
In the eyes of men, these kinds of women are not suitable for lovers, but do you have you when you marry and go home to be a wife?

author:Wu Qingxi

From a man's point of view, there are often subtle differences in the roles of lovers and wives.

The lover is more in pursuit of emotional satisfaction and stimulation, while the wife is an indispensable partner in life, carrying the warmth and responsibility of the family.

Therefore, some women may not be suitable for lovers in the eyes of men, but they are very suitable for marrying and becoming wives.

This perception not only contains the emotional needs of men, but also reflects the importance of marriage and family.

This article will analyze several types of women who are suitable for marrying as wives in the eyes of men, and explore the reasons for them.

In the eyes of men, these kinds of women are not suitable for lovers, but do you have you when you marry and go home to be a wife?

1. Virtuous and virtuous, a woman who runs a family

In the eyes of men, virtuous and virtuous women who are good at home are often the most suitable to marry and be wives.

Such women usually possess the virtues of traditional women, they know how to take care of the family, how to balance family and work, and how to show their wisdom and patience in the tedious chores.

Their existence allows men to work hard outside with peace of mind without worries. At the same time, they are also mentors and friends for the children, creating a warm and harmonious atmosphere for the family.

However, such a woman may seem too traditional and conservative in the lover role, lacking the passion and romance required of a lover. Therefore, in the emotional world of men, they are more suitable as wives than lovers.

In the eyes of men, these kinds of women are not suitable for lovers, but do you have you when you marry and go home to be a wife?

2. A woman who is empathetic and knows how to communicate

Women who are empathetic and communicative are also extremely attractive in the eyes of men. They are able to perceive men's inner needs, understand their worries and stresses, and give appropriate support and comfort.

In their dealings with men, they know how to listen and how to express themselves, making communication smoother and more effective. Such a woman is not only able to enhance the relationship between husband and wife, but also to bring harmony and stability to the family.

However, in the lover role, overly empathetic women may make men feel less challenged and stimulated, as they are often able to easily penetrate the man's mind, making emotional communication less suspenseful.

Therefore, in the eyes of men, such a woman is more suitable to be a partner in life than a short-term lover.

In the eyes of men, these kinds of women are not suitable for lovers, but do you have you when you marry and go home to be a wife?

3. A loyal, single-minded, trustworthy woman

Loyal, dedicated, and trustworthy women have an extremely high status in the hearts of men. They take their relationship seriously and responsibly and do not betray or cheat on their partners easily.

In the eyes of men, such a woman is worthy of being entrusted for life. Their presence makes men feel at ease and grounded, and they are able to devote themselves to their families and careers.

However, in the lover role, a loyal and dedicated woman can make a man feel constrained and stressed.

Because lover relationships often carry a certain amount of uncertainty and variability, and an overly loyal woman may make men feel that they are not free to enjoy the diversity of emotions.

Therefore, in a man's emotional choice, such a woman is more suitable to be a stable partner than a short-term lover.

In the eyes of men, these kinds of women are not suitable for lovers, but do you have you when you marry and go home to be a wife?

Fourth, unpretentious, pragmatic and thrifty woman

Unpretentious, pragmatic and thrifty women also have an irreplaceable place in the hearts of men. They do not seek vanity and glitz, but focus on practicality and practicality.

They know how to manage their family's finances and how to create maximum value with limited resources. Such a woman brings a stable economic foundation to the family and also makes the man feel satisfied and at ease in his material life.

However, lover roles tend to focus more on emotional communication and experience than on material satisfaction.

Therefore, an unpretentious, pragmatic and thrifty woman may appear lacking in interest and romance in the lover role.

But in the eyes of men, such women are ideal for a wife because they can bring stability and happiness to the family.

In the eyes of men, these kinds of women are not suitable for lovers, but do you have you when you marry and go home to be a wife?


To sum up, there are many types of women who are suitable for marriage and wife in the eyes of men, but their common characteristic is that they can bring stability, harmony and happiness to the family.

These women may not be perfect in the role of lovers, but they are the ideal companions and wives in the hearts of men.

Of course, everyone's emotional needs and values are different, so when choosing a partner, we should make the most suitable choice for ourselves based on our actual situation and needs.

At the same time, we also need to realize that both lovers and wives need to work together to maintain a healthy and long-lasting relationship.

Therefore, we should cherish the people around us, manage our feelings with heart, and create a happy future together. Finally, I hope that everyone can find the most suitable person for themselves, go through every stage of life together, and write their own happiness story together.