's livelihood have promoted the "three sustained improvements". First, people's livelihood and well-being continue to improve. We will unswervingly strengthen people's livelihood and benefit people's livelihood, actively respond to the demands of the masses, and vigorously promote the construction of more than 8,000 acres of high-standard farmland. More than 30 water conservancy facility construction projects, more than 10 road reconstruction projects such as the construction of G316 Nanyi demonstration road have been fully completed, the 4.2-kilometer Yangliu Highway two-lane reconstruction project has been progressed in an orderly manner, and the "one old and one small" happiness home in Xingming Village, Xinfu Village Nursing Home, and Wangjiapu Village Elderly Activity Center have been put into operation, and the people's sense of gain and happiness has been significantly improved. Second, the rural customs and civilization continue to improve. Successfully held the 11th "Changning Brothers Cup" basketball game and various cultural activities; continued to promote the bamboo weaving culture, focusing on the construction of market towns and beautiful villages to actively integrate the bamboo weaving culture, with cultural heritage for the construction of beautiful villages to cast the soul, in the construction of beautiful villages to cultivate intangible cultural heritage, showing the unique humanistic features of Nanyi; primary and secondary schools set up bamboo weaving training classes, organize and carry out bamboo weaving culture research, so that the intangible cultural heritage treasures can be passed on from generation to generation, so that dedication, lean, focus, The spirit of innovative craftsmen has been passed on from generation to generation; the Xingming Murata family ancestral hall has been upgraded and transformed as a pilot project, implanted the traditional culture of respecting the elderly and filial piety, vigorously cultivating and practicing the core values of socialism, and making the rural ancestral hall a new position for changing customs and customs; carrying out the selection of typical representatives such as "civilized family" and "good mother-in-law and good daughter-in-law", selecting a number of advanced models and exemplary figures, and guiding the establishment of a new style of civilization. Third, the ecological environment continues to improve. Since the beginning of this year, we have adhered to the principle of controlling the source, strengthening governance, and strictly supervising the water source, and started the construction of the sewage treatment terminal for the protection of the Wangfu water source in Xingming Village, strengthened the protection of the water quality of the water source, and effectively guaranteed the safety of the people's drinking water; Illegal logging of forest resources, strictly abide by the basic farmland ecological red line, and earnestly ensure the safety of food production, carry out in-depth environmental improvement of villages, continue to beautify the appearance of villages, strengthen the publicity, inspection, and control of forest fire prevention and the ban on straw burning, and protect the beautiful ecology of bluer sky, greener mountains, and clearer water.

Emancipate the mind and do good deeds, strive to move forward丨Nanyi Town: strive to create a new situation of economic and social development in the town

Nanyi Town will focus on the goal of "going ahead, striving for the first, and doing good", implement the decision-making and deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to the letter, strive to create a new situation in the economic and social development of the town, and continue to contribute to the strength of Nanyi for Ruichang to be a pioneer in building an advanced manufacturing base in Lingang.

(He Wei)

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